Saturday, May 31, 2008

Pick Asidz: Grocery Gross-Clyde's Solioquey To: Method Man

Clyde: Ticked tocked off and with my cock in hand...away like the chiming cookoo clock. The hour hand reaches my climax with today's bitch...The second hand is asking for more, but my stomach lining is also asking for pleasure. Trying to furfill all my needs I open the fridge finding only trivial mixes. I need a snack like I need a fix and today the bitch already fell asleep. I wish I was rich so I could order in, but it looks like I'll hit the grocery store. Grocery Store aisle six is where I find the Nutty Buddys, Aisle 7 and I'm in heaven with Bert and Jerseys Funky Monkey. Yes it's been a day with hell to pay if I don't conform and consume. Sue me if I don't cave in like El Capitan which only I know about...

Real Be the Squire of Desire...don't squat on Trax's head!

Pick Asidz: Beach Ball Bummer

The Capitulating Duets go to New York to visit Flipsidz in Harlem...

Trax: Dude that was crude in the lewd lounching a shitty beachball at the Jersey Shore. From across the bay like a pickle missile. Launching at the moon and Dr. Doom at the same twilight.

Crux: Lounging ain't nothing but beating the town sing along scene here in the phony taco they call Nueva York.

Sicco: Together we are Capitulation's Catapult down the city stride with Clyde the Glyde...

Clyde: How come the city smells so bad?

Cleu: Cause the Cockroaches barbeque man!

Get a Cleu!

Pick Asidz: Blankus Prankus

Blank: Unzippety Booyah Baby! (Hiding behind the door)

Armitage: You scared tease...bloody charlitans been pestering me all day long!

Blank: So you wanna do get backs?

Armitage: How am I supposed to do that?

Blank: Ah english need an update in the street version of "Bling Dong Dutch". How do you feel about streaking?

Armitage: You mean like getting naked and running around town?

Blank: I mean like painting yourself like a mural and wearing panty hose over your head. Imagine pulling a heist garbed in that fashion?

Blah, Blah, Blah...ding ding...Go 50!

Dreamscapz: In the Past

It all has to start with a few guinea pigs...

Year 2010-

Dr. Tomas: I'm going to hypnotize you Persiphone and I want you to relax, close your eyes and think of clouds in the sky as you listen to the sound of my voice.

Persiphone: What is this stuff you have me hooked into?

Dr. Tomas: It's called a "DreamPod" and it will awaken your subconscious into the most vivid dreaming you have ever experienced.

Persiphone: So I'm the first to enter what you call the "Dreamscapz"?

Dr. Tomas: You are the first patient of mine with post treumatic stress disorder to undergo the "DreamRoots" treatment regiments.

Dreamscapz-The Beggining

Narration: Lost in the paradigm of a dream's hypothesis I navigated to a forever quandry. Where do I descend in the Night's Dreamscape? You ask yourself questions in the dream, sometimes noble, most times self serving. But all the while touching the soul's reserve of an abundant apparition in self. What to hold onto with no precipice of peace? If you could only bring back what was found in an unconscious tantamount to your existance. What if you could bring back something from the "Dream Nexus" An enchantment of some kind that casts a spell in the "Dayscape" (the real world) or the "Nightscape"(the dream world). Or bring back a squid potion that can be enhanced through "Cerebrovision"? It first started as a way to help the mentally disabled and turned into a dream junction testing the limits of imagination. Dial Dreamscapz for a consultation. Cerebron is waiting...

Pick Asidz: Crafted, but not your usual ecclishifted insomniopath!

Trax: The target is the crosshair upon which we stare!

Blank: The mission is coalition!

Cleu: The missile that guided the thistle?

Sicco: Or the hare that made the dare.

Clyde: Like the rabbit out of bad habit?

Demon Santa Doll: The voice of equal choice!

Trax: Where the hell did that come from? Did someone cast a spell on my demonic Santa? We are all rehearsing and slow versing to the diversing of the dastardly coherent...

Crux: The power is in the hour! I put a spell on it from the hypogenesis spellbook I found in Blank's collection.

Demon Santa Doll: I come from a bad place to be in your face!

Sicco: Okay I just ran away with the mace of a disrupted place!

The Hypogenesis Spellbook was found in the Library of the Narcisist...In Blank's collection of Nostropodia.

Pick Asidz: Pistol Petunia To: Kirsten Dunst

Trax: You are adorable except I gotta keep you away from guns!

Loca: Guns, smuns and those darn nuns!

Trax: Well it's not hella luya to yah!

Loca: Bang, bang cowboy! Get your grits off my knits.

Trax: Or you will tie me in knots?

Loca: Nope just lasersights with bright red dots!

Trax: So what am I? Top Gun of the Home Run?

Loca: Nope, just another loser having some fun!

Trax: Stash the cash little one, another spell from hell is in the place I dwell!

Loca: Well you don't gotta yell! Hell is well after Saiten fell...but I'm your little angel?

Trax: Nope you are my sweet little succubus! Don't have a conniption, but I overstepped my stop in fool's paradise with perrogative's purgatory!

Loca: Last stop on the hip hop tour bus?

Trax: Or the gothic goody gumdrops!

Chic layout-Kirsten=Goth, Kiera=Punk, Reese=Hippie + prep
Kirsten-Cat's Eyes capsize me as I stake my claim on the world and the wold.

Lack of Daze of Whimsical Part 1

The priceless prince was pondering a new world order to the land of smitten desires. Managing both fire and ice to the ethos of the pyre as he bled the fountain of truth. An appendage overstepped falling from good graces over the acres of feudal topsoil. But escaping from the brush to a land of lush had always been on his mind. The evil magistrates sequential cast by an alloted vote took him by the throat and shook him violently. The belligerent King stole his last princess to be, but carefree as he was, he knew she was only a grub and his mate predestined by the clan lied in a foreign land over the ocean. To get there he had only to dream and in his mind's eye he wandered in wonder. Or so he thought that this dilemna was caught between the kingdoms of winter woes. For when it came spring, he would finally be crowned King and they would cast out the berating belittler...

Friday, May 30, 2008

Pick Asidz: Point Taken To: Snoop Dogg

Point: I'm a crooked cop, but so are most of them. They get too friendly with the criminal element and they invoke upon themselves a criminal mentality. There are two sides to that coin as one is good when you think like one, but don't act on it. Me I take action to get a reaction. I want them to feel the heat on my beat. I've been getting friendly with this new Spanish Streetgang called the "Grinderz", as Cog, their leader used to be a dope dealer that I gave a break to. He broke into a museum that was supposed to be carrying faustian artifacts and I let him loose with only a spanking. Now he lets me in on the rare artifactz business and some of the drug game. I always wear a vest, but I'm not impervious to a head shot. His colleagues are vatos to the extreme. They call themselves the HellBringaz. Something about demons and the Mexicans, as if God didn't let their kind into heaven. They expect the worst thirst and I quench them with some craverade.

You wanted in on this...well be a badge badger buddy!

Pick Asidz: The Diabolical Diablito To: Sen Dog from Cyprus Hill

Cog: I used to run the "Grinderz" street gang with Cleu before he left us for those freaking "Capitulating Duets" motherfuckers. Chingate aquello puto! Bendejos all of them! We have our own Demonology in our little groups and cliques. Some people think we are saitanists and they are right. When Lucifer fell he left a trail with him and we search for it. We are like "Saitan Hunters" or some crap like that. We divert most of the relics from Africa and South America sent to Blank and Cloudz. Little Man Blake thinks he can sell them all on E-bay or something? Cabron machismo mierda! We confiscate them and put hellbringaz to rest in peace, spanish style. We govern such diablitos with our own rules and regs. This crazy cop called "Point" wants a piece of our action. I think he reads too much "Spawn" comic books chico! Cause real demons don't pick a side. They just manifest and possess. We have some exorcists on our squad for those kind of dilemnas and mishaps. Lucifer might have as well been spanish. Cause out attitudes would surely have gotten us kicked out of heaven! Vatos no es Gatos son!

Ayuda me senore? I will make it worth your while...

Pick Asidz: Hamburger Hopscotch To: Samuel L. Jackson

Traz: My grandad used to be a guardsman at Alcatraz back in the yester years. So I got this nickname of "Traz" on the force, as I was once a beat cop and now a detective. The renegade junctions call me "Officer Mumbo Jumbo" cause I have an insistance to believe in greater powers than myself. Forces are always at work that we as human beings do not know about and/ or could not fathomly comprehend if we did! Some of the old ghost stories of Alcatraz made me aware of this as a kid. The condemned do their time not only in this life, but in the afterlife as well. These crazy kids in this pseudo streetgang called the "Capitulating Duets" deal with forces greater than they can comprehend, as my grandpa gave me a book of their so called "Nostropodia" that they seek from me. It was written by an inmate possessed by a spirit and talked about the netherwold or some stuff like that. He wrote this thing called the "Metamorphosis". He was one of the last inmates to get transfered from the facility to another prison. Don't ask me to talk about it too much...It kinda reminds me of the days of the Salem Witchcraft trials if the other guys on the force knew I had such a thing, as I would instantly become an outcast. But seriously, how do you deal with witchcraft as a cop? That question is best left to ghosthunters and alien patrolers most likely. I'm just a general crimes detective, I'm not even homocide, that is how I'm able to keep an open mind. I deal with ordinary people, so I know about trivial erradications, but not the compulsitory.

Welcome aboard the thing that you and I started...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Pick Asidz: Programmed to Hobnob To: Will Smith

Eye Candyz: I am a gigalo and people don't realize what it takes to be one these days! You have to physically sculpt yourself, mind and body. Meld yourself to a person in the moment and then disengage for the next pursuit. Sometimes I feel like a bomber, as precise as an artist, with a bomb to detach and then recharge. Men aren't as able to continously screw like women. So you have to schmooze more with charm and foreplay. You learn a lot from the person you used to be. Then you mold yourself into a simulation of predication. The women are always the dominant ones in this trade, that is what is different from the theologies I used to come across like, "It's a man's world" and stuff like that! You have to suppress you machismo I wear the pants stuff to an expression of submisiveness. People with attitudes don't get it! You have to be charming with out an alarm setting of that you are low class. Personalization needs to take a vacation cause I vacuum, clean, wash dishes, cook and play with the kids. A true master gigalo becomes a part of a family structure, but not the intermediacy of a true companion. In and out we go and onto the next trick. Life is crazy when what comes between your legs is ammunition for volition.

All buff and ready you be...says Yoda!

Pick Asidz: Toil Slikx To: Brad Pitt

Slikx: I adorn myself in admire what I hire! I am a provacative talkative person who glorifys the human body and lewd feuds. A trist is a thing to insist and an orgy is a bottomless gorgy. I run the Dynamic Starz Consortium with an Iron Penis. No notion overwhelms me, as I have seen it all and am still standing tall. These streetgangs challenge us with their own ingenuitys of the supernatural and the technological. What I do goes along with the oldest profession on earth. Selling your body is not selling you soul, as far as I am concerned! When happenstance gets in the way of a pay day there are no holds barred. My comfort level is what precedes me...I have a zone for what I condone. Not into that Gay stuff, I leave it to the homo cholos. I love women, always have and always will, never getting over the thrill. From head to toe I can scope the average dope into a frenzy. All it takes is a little T and A to rule the diminutive classes with a porn kingdom. I am a King leaning on a tower of adult videos and magazines. Waiting to trample by my own example.

Who do you want to emmulate? Hugh Hefner or Larry Flint?

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Good Measure: Act 1, Scene 1

Fernando: I am the wolf and you are the wren, twas this way since time began. As you are the angel that will guide my light, told to me sweetly to besmirch the night. Betwixt reality and obscurity life is but a dream, when you become a part of mine it will all convene. Lyres of the ages are of torrid insurgency, where ill intention undoubtedly defeats all my insecurities. Culturings of the nervous, finding truth in the service?

Angelica: Oh master shrew, I don't know what to do, as I gander at you via vesper's apparition. Finding no quandry to tales of sedition. For it thous that be the seriph and I the goading toad, if thou doesn't make love to me soon. I will explode...but first just a kiss!

Fernando: Within the night I am subdued, a fortlet of dilapidation paid in day's hues. Don't look at this face, oh so mishappen, thy portal to rapture shall break down the door. Whence our soul's serenity is made an actuality forever more...

Angelica: Surly you jest as you are the sordid soldier, of eloquent mannerisms soddered and smoldered, blink once to tame me and twice to prevail. I've investigated the rest to no avail. Your eyes are the true windows to your soul, you call yourself mishappen, because your charm is thence bestial and mannerly trapped in the toll. But like I was a cinder of right demand, together we weave the cloth immortal by my command...per chance at hand, we are ensconced and unhindered. Cause you do much to make me laugh, as we drink from life's charafe, in so much as we can balence infrequent to a candid lifestyle through a chalice. Ending the culturing of malice. Child finding what survey seeks, hiding behind a blade of grass and not finding the man in me for weeks?

Fernando: Coming from a lark that is a bold statement, like a shark roaming the bloody tornado in an overflooded basement. Pantry pandemonium through quintessential guise, my own formality is a suspended suprise. From within a hair's width of my own eccentric vitality.

Angelica: I tinker with much hostility to undo the crone's slanderous ability, of some neglect rampant upon my own sensibility. These are the dues of those I grapple with daily. Does that assurance assuage the brail heave? Of what do you purport?

Fernando: Perplexed is a purpose to set us apart, the misdirections of insurrections are complex undiscernable connundrums belazed and as of that I'm always amazed. Bedazzle twixt tecture so a retarded retort is a penetrable fort made of drawing straws at court, ambrosia to two made of gold such as you and I.

Angelica: Labor within the labyrinth is an unlady like laborism, as I'm enfrequent to entail the catharsis of lamenting tears alocating my worst avoidances unto my trivial fears onset unto reality's wilting fruition. Would you parlay with suitors in a remorsed chorus?

Fernando: My dear voluptious miss...let me now grant you that kiss! (They kiss) My first head to you is all pleasures, to them I surmise much pain in the plain sense of the word. As a torrent of responsibility to them is absurd. But to me it is figurement as only a frail majority common to adorancy grab onto the meekus of habit beseaching their gross, steer themselves with nature's nurturing heredical rudder and attempt to nuzzle you with a faustian defeat...Of their blackened capitulatory defeatism is encapsolated an indifference in slack. On the lethargic attack forebearing enough to backfire in apprendational inopportunitys in unjustified accordances.

Angelica: Backwards awardences in ackward accordances are audience to a repository in the benign, and to that I resign to sign away my vastidious croft in blood!

Fernando: You wear the veil to shield off tooth and nail in sunter's own style! Parched mouth's hopelessness drought by locamotion in a sovereignty's one man ocean of desparaging despair. With you I breathe a breath of fresh air!

Angelica: Truth is found in the timid timing of essence, as I am pity respondant to any second guessance , piety in propriety is a mitigation of vehemeral digressence. The answer is always found in the mold of the untold, as time goes on it has crossed it's own threshold...

Fernando: But oh fair maiden, I sense an outpouring of distress, as I encant you with my own address. Toil and troubles make witches cauldron's brew, a tetrahedron to undue, as I have never sensed such scalding hatred from one such as you...

Angelica: (Sigh) Premise over pretense is a slander unto the heart of the hander and I denounce the fact that I pretend idiocy unto the likes of slithering infantile despair infantly inept in the afforementioned crosshair.

Fernando: (Pause) But I am a quick study and in my heart I take notes, dismissing moats like quagmires of distress, and therefore notes of more interest crevace confounding my mistress into a charlotten's temperal end quote. You may have heard of such as transparent as the unseemly footnote?

Angelica: The sun shines and so sharp is a mind that can distill it's own wheat, as we prattle on I was once a cat...but now I am a bitch in heat! Your lingo is languid and linguidity itself is but a logarythm of the algarithmic persuasion. I hope this divestion answers your question as it is a sound deliniation to dismiss.

Fernando: Proportionate to the love held at bay, to the night's o' the mire, you are truly the object of my desire. Setting my soul on fire, alight with a torso of tyranny unmitigated, as one sound is scorned and then ennebriated...This being the king of upstarts, kindling to a person beside himself unhesitant upon a chorused carrousment of crescendo belayed to those who pretend to know me. Living long and prospering while other personalitys goad me, but I with you and you with me, intermeshing substantualities. Therefore wrough ironing suspence...Press evident unto the unseemly, the pitter patter of rumors abound of delusion's unsound disorientating delerium's having yet to strike, as I am a peddler on the pike.

Angelica: Signal me you phantom! As I will lacadaisically strike a match to do your will. A flint as volatile as having your fill with a filly nightmare. I will lacadaisically do your will, as another man to me is but a poisonous pill! Endowed with your charisma I swallow, falttering fluttering in the mind of a once sleepy hollow I left behind.

Fernando: Take time to make time, little humming bird! That is what the wise say. to the ignorant it is absurd, but to the likes of thee it is a ponderance. As the wise carry quill in hand as another guise afforementioned to the infernal device of time's sand. As the styx river parlays in a devised denial, freys are accosted like the swoon of beguile. Libel wavers are the real vesper of sedition, letting your guard down in such fairy tales. I have a favor to ask you in the mind's eye setting sail? Is it of your own volition?

Angelica: Before I could answer I would like you to realize, the world is an abode and so I theorize, reduction in scale is like salt to the snail. As in it persists that the gate is a somber reduction itself. Serendipidously surrendering to rest in it's right to digress and then once again renewed by enticement's tingle. But you and I are of the cup that drew ace's order, both of the jovial and set to run for the border. As soon as the fatigues run dry, they might give up, but pictured is a hero running for the crup. As a crux is a bane panning left in it's wake, the dally of tempo leaving a temperance to forsake...Undue notoriety is dilluted by sobriety in the sense that it's grandeur is polluted. Euphoric bliss is instigated to insist that reality is but a dream. As with you it might seem...

Fernando: Don't soil me blue like it's in every aspect of everything I do, I am a warrior caring to be exact, don't underestimate the legitamacy in my diplomacy to interact. Cutting away procrastination , I am my own disciple coded with a tudored bible.

Ferdinand: (the Prince's father) (pacing in his Kingdom)-I yearn for you in more ways than you might or might not know , as you do me the curt courtesy to blow. I have the right amount of love's persuasion to bestow, upon the only soul once forsaken to me and now I am hopeful that the gates of heaven are taken with thee...

Fernando: I assume you might become, not unlike the beating of my body's drum, a vessel of pure infatuation. For that is truly what I have sought deduced out of my own reconciliation. Out of mitigated investigations I have to insist, to see the shape of alabaster made into gold, upon the presumptions of the sodden fold. As tranquility is found within seeing your true countenance, it grants me much security, to take you away would beset my best sense of purity.

Angelica: Let me tell you a little secret, before I sense that you tell me you are an egret, flying so high that you can't see, setting your sights on the other fish at sea. Owning up to such acclaimed notoriety, gay in somber's society. Yes I love you silly man! I am the sun that caresses you by right of demand. Infatuation is a dalience of sensuality, to know true love is to experience vitality.

Fernando: Until I come to know your person, I am still a child, strides are weak when miled reconciled. Day by day, hour by hour, knowing your expression but not your power. What kind of moment is true perfection, you might ask? I'm not the one to tell you as the answer is within your grasp.

Ferdinand: (pacing again in his kingdom)-I am not talking to one insignifigant, the gift of knowledge in us both is like the omnipotent! Inquiring inquisitionally about slaves put on a casket, heads a rolling's hellish taskit. Put yourself in your patrons' shoes casting easily away all those which crime subdues. Put on the table are watered down wines, as time portents the innocous fables are left behind.

Angelica: I trust in your protection as I am already with child. Bearing the fruits of someone else's labor trying to abort the babe. I am feeling much ambiguity about being this man's slave. Moxy in approxy sewn to speak, my habitual lamenity, cast of the meek. Pick or choose I know I can't, letting delusions pin pine on happenstance. Ill timed to the calendar of the swell bant.

Fernando: Off coarse is an apprendature's operetic chorus, refrained by disdain it is saddening, I lament the insistual voice of the maddening (talking about his father)...Panderers pilfer wares like satyrs blare awareness, droned in their condoning of melancholy insistence. They devigor the assailed tis, for tis all that is holy and mispronounced. I find them errant to the louse...Mice are like men when on the tip of my beak, seducing me freely I pray to limbo my soul to speak!
Counting on three avenues to my own ends, are precipitous rightings of such dividends. Precipitant rights to the bends, or dire interogatives where it all depends. Gradually graduatory where a warrior so fends. Fangs fence torrence to pamper duality, I am a man of such sensuality!

Angelica: Casual legitimacy flacks to tempers ensnared, by an alacritious tussle of vehemence unprepared. Trusting in the order of the sequence, I'm sure that the eternal chained melody can crawl in leaps hence. Shall it be cooked, overlooked or undo material shed protoform, or is it in such distinct district of manner which I shall adorn? Sublivity's divestion is a question that stands at my attention and setting sail through the gale rends me conscience through a thinly transparent veil. Men infrequent to spear me like the conqueror whale. Great to abate and so I shall embark upon ramparts divine, yet a smidgeon of the unpreparatory is left behind. Individualism's interiors glory shall not tory and falter through time. Rovers inclined are as individualistic to the adhistic mistic minimalism through sands that are coveted blind. Temperances vary such as these when set as prolific intervals, as through the prism the glide glaring at the resounding sound of pinnacles. So cynical as an hourglass hence devising a once forgotten fog, as finally I am now so forth powerless as the wren to the uncivilized dog.

Fernando: Yes, in answer to this jest, I insist you look unto this mirrored mirage from any angle, the mirage of mahogany has yet to untangle. Ascertained in wood and set above reality's quest, I take the idealism of the sublime transmogrified best. Cause trusted are virtues beseached beyond audacity, the dog know no to bite the hand that feeds him or her, fending of a temperance of solacity. Being alone is a kennel enough, a hand outstretched to the wrong person and it's hard to recall a bluff! Hesitant are dues, paid in someone else's shoes, because they worship their own continous formality. They are at odds with their own deliverance's frugality!

Angelica: Gazing abroad, a gazi of a spectre, tortures the mire of the innocous protector, internal hounding of the odds sequestered. For so forward are architects spinning round their feet levitated above the ground. Paying their dues to an unparticular hound. But the hunt is forever ensued, as ll things in proportion seem to come unglued...Anansi and Set, Anubis and the hard kept, pulling on the heated and errantly placard to be unseated. Blankardly tankard to a soothsayer's envisionings. Drunk on old spice it's hard to be nice to retrospective kinds formality. Showing each other ill follied truths chambered of their own divisionings of bestiality. The joke was that each played to stealth, a jester in their own turn, the superlative victim set to burn on a concoction of disconcerted return. A volley of folly forgeting dismissal, is a horrific missile disintended in ways like spending eternity in thorn's thistle.

Fernando: The Duchess of much is in what you have just said, the art of the misled...This is indifferent to the dignified daffodil of which I can never dread. Blooming in session, seasonal to those in doubt, misapprehensions of reason and set in my soil to sprout. Speak on you truthful youthful as angelic as you are, so much of my kind are bereft. You are an uncouthful fortunate as time transfigures the deft. Such matters of the heart, set us apart as others rekindle such misery's fire. Where our intent sets us out of the bire and the aloof set us apart.

Angelica: The compass of glory compressed in your allegory is a manticore of fascination. Alleged allegations in insinuations, as you are above the red sea of misrepresentations. Such was Set, as he was a demon of fire like I am a fire dragon, not such an unseemly serpentus.

Angelica: Blank page to the bloating of brain's euphamisms, metaphors and smiles squander, allusions shizm and so in just causes where the brain tends to wander. What happens to you is in the way of a touching give, you have been hurt too much, gutting out goodness like a shiv. Forelooming ahead and benign behind what interacts with interlopers inwardly severs the interogative of kind. Chastity in thoughts are not blind, although sometimes you cannot purchase them, of this they should know that they stand fit to rationalization. With a steady flow they delve to grow.

Fernando: Living life vicarious on the cliffhanger edge is much like a dagger adieu about nothing. Truthing in the mold which needs to be told, as much as everything is as forebearing as that. Whatever may entail, endearing to a white pale paltrid whale, a configurement of catharsis in being. Friends incise to take sound advice are not addressing the facts. Consternated by a duality that interacts. Needlessly wanton to taking sides, request them to think it over as the wicked bend over to survey a portly potbellied blowhole without guides. A fool is all drool, but a knight errant is valient to entail his own ends. Such as an obstinant person you become when such rends.

Angelica: You are an unibiquitous observer, to put on that life preserver. Instead of becoming a castaway on an isle much ill regarded as death. Casting away the irons wrought from the bygones to not becoming insectual. Innefectually insignifigant as that, I needn't protract the circumference of air. Happy doubts unto those of ill clout selfishly impair the ramblings of those playing devilish truth or dare. Unextraordinary to a tempered chaste, the drink is not to waste as it is too vast as to be set in stone or fire. When dealing with those entire...To berate them is to gain satisfaction, unto my own didactic reaction between both loin and limbs.

Fernando: Taken with a grain of salt, my nightmare has yet to halt and with a spoonful of sugar I must succomb to your onslaught. There is nothing store bought with which can garnish your clovency. For you are unique in for which I cannot tweek, designators abound unbanded. For in such alligator's tears, the crocodile continously veers, and then blatently the others live to steer themselves into a lake of portents parlay. Banterfull bliss is in such I insist that there never remains a credulatory factor taken to my omnious reactor. I go weak in the knees from all those set to please affiliated on the tease, as they descended from alley cat origin. What seperates you is all that is due, not such inofficial news to superficial blues' onset by the coming of fire. In that you are so bright, truth beseiged by my substantial delight, in the dousing of night to ashes. Hearing those morose rumours you already know that the essential is a gold hue, that goes from olive to orange. Gentlemen know that your rake is not a hoe and I have my own allowance of origin. My intentions are pure onset by your allure, set transfixed as fraud talk cometh not from one such as you!

Angelica: Bravo my fair hero! For actions speak louder than words, but if you take off that mask, ever so inclined to ask about a new taxing task. I'll tell you I prefer to dance with the sane over the macabre. So let's see what you can do, over the next passing few, If you are to complete the task. My heart is willing to promote thy grasp with good intentions. I will net you if you don't angle from any promoted point. Collapsed as the goint of a nuance of savory figures errantial. Their might be hefty, not to underestimate as they are quite sunstantial, if put together like shirt and pants. Clothes of tatters so I speak...If that matters to much of the morrow then the sum of the humdrum such is their fair sorrow. My vice disintends reactionary as your disfigurement ends. As in thy peace is peace that I want for my collection. Taking a survey of the ways of war, you haven't even begun. You are fine for a father though you might not know it and to such a priceless prince is left a prize bereft from the guise of one.

Fernando: I guess I have no slovenly return, alas is having the same as having run adrift on bridges to burn as I am the master of none. You have only one?

Angelica: Far be it for verbatum to flow so fierce from the mouth of one so verbose, I dance the dance of the betrothed. Do not linger in farceful appetites of recoil.

Ferdinand (in his kingdom of Spain) (Talking to his assasin)
Indeed I do want to purchase you for such, to you I entrust both the wind and the gust! Chalice's malice sought the golden crup's duo, blankard's did see fit to be through the through without much adieu about nothing. Tis fitting that without so much as a looking glass I can read through this address...

Fernando: My heaven abates as time addresses the cluckoned clock, the boat is at the dock and the serf has yet to understand how I am so entrusted! Be still my aching heart...

Pick Asidz: Apathetic Poetic

Loca: Stop playing peekaboo penis!

Trax: Stop playing the one boob jubilee!

Loca: That's for all the fan boys.

Trax: And the lesbians?

Loca: What about all the gay guys that read your poetry?

Trax: You know I'm not gay...

Loca: Okay then stop dissing me!

Trax: You started it!

Loca: So I'll end it by telling you that that gypsy's propaganda and all the confabricated prophecy's of Blanks are all starting to meld in my mind!

Trax: How so?

Loca: Because I worship the Ouji and it keeps telling me that the improbable is gonna penetrate my fort.

Trax: Like a date with Brad Pitt that you have been dreaming about since you were how old? (Oh someday I'll be old enough for him, ewh baby!) Isn't that what you used to tell youreself?

Loca: You apathetic asshole!

Trax: You and your attricious and my benign cosign...when will the crystal ball go to the mall?

Loca: Whatever's clever ding dong!

Pick Asidz: Andromeda's Thermometer To: Angelina Jolie

Andromeda: I see the curse of the wolf in your spirit...what did you say your name was?

Trax: My name is parent's thought that was cute because they were always moving around. I guess there is no place like home or something. Sweet Home California! Do you have a pair of ruby slippers or a crystal ball for my girlfriend? She is totally into this fortune teller stuff.

Loca: Edgar Allen Poe's mother might have been a vagabond gypsy and an actress right?

Andromeda: Are you an actress Tabitha?

Loca: How did you know my name? Everyone calls me Locamotion round these parts.

Andromeda: And I suppose you are the little tension that could...

Loca: Nope, I'm just suppressed...Damn Hollywood, it's like you have to take all your clothes off to get a good part.

Andromeda: Look at your friends you see the eyes of the dragon?

Loca: Nope I thought they looked more like the eyes of spiderman.

Andromeda: These are interesting...Trax come to the back room with me!

They go into the back of the shop...

Andromeda: You are half lightbringer/ half nightbringer aren't you?

Trax: How did you know?

Andromeda: I sense it in your know gypsys have their own history to dealing with the DreamKnight's conquests?

Trax: Such as...

Pick Asidz: The buzz

Sicco: Sex is so mechanical with you!

Brickx: Are you saying I'm a hobot?

Sicco: No I'm saying I feel like a trick with a dick.

Brickx: Your penis shouldn't come between us...I mean think how I feel getting naked and screwed on camera. It leaves people with nothing to look forward to, when the have me for the first time.

Sicco: I think the opposite...they see it and they want you for themselves.
Armitage and her fat thing...what a wanker!

Brickx: You know Blank is a master of Tantra?

Sicco: Or a master of the tumultous tantrum!

Brickx: He is so into his own dark philosophies with that stupid crow he walks around with.

Sicco: You mean "Vesper" the dark impersonation of his spirit? What a joke.

Brickx: Well is your penis the imperative personalization of your spirit Tim? What if you carried around a little penis on a keychain?

Sicco: That sounds like a good idea for an ideology baby!

Brickx: (To the camera) Idiots and ideologys, you don't even have to use reverse psychologys.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Pick Asidz: The Boogeyman Cometh

Flipsidz: Man I used to be a Navy Seal back in the day. We went in on sorties in our own urban camoflage. Now I'm a freak on wheels, playing the pimp game with the best of the hard core people in New York. There are a lot of them here, that is for sure, a lot different than other countries, when you realize that they aren't afraid to die. I'm called Flipsidz because of my realist pessimism which leads me to find other answers and avenues to my own expressionisms. Don't cross my second sight with a boogeyman blender...

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Pick Asidz: Who is the predator?

Trax: Join the frey? I'm not a predator, yet sometimes I feel the dark side within me. The eyes of the jackal, the wolf and the hawk. I've been prey to the hitmen all my life. With a General for a father who gave me up when I was little...I was left a downtrodden downcast.

Loca: So people consider you a loser, right? That is life Trax! The only way to pick yourself up is to make something of yourself.

Trax: That is easy to say, but hard to do...

Loca: The hardest things in life don't come easy baby!

Trax: So you think that I'm doing the right thing with my screenplay and my poetry?

Loca: They say writing is one of the hardest professions.

Trax: And your acting doesn't come far behind it crazy cat...

Loca: Yup, but at least we have each other...

They kiss...

Pick Asidz: Smoking Hoboken

Blank: That's like Godzilla's Ganja and King Kong's Bong...infiltrating my lungs like Mothra.

Trax: Brickxy is trying to get me to do karate with her...should I rotate my graffix to that kind of traffix?

Blank: Karate is good for self discipline foolio...smoking ganja is good for the hood and the head. It's like Bob Marley and Peter Tosh said...besides that "legalize it" stuff...That would end my trade with some kind of parade. And you don't want kids smoking the stuff. Porn and pot go together like batteries and the energizer bunny. Can you imagine that thing stoned?

Trax: Yeah it would turn on and off like the clapper on the crapper. Anyway Blankmaster I gotta got any Alaskan Thunderfuck?

Blank: Do beach bums play volleyball? Of coarse...did you ask Loca is she wants to be in "Resident Anal"?

Trax: She wants to stay legit Blank...she is a thespian and not one of your lesbians! What is this Resident Anal about anyway?

Blank:I've got the usual cast of zombie hookers and muscle studs on adrenaline steroids...

Pick Asidz: Cliffhanger 2

Stepping in after eavesdropping...

Cleu: You better get Maako working with that playdough Charma!

Crux: Trax is easily taunted by a white witch that is haunted...

Trax: know Charma?

Cleu: We have heard the word that she is looking for a new baby sitter to her baby blues.

Crux: Flipsidz isn't her choice in a Rolls Royce!

Feelings hurt...

Charma: What are you trying to say you assholes?

Cleu: We are saying that Trax is not yet ready to be a sad dad!

Charma: But my kid is 3000 miles away with a pimp as a parent.

Crux: And who put him there?

Charma: My sister suggested that he and her were more stable.

Cleu: You mean like stable and under the table?

Charma: You know it's hard singing kiddy tunes, making cartoon voices and doing jingles?

Crux: It's a juggle but don't make trouble! Loca wants Trax to marry her...You've already tied the knot to some rich snot!

Charma: And he left me with practically nothing...

Cleu: Loca's got a good head on her shoulders and is not subdued by not having a clue! That chick has the remedy to Trax's affliction affiliations...

Pick Asidz: Cliffhanger

Charma: Can I ask you a question Trax?

Trax: It's not about shooting fish in a barrel with my pee pee squirtgun, is it?

Charma: Nope...I just wanted to know what you see in Loca?

Trax: I see a person who feels for me being so downtrodden most of the time with misintention's misfortune. Why do you ask?

Charma: Is that all? Do you really love her with all your heart?

Trax: I think I do, but there are times when I feel beneath her and she seems to frolic in that.

Charma: What do you think your penultimate woman's best qualities would be?

Trax: I like good hearted people...I smile when they think of me as some kind of badass...

Charma: But you're not are you?

Trax: I'm a survivor, but to be a "badass" you kinda have to be evil...I get by on good intentions and my own private philosophys to life's puzzle. I mean I am a Pranksta!

Charma: So you're a regular "Mr. Fixit" when it comes to tender negotiations?

Trax: It's not like I've got a calendar full of galas and howlas...

Charma: So what do you see in me?

Pick Asidz: Smooth Talkin

Flipsidz: I huff and I puff and I blow your panty hose down...This little piggy went to the market and only came home with tampons?

Charisma: want me to bend over and clap?

Flipsidz: I feel you, but I got three puppets that don't trip...

Charisma: Yeah snappy, slappy and dingdong!

Flipsidz: You know you have this silly little strut when you your happy to not be a ho.

Charisma: You catch on quick Slick Rick!

Flipsidz: What the hell are you smiling for? Did you find a thousand dollar bill at the 99 cent store?

Charisma: Yeah I put it in my pocket with puff the magic tag on.

Flipsidz: Don't tell me you stole anything you clepto?

Charisma: I didn't steal with you at the wheel, my sister made me do it.

Flipsidz: You blame everything on your poor sister Charma, don't you?

Charisma: My sister is your blister sour puss...

Flipsidz: You know she has got a crush on that Trax kid I've been hearing about?

Charisma: You mean Loca's manly gidget on a widget? Charma usually likes the "bad boys".

Flipsidz: You mean her version of "Ding Dong, schling shlong and sing song"?

Pick Asidz: The Future is Here

Pick Aside takes place in 2012...

Trax: Have you ever played "Pinwheel of the Dragon" before? It's a new game where the virtual stimulacron of I.V.R. sensors let you touch and manipulate a Dungeons and Dragons type environment in 3d.

Sicco: I've heard of such games in I.V.R., but that is the first D. and D. Virtuacom.

Cleu: I've been playing Quake 7 on my Omegabox!

Crux: I've hacked the code to Skylink Fighters...It gets you all the ironfist maneuvers and powerkick functions.

Clyde: Well I slay daemons in Sodden Earthz Megalink and Rapturz in Necroworld.

Blank: Well I dream away in my own DreamPod from Dreamscapz Inc....I want to buy a portable DreamSquid too...

Loca: Sodden Earthz DreamSweepers is better...

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Pick Asidz: Mom's Uncle Tom To: Carrie Fisher

Veronica: Trax you and your hip hop cultural persona. You are a different person than that! I hate when you act like a "swigger". Don't you remember that time when your dad took you to the base and you did your first sets of push ups? Remember how sore you were? Your dad always wanted you to go into the service.

Trax: I would have but I didn't believe in an oil war turning into another vietnam with a sand dune jungle. The day I did those push ups I got a taste of how the men treated and respected my dad. General Thomas Murphy of the Omega Brigade of the Army. They told me all about honor and cadence. Self discipline and self sacrifice. Dad distanced himself a lot in those days....

Veronica: Your dad had a hard time climbing the ladder to become a General Trax! We had you on that base, and I swore to myself that I would not let you become a part of that grinder. I never pushed you to become a soldier like he wanted.

Trax: The streets make you your own soldier Mom! What you don't know about them won't hurt you...Dad seemed so into his theory about "Murphy's Law" and how things fall apart. I hated that he might have applied to our family!

Veronica: If you only knew how disrespectful some of those cadets are when they first get on the base. Authority is a new concept to them and your dad represents it.

Trax: Authority is based on the majority and you can't expect amnesty to configure unenvigorated Mom. Especially to Dad's Frank Sinatra background music!

Pick Asidz: Bend the Ruler of the Old Schooler

Blake: How goes the radical ruling vs. Flipsidz and his Gridlockx?
Have you heard about competition from the Grinderz with their leader Cog, that spanish gang and the Dynamic Starz consortium with their leader that porn magistrate Slikz?

Blank: How goes the rodio of real estate?

Blake: It goes swell Blankmaster. Do you have any hos to smo?

Blank: I have Armitage and Selene to do your biddings. But you better keep a grip on your whip if Trax finds out. Flipsidz is a pain with his piece of the world and materialism. Yes they are causing me some confusion. But I'm just about to calibrate my caliber...Flipsidz is a baller, yet he doesn't practice the practical. He is always thinking life is a sortie. My squad like the beef of it's top chief. The VoidKnight's prophecy might come true if Trax and I hold our ascensions. Blackened Voodoo and Lightbringer don't mix like snacking on a Twix.

Blake: But what about Charma and Charisma? Those twins seem to be taking a liking to Trax and his ding a ling swings?

Blank: Those white witches and his half lightbringer mentality. It's a makeshift maelstrom...perfect for the Arcanium. But enough about Trax...did you get those relics I require?

Pick Asidz: Comic Book Crazy...

Cleu: Heroes and antiheroes...where is the line drawn for a civic vigilante?

Clyde: Hickory dickory dock...the cat ran of the clock.

Loca: Stop with the cat hoser!

Armitage: A civic vigilante is not a ho and her panties...

Sicco: I'm fat and flatulent, but I do like a good hero in tight pantaloons. Trax you and your costumes.

Trax: Well some of mine have been charmed by white magic and some with dark. The Hyperion is the new way to be a hero...A good costume is better than a good one reads me my rights for wearing emotions on my sleeve.

Loca: I like your costumes and I love your expressionisms...Always trying to be the super hero!

Blank: (under his breath) I'm your foil you little nerd terd...not such an anonymous anathema!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Pick Asidz: The Hunger To: Mark Hamill

Trax: You can be hungry for things like "power answers", but only to a point of asking for secrets for free. The answers come more readily available trading secrets with the beast. The Beastial Demon Belial was in league with Humbaba, not such a greater fiend. He was demon who wished he could get from Hell to the transgression of a better vessel. So he chose to live from spirit to spirit in the animals. He hated humans over the beast. He simply wished for his innocence back...Such is California! Pedaphiles are like demons going after that innocence. Robbing the youth of their compassion...that is part of the problem here. As it is with today's society, as where can you find the "innocent ideal"? And after we find it, where should we draw the line? ( God gives second chances to those that die innocent.)

Pick Asidz: Sober Hell

Crux: It's been so dry in this darn town...I'm down to seeds and stems.

Cleu: Smoke resin super bizario.

Sicco: Super asian bizario in a spanish barrio...

Trax: Cleu do Mexicans classify themselves as Spanish? I know the whole latino/hispanic thang, but they had that whole Spanish/Mexican war so long ago, it seems to me like Americans should hate the Mexicans due to the Alamo vis a va?

Cleu: You know you are a halfie and I'm Puerto Rican Trax. That little province thinks itself pretty unified with the States. Are you asking me to play "Get a Cleu"? Cause if you are I'm eagerly ready to guess before you make another mess!

Loca: Is your seeds and stem issue like Trax's Mom's midlife crisis and the Real Estate Negater?

Armitage: The real estate Negator and the Governator have two things in common. They both speak thier own language with town and country. Going along with the president in an oil war. They practice the art of do as I say not as I doo doo. Both are like Blake...they are slum lords acting as civil servants in bondage.

Sodden Earth: Celestia, Fargus and Uther

Celestia, mother to both Uman and Ohman, the Celestial twins of Sacred Light and Electromonger class Demangelles. She was an Alpha Archangelle, and before her banishment, as she married Lord Obsidian, the Neu Dymon Rock Lord. This was against all protocalls from the Celestial Orderhood and decrees from the Epsilonian Overlords. They had told the council that consumation by an Neu Angelle and a New Dymon were forbidden. Their children would be forever outcasts.
They didn't listen because they knew their brood would be the strongest of the Alpha Classes...

Celestia was the most beautiful of all the Neu Angelle women. She had powers of light elementel summoning, healing, whyte light attacks and a Supreme Evanander Attack which focused all her whyte magicks into a solar maelstrom. She tried to teach these powers to her sons, but they couldn't register the spells with their young bodies. The spells would come out warped and misalligned...

The powers of heavan and helu blended together would take many years to master...

They needed teachers and mentors for each of their sons, they selected two named Fargus and Uther. Fargus used to be a NecroRaven who saw that the ways of the Geodic Tribes were for the good of allkind and the heavans. He then began practicing the Arcane instead of the Black Arts, becoming a neutral being called a GeoWizard. He used to reign as the limbatic playn's NecroMage. Uther was a cloned ressurective made from the D.N.A. of King Arthur's father, Uther Pendragon, King Arthur's fabled father. The D.N.A. was held by the Order of the Giode, just as the D.N.A. from Mordred, King Arthur's notorious son, was held by the NecroFeld. In the stories it said that Uther gave his soul to the Celtics in turn for his son to be the blessed King Arthur. He has powers from the Underwurld and is a vampere. He is also a Dragon Ryder and wears the talisman called the DrakenGard.

PickAsidz: Piecemeal

Blank: Trax is you understand the dark you survive better in the light!

Trax: But dark riders glide in todays society don't they?

Blank: Hellbringaz, Nightbringaz, Lightbringaz, Deathbringaz, Limbats and all of those foolios? You think it's hard to be good?

Trax: I think it spreads...

Blank: I hear you on that, but Blake is your litmus boy!

Trax: That was my Mom's choice in a forensical boytoy.

Blank: He wants to get to know you better and you are so different than the suckers he deals with.

Trax: You mean he has a heart or something?

Blank: I mean he is your stepfather and your kin.

Trax: But he is not much older than me and acts like a stockholder in a chemist's allegory?

Blank: The chemisty is set in the moment Trax.

Trax: With him it's like boring touring with no scenic view and nothing is ever a picnic.

Blank: At least there is no panic in his pinata kid!

Trax: You mean steady like eveready?

Blank: More like a dirty duracell!

Pick Asidz: Dis Card Be Mine

Sicco: Sometimes when I'm humping you , I think of your vagina as a moist steak and I'm laying on the barbeque sauce with a squeegee.

Brickx: Sometimes when I'm humping you I think of a cow with a six minute udder...

Armitage: You six minute udders and my six minute abs...Brickxy you gotta lose weight and so do you Sicco!

Sicco: We are the fat couple from the Moon. Lunatics that stir fry their love.

Armitage: Back to that cow that just jumped over a swoon...You two are like walruses without flippers, pinata pinballand that game "Hungry Hungry Hippo" in a pie eating contest.

Sicco: I'd rather eat vaginas with Spaghetti O's...My cock is a can opener to your own taste tests!

Trax and Locamotion enter...

Loca: Taste test put to rest fat boy...the cat just got dragged in by her tail!

Trax: Sicco you and Brickx need a about a fatty wheezy whoopie cushion drag bag?

Loca: Or how about we all play some cards? They are my magic deck of tarot tot tot.

Trax: I like my china arrayed in rows with all your little teacups displayed, peaches and dream...

Pick Asidz: El Tigre

Clyde: Here comes Army guys! Hey where are the air force, navy and marines?

Armitage: They are on my fare craft carrier...You gotta be courageous to engage us!

Clyde: You're cause is a contagious connundrum. Do you support your own aggregate supply and demand?

Armitage: Nope I just apply and command!

Crux: Silly hoser this trick and her bids.

Clyde: What if I propose to you with new panty hose and an old shoe?

Armitage: Then I'd cry boo hoo hoo and find something else to do.

Selene: You know you are more crotchety than a toothless tiger? You sweat her too much and I'll get you some kitty censures!

Clyde: Oh, so you'd bring out old frosty the ho man?

Selene: Chicka chucka just don't bug her.

Clyde: What about you baby? I think I got enough change in my pocket?

Selene: Stick your change up your chimney! Cause you don't chim chim charoo my goo!

Clyde: Okay scary floppings...What do you think I'm a pussy sweeper or something? This toothless tiger ain't going back to no juggle jungle. At least not all bungled up like a knotted firehose! I think I'll stay away from prey day and go sharpen my flaws.

Spiderman Concepts

New Alien Symbiote-called the White Orbweaver-seeks out goodness in people to fight Venom-Orbweaver is a female symbiote. white symbiote-uses light webbing that glows translucently yellow-can make a sword out of the stuff if focused-can also turn invisible
New Baddies-New Terrorist Group called Mantis-they focus their orginazion with insect costumed villians-recruit Scorpion and the Beetle-New Costumes for both
New Villian Character called Scarab-wears an armored suit made to look like a scarab sheel with laser cannons in shoulders and rpg launchers in arm conduits. Also has wrist missiles...Carrys an AK-47 too. He is a former middle eastern nuclear physicist and wants to cache small class nukes and invent a "Pocket Nuke"

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Pick Asidz Castz Listz

Trax Murphy-Joshua Paul Shepard
Blank the Porn Producer Bokor Voodoo Priest and leader of the "Capitulating Duets"-50 cent ie: Curtis Jackson
Flipsidz the Hostage Negotiator Pimp and leader of the "Gridlockx"-Jay-z ie:Sean Carter
Charma & Charisma the white witch twins-Reese Witherspoon
Locamotion the actress-Kirsten Dunst
Dark Cloudz the houngon witch doctor-Macy Grey
Servo the hacker and internet Army/Navy store owner-Zack De La Roca
Alexander the mortgage broker-Ryan Phillipe
Armitage the call girl weapons dealer-Kiera Knightley
Brickx the call girl porn star-Lindsey Lohan
Selene the call girl porn star-Jennifer Love Hewitt
Sicco-Fat Jay from KJEE
Crux-John Cho
Crazy Lazlo the cab driver-Kal Penn
General Murphy-Mark Hamill
Veronica Murphy-Carrie Fisher
Blake the Flake the real estate scam artist and ebay charmed item salesman-Eminem
Eye Candz the Gigalo-Will Smith
Cleu the former "Grinderz leader"-B-real
Clyde-Method Man
T-Wreker the bouncer-Mickey Rourke
Stigma the stripper-Rose McGowan
Conniption the adult book store owner-Alyssa Milano
Andromeda the gypsy-Angelina Jolie
Cog the leader of the "Grinderz" spanish street gang-?
Slikz-porn producer and creator of the Adulterer Magazine-Leader of the "Dynamic Starz Consortium"-Brad Pitt
Kids roles-
Brainchild the I.V.R. creator and hacker-?
Avatar his sister-?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Sodden Earth's Cast List so far...

Reese Witherspoon-Songbyrd
Kirsten Dunst-Celestia
Brad Pitt-Lord Lyon
Angelina Jolie-Queen Neptunia
Matt Damon-Dynamus
Ben Afleck-Fargus
The Rock-Beastius
Sir Anthony Hopkins-Necromoneus
Antonio Banderas-Kilius
Keanu Reeves-Uther
Ben Kingsley-Geomoneus
Bruce Willis-?
Materlia-My Mom sister?
Christian Bale-?
Russel Crowe-?
more to come...

Sodden Earth's Character classes

Geo Classes
1. Kat
14. Simio
15. Rodenti
Necro Classes
17. Simio
Seperate classes

Pick Asidz: Subserviant Servo? To: Zack De La Roca

Servo: I grind with the best kind and am Brainchild's oracle when it comes to the technological. We are all trying to make and improve I.V.R. or Impactual Virttual Reality. The new stuff by the military and some of our lead programmers. Brainchild is writing some of their datacross programing for the Novastorm 7 editions. He is our key to elevating our eccentricity status quo of computer technicians. With the guidance of him we can take on all foes such as the Dynamic Star Consortium and the Capitulating Duets with their own hacker junctions. We are still ahead of them...and we don't want them to catch up. The heirarchies are mixing it up with comprehension of the supernatural mixed in with the flavor of the street.

Pick Asidz: Slanderous Alexander To: Ryan Phillipe

Alexander: You know the Gridlockx worship their own advocation over computer technology. Virtual Reality is the wave of the future. They use some with the astronauts to simulate space conditions inside and outside their craft. We make our own V.R. systems in this all to near future of 2010. With the help of our lead hacker, Brainchild and some of his friends. That is what the Capitualting Duets don't have and don't like about us. It's like there is a war over the kid! In the middle of it are twin sisters Charma and Charisma. Brainchild is a computer genius that went to a secret hacker school called "Hacker's Paradise Corp". He is a resolute authoritarian who makes his own rules in today's society. How about a kid that started hacking at 8 and is now one of the top players in the industy at 14? I'm a mortgage broker tycoon and money launderer. My numbers guy is called Shifty. His real name is Bruce Jacobs...I love to make drama in the industry by telling people that I have a realtionship with the hackers. They all want to get in with us Lockx.

To the Real

Welcome to CalifornIA. A land where we don't play! Hit a sucker with a punch then take a woman out to lunch. Crazy wit the hitmen they eat me for lunch, along with the spydermites in my bunch. Got the cure for that in my callings. Group of women and a bunch of ballings. Waiting for my bioparents to welcome me to Star Wars. The force is real to a telepathic fulcrum lore. Critique is silent when it's this good, from the barrio in a Santa Barbara Hood. I come to you with a smile on my face. The poorest one in a mental health race. Used to play polo. Now I eat dirt! I've been down, I've been broken and I've been hurt. Tension is building from my diatribes. The lesson is a crescendo in my bribes.
To: Mark and Carrie

Pick Asidz: Pick the Magic Card

Loca: Picking up these tarot cards. I always pick the fool. When thinking of Trax, there are other men, but not like the aristocracy he creates with the lord and his aliens. The ones that gave us the powers to create spells and the ones that wrote the relic books called Nostropodia.

Trax: I'm a lightbringer wolf and I'm manipulating the wind and water at the beach...Play the fool Locamotion and you rule!
I'm a little prince lost at see. Glory to the lord who is overwhelming me. The alien sweeper came into my friend's room. It then swept up all my dreams with a broom...

Pick Asidz: Brickx's Soliloquey-Shooting Blanks To:Lindsey Lohan

I get so mad at that black bastard sometimes...him and his sneaky anarchistic get backs at society. I feel a little comradery to him, fidelity to his charm, and like a little snowflake melting on the tip of his forked tongue. He thinks of himself as a provocative connoisseur. I see him as a provocative parasite...A belligerent bishop to our pawns, always taking action in sideways motions. Enemy to the authoritative conservatives with so many tricks up his sleeve, both literally and figuratively. Take in Tiny Tim, bend him to his whim, and then make him into "hobocop".

Pick Asidz: Selene's Soliloquey-Don't count me out To: Jennifer Love Hewitt

Selene: You know I feel like a coward sometimes...I submit to everyone else's bullshit like a lazy daisy. I have to stand up on my own two feet more. Army is so ostentatious and big mouthed. Brickx is insecure and I'm a maiden matador. I was a runaway at the age of 12 and I had to submit to foolhardy street versions of prince charming. They take you in if you look pretty and helpless, but once you form a personality in their minds, they put you back on the street. I had to act like their daughter or distant cousin. Freaking pedaphiles...hobnobbing in L.A. take a lot of pain pills. Addiction, relentless and obscure as it is, takes pain away from a meaningless life. Hollow and alone, you have to act the part of a paltry pusuit.

Pick Asidz: Armitage Character Sketch

Armitage's father was a former spy for MI6, the british secret service organization. He set out to create the perfect armored suit for military use in any condition or environment that would make the wearer almost invincible. He gets killed on an impossible mission that they pull him out of retirement for. He leaves the suit in a bank vault, which he bequeths to her under an alias. The suit has a microcondenser unit with electro pulses that fire beneath the ceramic/kevlar carapice. It has an mini gatling on one arm, a hand held R.P.G. launcher and a Rail Gun shoulder attachment. It is named the "Steel Rose". Armitage has to make enough money on the street to get it out of...

Necrowulf's: Murmur the tamed

Lexxor Chief: The necrowulves and the geowulves have reached an accord, as all is set to pasture. The celestial twins are in conjunction, as all stars are aligned...My might is weakening as they are born...but the Galazy shall be relinquished to their quadrant for the time being, the other quadrant leader, Omnicrus, is vacationing in Cloud Paradise...let me contact him via psychic transponder.

Sodden Earth's: Moon Howler To: Alan B. Shepard

When lunus maximus is key to transforming my otherworldy glee. Straight to the moon's face. Abort and about in the greatest outreaches of the beyond in space. I put on a spectre's guise. Hiding in the stratosphere's suprise. A coal black filter to a rocket propelled tilter. A ride of fanfare and an ambition of neglect for all other wares. Pushing farther than the lithosphere. A chart of the galaxy a navigator has to adhere. Into the pitch black core fissure of constricted equinimity to the physics absolution of viscous conductivity. Panic ensnared with all of humanity's chaos having it fared. Constricting the hull tight with timeslipping vacuums entering forever night. Infrequent timing to enlist your own pilot's instrumentation. Definitive coalition to the vessel's prattling migration. To my stary moon master subsequent to an allegory's crafter. I enter the droned with a dividing steel girdered plow. To venture the twilight with a craftier plight than thou.

Pick Asidz: Servo's Surplus To: Alex Jett

I run an army/navy store over the internet called "Servo's Surplus". It's almost as cool as the world's "secret radio", which is psychically attuned in. I'm as cool as ice most of the time, a hacker and a whip cracker...doing the nutcracker slide. I'm Brainchild's mentor to a tour de force field. You can see we run the grid, that is what the Gridlockx are about. Someone has to put up parameters on all these waves and wares in motion. The internet is like a sea of slander to someone like Alexander, my boss. He is a mortgage broker and an accountant with his own archetype for conversional conversation. The art of the sell and the sale wearing a necktie and a veil. He is a D.C. kid, like that fool Trax once was back in the day. They knew each other as kids, as their parents were friends when they were both babies. My headset is on hype when I think of idiots like Trax trying to get on the internet. He might think he is a windows warlock or something, but the real slicks are spouting computer compliments to him about some kind of blog website he set up himself. Should I comment on his comet or just shut him down and bomb it?

Movie Tidbits

Zelda Movie? Diablo movie? Xcom Movie? It is the best strategy game ever made and should make a new 3d version! Dungeon Keeper Movie? Metal Gear Solid Movie? Mickey Rourke as Cable in the Age of Apocalypse? Kiera Knightley as Domino? Equilibrium 2? Spyhunter Movie? Dragon Ball z live action? Tekken Live action? New Mortal Kombat 3? Teen Titans Live action? Green Lantern Movie? Castlevania Movie? Devil May Cry Movie? Turok Movie? Grand Theft Auto Movie? As the ultimate comic book fanboy I want to see the Death of Superman series in a movie and The Batman Knightfall series in a movie as well. Everybody loves that crazy ass Azrael with the flaming sword and new cool batman armor!

Pick Asidz: Brainchild's Brainless Burger

You know my life is like a hamburger that I don't know how to address. The bun is the thing that lets me handle it. My mom and this Trax character. Flipsidz is impartial, as he may be starting to like him as much as Blank, but he is keeping it to himself. Should I relish that fact? My standpoint mustard on the side, no mayonaisse and a little catch up. The patty is my real daddy...who doesn't really know what to think about this blaster blister, like my sister. Lily ie: Avatar, is so into the "good life" analogies without thinking of belittling herself with someone poor. Mom is such a qualm and Charisma is such a hippie reject. She is like dormant until called upon by Flipsidz to perform some miraculous act. Flipsidz is like the lettuce let us...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Sorry to you...

I'm a player but sometimes I get sloppy. I like to get noticed and sometimes it gets choppy. I apologize to Stan Lee, the master of Marvel Comics tweedle dee. I apologize to Sam Shepard, another version of the naughty leopard. I apologize to Dick Cheney, to the vice president I'm just a trainee. I am an upstart and noble as a lion. I cause motion and I'm not even trying!

Pick Asidz: In the moment

Charma: White witch or not I think I might love Trax. That Loca girl is playing him like a fool. I like her sometimes, yet she is just to hoighty toighty and high on herself to bother. Trax's dad is a former movie star and I think she holds some appeal to that fact. But as a struggling actress she doesn't seem to struggle that much...I mean she is so layed back it's like she is in the mafia. But then again women can't be in the mafia, can they? I question her appeal sometimes, but then again I'm a kid's musician. I sing jingles and do cartoon voices. She must make fun of me. I'm trying to become a cartoonist and I want to go to art school. Trax is a writer and a band member of his group called "Wyvern Wulf". Tangents complain about cosigning the deal. I usually complain about how I feel in the moment.

Pick Asidz: It equals me

Money in pocket=good rapor with sex in store. Money on a chain means you are so vain. But life hands you all the cards, sovereign as you are...tortured man greasing the wheels, a cat person with wolves at your heels. I like money to run some errands, what do you think of these oil barons? Not my place in time to question the suggestion, I need money for my for my own detection. Placebo for the rich=warning to the poor...they won't come in person to knock on my door. Trax is in love with two different know how feel till all is forgiven. There is a thing I used to call the "rectal terradectyl", now I call it a bisexual blunder...switching lanes of the highway of high strung. An amenity on a sheet of dillusion creating grandiose confusion.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Pick Asidz: My turn to question To: Kiera Knightley and B-real

Armitage: If you were to give the world a makeover what would you do?

Cleu: First I'd ask it to stop asking me I'm some kinda spanish sage at a rage.

Armitage: But what about the question do you hate the most?

Cleu: It's the fact that most people have the answer and are just looking for the hype.

Armitage: Do you think having an army around makes you lazy?

Cleu: Nope, just you want to do everything by and for yourself.

Armitage: What about my weapons training? You know you love "the gat in the hat" by doctor sue us!

Cleu: I hate the gun like I like being overun cutie...don't stand on an iceberg in the Bermuda Triangle and don't carry a flashlight in Blank's dungeon.

Armitage: Did you hear about Flipsidz and the Lockx...I think he'd rather pick his nose than be friends with a Duet?

Cleu: Now that is a question with a subjugator neck gator...Flipsidz rules without breaking a sweat. Blank's boundaries are isoteric quandries to "whose line is it now"...drawing a guillotine to suggestion!

Pick Asidz: Pre Cog Nation

Flipsidz: Is it a Pre Cog Nation or are telemarketers psychic these days?
My girlfriend Charisma and her sister are white witch psychics who manifest their own destiny through manipulations of the mind. I am a hostage negotiator and F.B.I. agent on the rise. I come with a little love note for all the terrorist wannabees...don't mess with a clairvoyant psychic who can predict the future and can find out who you are through remote viewing. Charma is my girlfriend's sister and not as much focused on such things as my Charisma that writes in the Daily Spectrascope Magazine. Her column is called "Holy Light and Good nights". You see I'm kinda undercover in my day job. As I used to be part of the "Harlem Knights" streetgang in Harlem, New York where I was born. My associate Mr. Blank was himself born and bred in a streetgang called "Forever Tears" in Compton. He and I communicate via e-mail about our respective gangs called "The Capitulating Duets" on his side and "The Gridlockx" on mine. East coast, west coast in da house. I'm a pimp with a pessimist duality towards life, the street, and it's minions. I like to be called "Flipsidz" as I will not tell you my real name or identity, a la Mr. Blank also. Count me in if you want to sin, but count me out if you don't know what I'm about...

Pick Asidz: Taxi My Cabin

Sicco: My whore hand wants to play, but my virgin hand wants to prey. If you stay awhile here in this place, you get a feel for both. But if you leave you think about your legs instead.

Loca: You and masturbation Sicco...and you have this theory that Jesus would have preffered to live among mutants? Are you on agony acid?

Sicco: Nope just the preffered pepper sweetie pie. The spice is nice when you do it twice. The dealer is my symbiote...Did crazy lazlo bring you here or did you drive yourself crazy?

Loca: Time will tell if you smell...I'm kinda getting bored of this viscous discuss. What kind of man do you like? Peter Pan or Pinnochio?

Loca: Peter peter pumpkin eat her and jacked my lantern flyboy. Why don't you just moon me while you are at it?

Sicco: Cause the moon is the night's delight and you try to pin a tale on me? What about I bombard you with my loser leotards and repartee shirts...would you dress like a hundred pound press or a vampiress?

Loca: You know I dress to impress chiclet. You are using me like bubblegum leggos to build your fortuitous fortress. Don't make me such a slacker stacker on stampede!

Pick Asidz: Fact or fiction- In my depiction?

Cleu: Fact or fiction in my depiction. Nomenclature of the normal...not withstanding the stormal. Pick and snooze you lose. Lightbringaz, Nightbringaz and wannabees...Feel like a slut...bust a nut!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Pick Asidz: Starcross

Blank: (with beam sword in V.R. world of an undersea cavern)
Sheaf the dragon Neptunos, I've come for more Nostropodia!
In this V.R. sim the duality is like a contagion...because all sides are being played.
Give me the Hyperion Book like I asked for and I won't have to unleash my cyberbots to scavange for data!

Lord Neptunos: Blank you are difficult to deal with sometimes, but I will grant you your wish this time round! I will give you portions of the Hyperion as we go along in Virtual Realtime...You have to meet me in another dimensional plane and format more to be in conjunction with spellcast V.R. You see I am a lightbringer, but I also have a dark side. The aliens which gave me the spells to be cast through your nostropodia are more infatuated with your second in command, the one called Trax...he is not as impudent and demanding as you! You are a nightbringer by nature Blank, Voodoo is all curses as you might know, the Arcane holds the mystery of life. Trax crosses two dimensionalisms because of his bloodline. You are not as sequestered by the greater powers of the DreamKnights organization that once stood as the threshhold to King Arthur's court.

Flipsidz: (homing in on the signal)
Hate to interupt this little suaree of yours Blank, but both Charma and Charisma both had epiphonys about meeting with Lord Neptunos.
(Everybody is in to the spellcasting aspects of Impactual V.R., the new type of technology used by the military)

Pick Aside's: Pantomime

Blank: Relax kid you're dying smoking that whatever...

Trax: But nobody cares to look at what is influencing what's going on with me?

Blank: You might ask yourself that question, but I'll pantomime you no options.

Trax: Should I charge you with a credit tablet?

Blank: Should I put firecrackers under your shoes?

Trax: So I can dance the night away? I'd rather sleep...

Blank: Big bucks and big schools tough guy...are you ready for cunnilingus college?

Trax: Mirrors that you respond to...go along with that highway Tex?

Blank: I still can't see my reflection in most people Trax!

Trax: Do as I say, not as I doo doo under your shoe...

Blank: Good for people that care and generally means they don't want to die!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Pick Aside's: Unison means only me

Three armed jewish mafia punks are robbing a video store and are taking hostages...Flipsidz is sent to hostage negotiate...

Flipsidz: We seek peace with you...come out and you won't be shot!

Happy mask robber: Fuck you, you nigger reject! Go back to the ghetto lost!

(Flipsidz draws his gun)

Flipsidz: I'm here to help you, not whelp are so insignifigant that they called the "ghetto patrol" freaking dumbass parasite!

Sad Mask Robber: Is that clock on a timid timer asshole?

Flipsidz: All right slugger, homeplate ain't serving you a platter! Time for the tear gas...

Crazy Mask Robber: Wait...We might let people go home to watch their videos if you take the time to get to know us...

Flipsidz: I already know you scumbag...All I have to do is make one phone call.

Happy mask robber: What are you talking about?

Flipsidz: I'm talking about your clairvoyant transparency to psychic despairancy this!

(Flipsidz calls Charisma on his cell phone)

Flipsidz: Honey bun I need a flavor favor?

Charisma: You want me to make some dumbass in one of your hot pursuits?

Flipsidz: Yup, who are these punk bitches?

Charisma: Give me something to work an address or a point of reference.

Flipsidz: We are at the Hustler's corner on Sunset boulevard...the video store these dead meats have holed up in is called Jake's grate!

10 minutes go by...

Charisma: Okay, hocus pocus and all that...the one with the Sad mask is Jason Goldstein, the one with the happy mask is Lewis Blackman, and the crazy mask is Thomas Lipshitz...they are average thieves looking to make a name for themselves.

Flipsidz: Thanks baby, I'll see you at home when I'm done here...I love clairvoyant poignants!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Pick Aside's: Ying Yang Soliloquey-Charma and Charisma

Charisma: Lemur libra, femur zebra, and leaping lizards do. I've got a black boyfriend and so should you...It's like all these black and white relationships sink like the Mulatto Mayflower or sumthing. Calling me moonbeam or sushine or sumthing like that...Sumthing like the man would say...right Mr. Machismo? My name is Charisma, white witch and writer, to the Daily Spectrascope Magazine...twin sister to Charma...and wannabe lightbringer. Their organization involves the conquest of the earth...which stemmed back from the Middle this time now. They are kinda like the knights templar. Between the VoidKnights and the LightBringers...which are constantly compeating in life's aftermath puzzle. They were originally called the DreamKnights and split from the round table. Psychic Knights with powers of the mind and partial telekinesis...they harness life with elemental powers. Befriending the aliens with whom they share their telepathic beings with...Too much light or too much darkness that is the which we live in either the Gridlockx or Capitulating Duets organizations. Blank is a voodoo priest and porn producer. Flipsidz is a terrorist negotiator and pimp. They are the leaders of the Gridlockx and the Capitulating Duets in retrospect.

Charma: You know I affiliate with two streetgangs...But gangs are just another thing like cults, fanatics or cliques. Like Christian's whipping out Jesus switchblades. Jesus...I can imagine those Elvis impersonators forming a gang someday, becoming congressional and making everybody wear blue suede shoes. It's like potheads forming a club to make a rastifarian political party, other than the green party. They'd call it the Cannibus Conventionalists or sumthing. My son thinks of me like the good humor lady in the dessert, who everybody gives cactus dollars to. I think of myself as a sing along subliminal with the mindset of getting Jimmy Stewart to kill the queen.

Pick Aside's: Locamotion's Soliloquey-I don't take the train...

Loca: Somebody named me Locamotion once because I used to play doctor under the table in kindergarden. There was always that book "The Little Engine that Could" there and I wore the color sky blue. I hate the kiddy stuff now, especially that stupid dad on his train's in Silver Spoons. Like a rich guy would spend all that time with his son. Reality does not comprehend things like that...things that are spoonfed with subliminals. I mean I like the concept, but a conceptionalizer is the basis of the idea in Hollywood. I deal with my emotions well over all the things amiss in the world. I call them e-motives and e-motifs...A parody of the disensitive. You see I'm a struggling actress and we flaunt more drama than throwing your momma a breathmint on a cold day...Recovering from atrophy's design. I've got my own style dipped in chocolate pudding, that's how I feel about Trax's friends...Trax was just some loser pen pal friend of mine on the internet until he started talking about aliens, witchcraft and streetgangs. I flaunted him in front of my boo at the time, then I actually stooped down a notch and met the guy.

Pick Aside's: Armitage's Soliloquey-Short and poignant

Armitage: I love giving pointers to the pros, either hooker or assasin. Not too many normies in this business...You can always expect the normal people's fine points to be less than the extraordinary. Especially to a Brit here in the states playing checkers with a greencard and causing as much havoc as possible. I mean the American Revolution evolved into the Untied States of America...and then launched a bias bomb at the conventionalist. Drama comes in all shapes and sizes, like guns and bullets, but fat people are bazookas. Damn Lard Retards...Americans Honestly...Bloody Americans...My dad always used to say how much American's hate people that contribute to society, most people just sit around and figuratively play with themselves. That is what I mean...(I hate explaining myself...)

Thursday, May 15, 2008

NecroWolf 2

The symbiotes inter mix and the planet shakes...The sky roars with thunder and beams are cast upon a wulf garden in the sky, the rays bounce Across Crotus and Consilius...

Krotus: This is the day of the reckoning of The Twilight of Nights Pasture...

Consilius: This is the twilight of the Dark Reckoning...

Krotus: You were misled to think of thyself like a divine weapon wulfsmith...

Consilius: You geo wulves are all the same, Com se com sa...

Krotus: No hiuzo se targate...

Consilius: Wulf Jakaal no baal...

Krotus: El jefante sequo zias...

Pick Asidz: Untangle me tingles

TRax: Stop tickling me like a kitty cat Loca!

Loca: Stop mop at the sweat shop...Whassat?

Armitage: Look out bendejos...I'm a coming through...

Sicco: Look out Army, here comes Violent Victor...

Armitage: I see him Lardbutt...thats why I'm running...

Victor: Thats why I travel in a pack kitty love...

TRax switches costumes into Geomancer Prime...

Geomancer Prime: Look out you hoser I'm the golden choser...

Time stands still...

Loca: Hey idiot what are you doing still?

Trax: I was rescuing the one woman army of Armitage the weapons dealing prostitute.

Loca: But you were dressed up in that get up? How bout Necromancer Trax? Josh kidding sexy!
I love the good guys angelface!

Trax: But you dig a good badass every once in a while right?

Loca: Love them hired guns and on the runs no howdy!

Trax: That is a good little succubus, Tanto Tunto show her the ring!

Tanto Tunto: Here it is boss...(ringtone with "I will walk with you into the dark")

Time starts again...miles away!

Armitage: Thanks for the save, you are one heck of a brave slave to your sunshine...

Trax: She is my honey pot!

Pick Aside's: Symphony or Cacaphony?

Writing online in a chat room...

Avatar: Bron are you Jesuit Jesse or Lord Similcron today?
Brainchild: How is Mom? You get to be with her all the time...It makes me jealous that she chose a girl over a genius boy like me.
Avatar: Well thats the way it had to be for you to become such a genius! Genius would you send me your new scavs on the system data for the "Virtual Reaver" simulation?
Brainchild: How come I'm always sending you stuff?
Avatar: Cause you're the one that went to hacker school, you timenerd!
Brainchild: Well don't breeze on my wisper, overload!
Avatar: Did Mom sing you her new song called "Kiddy Critique on Cashmiere"?
Brainchild: That sounds like one for the records! Anyway I'm uploading you some pictures that I transmogrified in C.G.
Avatar: Are they of your black daddy?
Brainchild: Yeah they are...I put flames around his picture and gave him horns. Him and his darn pimpmobiles...I swear he likes cars more than me...

Pick Aside's: The fool's folly

Blank: Gimme a lollypop, we are going for a ride!

Charma: A ride to where?

Sicco: Not to the porn labaratory and this "Resident Anal" idea.

Charma: No Blank...I will not take off my clothes, if that is your idea.

Blank: Charma you wish! I've already got enough hos on that detail. I want to take you to my version of dinner and a movie! The same place I put little poopsie when I put her in the dungeon. It's called " The Virtual Dingo Club" and it's an underground subculture. They use V.R. sims like a new age submersible agriculture. Humans beings being used as test subjects for virtual relays. It's the same stuff the military has kept locked up for the past 10 years. You'll see when we get there...

Pick Aside's: Interview with a Clamp Hire To: Dr. Dre

Streetz: My name is Jeffrey Adams, nicknamed "Streetz", cause of my city knowledge and understandings. I have been writing an article for Tower Magazine, a hip hop junkie's bible, about new age streetgangs. I can't get a mental picture of this kid I met, associating with street thugs...I guess I underestimate him. I'm talking about Trax Murphy...and the Capitulating Duets. Mr. Blank, their leader, is such a menace and this Trax dude is his antithesis from what I can understand. It's crazy...a world where street gangs rejoice in the supernatural and immerse themselves in technology! The east coast's GridLockx and the west coast's Capitulating Duet's are the topics of interest to me and my article. Sure there are other streetgangs out there, but not as fascinating...The Duets are into witchcraft and the Lockx are into computertech. Where does the archaic meet the new age? At a junction where nobody closes the deal! They are not saitanists, yet the Capitulating Duets practice black magic. The Lockx are not geeks, yet they seem to blocade the ignorant with a virtual vision. They are all playing russian roulette with a timebomb...The clock ticks as I try to accentuate my fixation. Reporting about translucent archetectures that burn down my igloo...the world needs to know about stuff like this! It is so hopeless out there, squares turn into triangles and circle pythagarian prodigals in a loop that sits on a stoop.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Pick Aside's: Street Sweeper

Blank: The thing I like about Trax is that he was first brought up as a rich kid, where I heard about him and hated him. Then after his Mom and Dad split up he became poor, eventually becoming a real street person, not as tough as me. But in comparison to most he was above average in the tough and smart contending of the street and it's beats...

Clyde: Blank is our leader, yet the LightBringers love Trax for some Blankmaster keeps him around as a shield. He says Trax's goodness makes him happy and more powerful spiritually. My own bad intentions reform to a different constitution.

Loca: I hate Blank with a passion sometimes, his condescending bullshit and all. Trax thinks he is political...but the public feels the contrary.

Trax: They say that I am a LightBringer by nature, but it's only natural to have a dark side too. The streets have their own set of rules and behavioral mannerisms. A good guy suffers to that unlamenting disorder. Natural selection defines the abnormal to the curiosity of the coventionalist. With a rythme supplanted by the venture, and a ryhme secluded in the benign...I talk to Streetz about that kind of stuff and he tells me to lay off the disorienting disharmony of the Capitulating Duets and get back to myself. Stature is my reactive...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Terminator: Conceptualizations

New Idea: Critique: The battles between the humans and the machines are so one sided and it never seems like the humans could possibly win with that much carnage, or could possibly overcome so much devistation...

My answer: The introduction of nanotechnologies-such as nanites which could either be put into a human's bloodstream to control computer tech (a la Bloodshot) or jam machinery. Also used to corrupt and manipulate the machines. They could also use nanite patches to infiltrate technologies impassable-(better than explosives?) Use to rewire circuitry and reprogram terminators and other machines...

New Weapons: Electrode Harpoon and darts-electronic jamming device shot from some sort of gun-with the capacity to disrupt machinery-could even make harpoon gatling gun
Acid Launcher and acid rounds for machine guns-can melt the terminators-made out of highly acidic stermonine
Shotgun Electrode rounds-full cased shotgun shells designed with electronic jamming in mind
50 Cals-use of 50 calibers to put more damage into terminators and other machines-bigger caliber means more damage ratios-like use of Desert Eagle 50 and 50 cal sniper rifles-etc.
Nanite Grenade-smoke grenade that emit the nanites in a mist lauched from mortars or other weaponry-to clear area of dangerous machinery...
Emp modules-shot from guns or made into device that emit emps to jam machinery...

Resident Evil: Conceptualizations

Weapons: The Rail Gun-(like the ones in Eraser with Arnold)
Taser Knives and Taser throwing knives-activate like a grenade with a one touch button-the regular knife would have an on/off switch
Taser Shuriken-one touch activation-then rendered useless after taser burst upon contact
Electro Bolos and Tonkas-would have electric power source-different than taser-made to electricute on touch-with rubber insulation grips-bolos would have switch like taser weapons
Taser net and taser net launcher-electrified net that can incapacitate zombies
Wrist missiles-(like destro in G.I. Joe)-would need insulated suit to wear to protect user
T-Virus Launchers and t-virus smoke grenades-used by Umbrella to make zombies and other creatures out of civilians
Wrist Flamethrowers-also need fire retardent suit like wrist missiles-can be used in combination
Wrist Blade Projectiles-like darts and concussionary shuriken launchers-(shuriken grenades)
Sonic Blasters and sonic grenades
Pocket EMPs and sonar bombs used to curb zombie occupation
Electro Katana
Explosive Throwing Knives and incidiary throwing knives-incinerate upon contact
Vaccine Dart Gun
Cloaking fields for vehicles-used in conjunction with the fact that zombies senses are not as acute as humans

New Characters-Sonji Simono-(japanese martial arts instructor)-befriends Leon and Alice
Uses traditional weaponry that has been upgraded-like the taser stuff

New ideas for story lines: The introduction of spellcast zombies that are immune to different things-made from Voddoo Witchdoctor or Necromancer-takes control of the T-virus zombies using them for world domination-New World ally to Umbrella after T-virus contamination-regime called the "Deadcast"

T-Virus unleashed in space-on space station-Umbrella condoning terrorist action to gain control of new space station with EMP and laser strike capabilities-with Leon Kennedy and Chris Redfield going in to save

Introduction of Zombie bounty hunters-mutants/psychics with various abilities to catch zombies and other creatures-go after Umbrella execs, zombies and supercreatures afflicted with the T-virus

Resident Evil Arcade-arcade game with ability to switch characters at certain points-using Claire, Chris, Carlos, Alice, Leon, Barry and Jill-ability to be bad guys like Dr. Isaacs, Wesker, Krauser, Nemesis and other creatures-(kinda like aliens vs. predator on jaguar)

The movie of Resident Evil 4 should show the before and after of Leon. Leon as a cop in Raccoon City dealing with the zombie infestation, then as a Black Ops operative going to the island. Should he be a werewolf? Immune to the T-Virus?

Star Wars: Conceptionalizations

Weapons: Laser Whip, Broad Lightsaber, pocket/mini forcefield device, entropy band=force resonator headband which enhances force powers, force nullifier device=disrupts force powers on Jedi and Sith, Chameleon gear=changes color aspects to camoflage troopers and wear holo masks, Bayonetsabers on blasters, light saber truncheons=missile launching saber bomb deployed from new fightercraft open with force commands

New Planets: Soth-the sith world and Omegalis the Insect planet

Vehicles: Sith Raider-skycycles, New Empire Mega Tie Fighter=larger version of the tie with more weapons and shields, Z wing=six winged fighter for Republic

New Troopers: Ballisticka Trooper-with blaster bazooka pods on backpack and rpgs also
Tempest Trooper-Warping Stormtrooper with teleporting device and new armor
Tempest Ballisticka-the ultimate warping trooper with missile and grenade launching packs
New Armours: Crystaline Armors fro Jedi-shield from blasters beams
Dark Crystaline armours for sith-same purpose

New Sith Lords: Darth Tarantulus, Darth Tormentus, and Darth Tyranus
Darth Tarantulus=SpiderSith with many limbs and parasitic pods/spores launched off body, that infect enemies with spider larva, controls light knives with force and uses grappling hook + lightclaws
Darth Tormentus=Carrys lightsaber/light scythe combo
Darth Tyranus= Carrys lightsaber/blaster combination

New Force Maneuvers- force bolts that project in a projectile stream like hand lightning and earth moving skills to create mini earthquakes + ground rips-use ground as a shield

Genetically enhance various aliens on different planets to be used as warrior slaves and bodyguards-new look to them ie: The sand people on Tatooine, modify their attributes, like strength, agility and dexterity, plus put control modules on them

New elemental powers for new Jedi warriors...

Battle Droids: Carry force disruptors/amplifiers
Y6p8-new droid with lightknives on it-spins when in confrontation to attack enemies

Star Core

The wars fought in the stars are like the thorns on a rose. Between Republic and Empire, lightspeed renewal through starcrafting prose. Give me a droid, a wookie and a blaster. I shall paint the town red on clean alabaster. Give me a fight between Jedi and Sith. I shall craft you an armor from the finest smith. My orange lightsaber and a new Deathstar. I'm on the range and I'm shooting on par. Han and Leia. Lando and Luke. C3P0 and R2. I cannot rebuke. The land of tomorrow in a visionary's vision. Hail to George Lucas, the king of such decision.

The Duke of Biohazard

Zombies, Zombies, Zombies...shoot them in the head. Live underground. Don't make a sound. You might wake the dead. Alice is not in wonderland. The earth is in despair. Survival is the name of the game. Which Umbrella cannot repair. Call me the Duke of Biohazard. As I stand my ground. How many bullets do I have as my heart may pound. This virus is the fall of man. To which only lucky get the cure. No I will not join the company with such sophisticated allure. Piece me back together. Paste me a somber plan. The residents are all evil with this gun in hand. Hopefully I can stay immune. Like my ammunition. Keep my head on straight sweeping my volition. Yes I'm volatile my sanity is my base. If I stay alive we might save the human race.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Pick Aside's: The quest and test for...

The quest for Nostropodia started in the Middle Ages when a fellowship of knights sidetracked on the quest for the Holy Grail. They became fascinated by artifacts and their spiritual powers. Such relics were rare and held great power for the holder. They were called "The DreamKnights" and they were still loyal to King Arthur and Merlin. In Africa they searched for relics of such order. The tribes began to make of them like the Conquistadors, fighters with a lost, although orderly cause to collest and bestow power to people who deserved it. The DreamKnights split into two factions of "the VoidKnights" and "the LightBringers". These two factions clashed but had the same agendas making their own laws about bestowing supernatural powers to average people. They would only do so if they felt a person was worthy through harsh trials and endeavors of achievement. They made rulings to their heirarchies and set themselves in secrecy...even to this day!

Pick Aside's: Slooth in tooth

Detective Mumbo: The one that calls himself Blankmaster is our lead anarchist suspect along with his second in command, the one called Trax. They lead a spellcasting streetgang called the Capitulating Duets. They have learned spellcraft from a series of books called "Nostropodia", that were supposedly relics of the DreamKnights faction of King Arthur's Round Table. Aliens supposedly have something to do with the whole thing, but we have yet to comprehend that aspect of it. The duets are able to control light and dark elements within their factions of using spells to invoke time and space. The aliens they say had communion with a faction that split from the Dreamknights called the "lightbringers". They called themselves the lightside elementels.
We want to try to subdue these perps but to not get too involved in their league, due to all the controversy they create. This is highly political, as they are not the usual street trash found within the normal gangs of this city. They are magnificent people who abuse the powers of the "Galazy Gods"...We have to capture them at all costs.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Riprunner to mother flag...Riprunner to mother flag...We have met the objective. We have uploaded the datacross and are confirming the software exchange. The star core is in rapture and the bioflux of the cosmos is stabilized. We ran the atomofield with the usual Rip destinations. Then we landed in New Hel, a world of brimstone dimesionalisms, not quite hell, but darn close to it...There was a war going on there, as always we suppose, between factions of the Hel Lords. We interogated a lost battalion of fiends, the lowest denomination of minions there, to find out exactly what was going on. We used the bioenterpreter on one called Vrom. He wore a suit of armor made from enduroflesh, that was taken from some kind of reptilian hel dweller that resided in the lower depths. We interpreted him to call it a "protozod". We are scanning it and sending it back to you via the chronosequencer. Vrom told us more after we tazed him with our electromods. He kept ranting about someone called "Scorch" and how his flames neutralized whatever souls such creatures had. They were deathly afraid of him and told us he was one of the major power players in the realms of the New Helions. We asked about others, but some mysterious force collapsed his lungs. We moved onto the others and they dematerialized before our eyes. The heat started to rise and some kind of acid started to melt our suits, so we chronojumped out of the immediate area. We then found ourselves in some kind of arena...

Pick Asidz: Pleasure's Parafin-Blank's Solioquey To: 50 cent

Blank: I've been shot before...stabbed a couple of times and thrown to the sharks in shackles. As I was hanging on for dear life (like a dead abbey)...I prayed to God that people would care enough to save me. You know doing your job and not taking it personally is a thing for cops and hospitals. But asking people to seperate their own private views from their jobs is left to preachers. I feel like the porn president sometimes, my underground flavor always questioned by Detective Mumbo Jumbo. Flipsidz is an acquaintance of mine, who I respect and compete with. He now works for the F.B.I. as a head shrinker and hostage negotiator. (How he got that got that job only the boogeyman knows.) But he must have an agenda and exterior motive. My motivation still comes from my setting in the backwards city of angels...

Hazmat for Has beens...

Pick Aside's: Flipsidz Soliloquey-Pebbles and Grinders To: Jay-Z

Flipsidz: Hot off the press...America is a flipping mess. I used to be a punk and now I'm a pilgrim. Patronage comes from a downtrodden spirit with ill fascinations. That is what the street does to you. But once you can find a niche you have to line up for the dream. I became a hostage negotiator by going to college and having high hopes to deal with the kind of people who represent my old self. Selfish and abused, I stomped on society's rules and regs. Now I build up my regements through women who used to be abused and are still confused. They add quotas to my quotient, through a pimp pacifier named Jericho Smith.

Don't have a cow is my moo mantra!