Friday, May 23, 2008

Pick Asidz: El Tigre

Clyde: Here comes Army guys! Hey where are the air force, navy and marines?

Armitage: They are on my fare craft carrier...You gotta be courageous to engage us!

Clyde: You're cause is a contagious connundrum. Do you support your own aggregate supply and demand?

Armitage: Nope I just apply and command!

Crux: Silly hoser this trick and her bids.

Clyde: What if I propose to you with new panty hose and an old shoe?

Armitage: Then I'd cry boo hoo hoo and find something else to do.

Selene: You know you are more crotchety than a toothless tiger? You sweat her too much and I'll get you some kitty censures!

Clyde: Oh, so you'd bring out old frosty the ho man?

Selene: Chicka chucka just don't bug her.

Clyde: What about you baby? I think I got enough change in my pocket?

Selene: Stick your change up your chimney! Cause you don't chim chim charoo my goo!

Clyde: Okay scary floppings...What do you think I'm a pussy sweeper or something? This toothless tiger ain't going back to no juggle jungle. At least not all bungled up like a knotted firehose! I think I'll stay away from prey day and go sharpen my flaws.

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