Saturday, May 24, 2008

Pick Asidz: Comic Book Crazy...

Cleu: Heroes and antiheroes...where is the line drawn for a civic vigilante?

Clyde: Hickory dickory dock...the cat ran of the clock.

Loca: Stop with the cat hoser!

Armitage: A civic vigilante is not a ho and her panties...

Sicco: I'm fat and flatulent, but I do like a good hero in tight pantaloons. Trax you and your costumes.

Trax: Well some of mine have been charmed by white magic and some with dark. The Hyperion is the new way to be a hero...A good costume is better than a good one reads me my rights for wearing emotions on my sleeve.

Loca: I like your costumes and I love your expressionisms...Always trying to be the super hero!

Blank: (under his breath) I'm your foil you little nerd terd...not such an anonymous anathema!

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