Friday, May 23, 2008

PickAsidz: Piecemeal

Blank: Trax is you understand the dark you survive better in the light!

Trax: But dark riders glide in todays society don't they?

Blank: Hellbringaz, Nightbringaz, Lightbringaz, Deathbringaz, Limbats and all of those foolios? You think it's hard to be good?

Trax: I think it spreads...

Blank: I hear you on that, but Blake is your litmus boy!

Trax: That was my Mom's choice in a forensical boytoy.

Blank: He wants to get to know you better and you are so different than the suckers he deals with.

Trax: You mean he has a heart or something?

Blank: I mean he is your stepfather and your kin.

Trax: But he is not much older than me and acts like a stockholder in a chemist's allegory?

Blank: The chemisty is set in the moment Trax.

Trax: With him it's like boring touring with no scenic view and nothing is ever a picnic.

Blank: At least there is no panic in his pinata kid!

Trax: You mean steady like eveready?

Blank: More like a dirty duracell!

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