Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Pick Asidz: Selene's Soliloquey-Don't count me out To: Jennifer Love Hewitt

Selene: You know I feel like a coward sometimes...I submit to everyone else's bullshit like a lazy daisy. I have to stand up on my own two feet more. Army is so ostentatious and big mouthed. Brickx is insecure and I'm a maiden matador. I was a runaway at the age of 12 and I had to submit to foolhardy street versions of prince charming. They take you in if you look pretty and helpless, but once you form a personality in their minds, they put you back on the street. I had to act like their daughter or distant cousin. Freaking pedaphiles...hobnobbing in L.A. take a lot of pain pills. Addiction, relentless and obscure as it is, takes pain away from a meaningless life. Hollow and alone, you have to act the part of a paltry pusuit.

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