Saturday, May 31, 2008

Pick Asidz: Grocery Gross-Clyde's Solioquey To: Method Man

Clyde: Ticked tocked off and with my cock in hand...away like the chiming cookoo clock. The hour hand reaches my climax with today's bitch...The second hand is asking for more, but my stomach lining is also asking for pleasure. Trying to furfill all my needs I open the fridge finding only trivial mixes. I need a snack like I need a fix and today the bitch already fell asleep. I wish I was rich so I could order in, but it looks like I'll hit the grocery store. Grocery Store aisle six is where I find the Nutty Buddys, Aisle 7 and I'm in heaven with Bert and Jerseys Funky Monkey. Yes it's been a day with hell to pay if I don't conform and consume. Sue me if I don't cave in like El Capitan which only I know about...

Real Be the Squire of Desire...don't squat on Trax's head!

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