Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sodden Earthz

An experiment that went awry with the varying of the chromosome's genetic augmentation. Conforming with a zynegous analagy of confeudalism. Down to the earthz core venturing capital in the Heavan and Hel Refrain.

Chap 1
Blessed is the man Simon Beatrice for creating an ^EEGRET^
The theme of my "Sodden Earthz" is of an oncoming age of apocalypse where there is a mad dash to get to and terraform planets with "Lushous Earth" technology. The mad dash is called "Code Name Ragnarok". The whole planet of "old earth" became "neu- earth" as less people inhabited the planet. The government was then cast aside into revolutionized tribes.
As cybernetic demens loom on a crimson shadow...The earth must become the "Earthz"

Pick Asidz: Porn Slut Hustle

GI Josh makes life so posh, said the big bad kitten...

Brikx: I've got to untangle after that one...

Selene: Sissy space chick you've got another scene...

Brikx: I hope it's not with the Dean...class without glasses.

Selene: You mean no shame in the champagne?

Brikx: What I mean is obscene...

Selene: To toss and toil makes the cauldron boil!

Brikx: You little which...

Selene: I'll get my whip and you get your strap-on .

Brikx: I hope he doesn't wear that nighty. He isn't Hugh Hefner in that thing.

Selene: But you are his huge heffer fairy crust.

Brikx: Just some more smut big butt tut.

Selene: I am the queen of the shitty sheets!

Brikx: And I am the wizard of whose boss.

Selene: Whatever, you think you're mayhem's madame or sumthing?

Brikx: Nope I'm just mischief's mistake here to rake and take on the cum thang...

Selene: Okay so we are in the garden of even steven. But what do you think she really did with that snake?

Brikx: The same thing we do every night pinky, we try to take over the curled!

Beware of the Red Hair...

Pick Asidz: Cosmic Frisbee in the G module

Flipsidz: I hope you lucky few use this gravity module well for the next hour. It used to be used only by people in the space programs. I've got some pull in that arena being with the Special Forces division of the F.B.I.

Trax: Don't worry about a thing! This will be a cool experience for us all.

Loca: Did you bring the frisbee?

Armitage: Of coarse and I brought a gatling gun too...Just Kidding!

Blank: I always wanted to administer myself to zero g.

Clyde: Be like an astronaut? Man this is dope!

Sicco: If I barf will it come at people all slow?

Selene: Don't do it Rufus.

Flipsidz: I had Brainchild and my crew make this replicate module. I hope you boys and girls like it! Someday I plan to go to space!

Pick Asidz: Mello Jello

Blank: Cinderella or Vampirella, what will it be?

Selene: How about I impale you with high heels and call it a day?

Blank: But you are my propigated princess! A pineapple to my cucumber...

Selene: That's exactly right in that scenario!

Brikx: (Entering) What is that smell?

Selene: It's probably cucumber melon...

Brikx: Blank have you been testing the wares again?

Blank: If you mean that in a mastabatory manner, then no.

Brikx: So tell me about that girl/girl thing with the Jello.

Selene: I was a referee to a jello brawl. What do you want to know?

Brikx: What flavor?

Selene: Of coarse Blank made it Vanilla. With all those white whipper snappers in the mix.

Blank: It's called a "Cracker Smacker", thank you very much!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Pick Asidz: Screeching Chalkboard

Loca: Do you believe in apparitions Selene?

Selene: You mean like poltergheists?

Loca: Yeah, what do you think the afterlife will be like?

Selene: Well I wouldn't be a pornstar anymore...and you wouldn't be a sometimes B, sometimes A actress goth.

Loca: You know as a Goth, people always assume that you want to go to some dark oasis when we die.

Selene: But what you really want to do is go to another "sex in the city" route and see another broadway presentation of "Cats".

Loca: Don't you think they should make a "Dogz"?

Selene: That would be cool if they made them military people or sumthing like "Dogg Soldiers".

Loca: Maybe I should tell that to Trax to have him write down in one of his little books.

Selene: Maybe you should get a stethoscope and measure his heart rate when you are around?

Loca: What is that supposed to mean?

Selene: I mean he is obsessed with you and talks to your pictures.

Loca: I like him like that and Charma does too...That way the circus always has a clown.

Selene: Yeah and you spread peanuts around like currency.

Loca: Bad if you call me Dumbo the dumb ho!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Pick Asidz: Piano of the Piper

Trax: Slower and lower and try not to toot.

Loca: Then you think "tip the scale and send you another e-mail"?

Trax: Life is comprehension my sweet!

Loca: Then why don't you compare?

Trax: Because I'm not anciently oriented?

Loca: So it's time to purchase you a purpose?

Trax: And touch the golden surface, perhaps? I'm a lyre with my sycophants on fire...

Loca: Bad if you retire or expire!

Trax: I'm with you on that, but can you cross the stream of what it may seem?

Loca: Only if you dare to dream and heed the call of the bling bling and gleam!

Trax: You are my glue, but you are talking like an old shoe. Don't worry you are still my wily whirlwind...Let's stay on cue and on key.

Loca: So my "bitchcat" licensce is revoked?

Trax: Nope it's just so I don't step in the kitty litter...

Loca: Forensics of the forwarned wolf boy...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Pick Asidz: Unethiswell To: 50 cent Curtis Jackson

Blank: Trax and Loca are betting each other a thousand bucks of who can beat who in a tennis match. Then Trax wants to teach her how to play polo on horseback. His friend used to have a beautiful black stallion. Quarter horses are better though, the half thoroughbreds are the best he says. But the stallion is Argentinian. Named "Protofloss"...

Blake: Trax's dad used to make him be a groom on his ranch in Idaho. The old general has many tricks up his sleeves about grooming Trax to be president someday. You have to be athletic and charming...

Veronica: You think Trax should run for public office even though he has got his own collection of illegal lestropodia, which essentially is the "Lightbringer Handbook"?

Blank: And I've got my "Nostropodia", Cog has got his "Demonopodia", Traz has his "Metamorphopodia, Flipsidz has "Arcanopodia" (The book of the Arcane), Dark Cloudz has her "Voodoopodia" (Gris Gris compelation), Brikx and Slickx collect lost relics of the Lightbringers and Nightbringers. Charma and Charisma share "Clairvoyopodia" (white witch manual), Loca has her "Dreampodia" (the book of lost dreamspells) , Cleu , Crux and Clyde share their "Asidupodia" (Time spells), Slikx shares his "Erotopodia" (Hormonal Charms) with his cohorts,
And the world goes round...I'm guessing the kind of gypsy podia is called "elecropodia". That's Andromed's forte along with "the book of the all seeing eye". Selene and Brikx share "Estupodia" The book of the Lost wind)
There are alot of mythical weapons we are searching for as well...
The Lightbringaz gang is on a holy mission to find the LightAxe.
The Nightbringaz gang is looking for the violet Scythe.
I own a lightbringaz dagger and want to give it to Trax when I can no longer rule over the streets...
There is a legend that the DreamKnightz had looked for an obsidian Reaver sword for near a millenia...
The Paladiumix Woman Kast had been looking for the Vertigo Whip.
The PsychoGeistz organization was looking for the Bonecrust Broadsword.
Thats all I know and all I'll say....

Monday, June 16, 2008

Sodden Earthz Character Sketch

Necromonius-Elder Wulf Shaman of the Necrofold Blood Coven 3
Can summon necromantic energies and draw forth from the "Necrowold" and "NecroWard"
Kilius-Necromonius' son and confidant-more warrior than sorcerer-uses the "eye of the Necrode" to find "NecroHoles" for his father to summon energy
Can summon battle frenzys and light summoning of bone demones
Calus-Necromonius' half son with Tigretta-A half wulf/half werekat
He is in charge of of all Necro Inventions made by the different covens of Wulf and Tyger tribes
Indictus-Necrofold Judge and tribunal officer-commander of the Necromen Black Wulf-the lower coven of the NecroWulves

Geomonius-Old Wulf Magician-turned pack leader of the side of the "Elementel"
He is a wulf healer and source of white magick for the "Order of the Geode"
Beastius-Geomonius' son-Apprentice to his wulf teachings of "good earthz"
Krotus-Beastius' son and half wulf/half humen white paladinwulf
Ohman-Half Rok Duman/ Half Epsilonian Battle Angelle-enlisted in the prophecy of Limbaz
Uman-Half Rock Duman/half daemon half brother to Ohman

Sodden Earthz: Conflagration Red To: Mark Hamill My Bio-Dad

With hypogenesis thrusters on full blast, the "Endocrine Warper" was the ship to beat in the year of the continuim. It's pilot, Professor Ridley Sheridan was bemused by the Timeship's capacity for extragalactic travel. But added to that feature was the fact that the New Hyper Excelerated Starship was a "ChronoTacton" with the ability to hyperslide and chronojump.
He had crafted the ship out of handmade and chromium infused "Telectrons", from the planet Venus.
He was the same doctor of geneticology that created the first plasmatoid serum, but did not infuse himself, having countlessly transmogrified the likes of which the world had never known.
He had used timesplitting genoids and lycanthropic caninoids by extrapulating cerebro enhancers to a quantum theory and added hypno-genesis to their algorithmic program.
His competition this year of 3030 would be the genetical gene splice doctor Vector.
Doctor Vector was his prime competition and had also built himself a "Timeship" out of different materials. His ship, "The Transpondium", was a little more advanced due to the fact that it had "Osmosical Transporters". The transporters would turn the human body into it's water primed base and electrically transmogerate it's essence through the use of elecricity. Able to osmulate it's crew onto other planets with "TimeGratals".

Good Measure Scene 20

Angelica: True is the blue in how I see you. Daft compared to my own menace.

Fenando: We are finally married and not justifiably tarried cause I took the warrior's course.

Angelica: Tis in your spanish roots.

Fernando: And your angelic pride...

Ferdinand: My son I am sorry for my vehemence but I am a King.

Fernando: You wanted me to become a warrior and I became one in the forests.

Ferdinand: We spanish are warriors son and that is how we do our kinsome business.
When I die you will be crowned king!

Fernando: Yes and Angelica is my prize...

They all bow...

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Lithosphere-To: Our Current President-George Bush Jr.

Note: I am totally gung ho about the space program and it's applications...the Air Force's Space Program is key. I think we should all resolve our conflicts and go to space. That comes from a "Space Cadet".

The Lithosphere is a litmus
To a paper of the earth's crust
Daft in it's menace
Until Dust is all Dust
Bless me for trying
Taken away from disharmony
These two sisters trialed
And are searching for alarmency
The lithosphere is the surface to space
Get there someday and we'll win the race
This capsule is a junction
To delve into myself
As a space/time's voyage
Into perserverance above wealth
Searching for my path
Over yonder blues
Go further than the lithosphere
And see the sky's true hues.
*Sir-the sisters are Fate and Justice!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Pick Asidz: Cream Cheese Please!

Brikx: Curtain me the curtail and man the ganon. Life outsmarted me and shot me with a canon. I am but a little vixen wretched to favor nixon. I am a crook who is not so crooked...Give me liberty in what I'm cooking.

Selene: Well pickle my pussy just for posterity. The gleam of the cheese has me on the tease. I am a righteous voyeur shot down by any lawyer.

Sicco: Do me a little dance, just as a favor if you were a fruit. Please tell me what flavor?

Clyde: I like ice cream better, the hotter the wetter. Stick a candy cane in your pussy and take you to the north pole.

Trax: I'll guide the sleigh with chronic so bright! All right guys here is the situation...

Loca: Vicious bitchous viper my harness on the piper lit to help with my situation indifferent to an elegant vacation.

Pick Asidz: Scared of the Aftermath

Selene: Caulk my leaky ceiling with a gause cause. My trample is on a ramble from scene to scene. It's all so mechanical...

Brikx: Torch my convistion pyro gyro!

Armitage: Staulk and caulk you mean...the mean streets are my clean streets. Down to division and close to decision with unrest declition and camoflage delision.

Trax: Pussy piety rules the world and pious quixotics rule the girl. The pacifier is the gleam piecemealed to the seam. Machine Guns and fairy tales to the Bush's and the Quails. The stratosphere in a collar which I bought for only one dollar.

Cleu: Oh baby, Oh baby you know what I like. At the strip club of provocation I didn't ask for a dike. Tamper, Tamper with damaged goods, toys from a closet that visits the hoods. The hobby of bobby the camoflaged clown. Surely thinking and sinking with what's up must come down.

Loca: Camoflaged clowns are not the military heros to subzeros...

Pick Asidz: Charma Calling

Flipsidz: You can't control bugs, can you Charma?

Charma: What do you think dude? That is a dark witches forte. Go contact the wicked witch of the west.

Flipsidz: Okay already, I'll have to add a person like that to my collection.

Charma: How are the kids doing?

Flipsidz: Brainchild is working on SlimEE the robot with his impactual virtual reality guide on and an Artificial Stimulcron hooked up to his veo cortez appendatures. Avatar is drawing and writing her own comic books on the web.

Charma: So what is my sister up to? Worshipping the black man in a new hippie hysteria?

Flipsidz: That is what I like about her. She understands a lot with an open mind. She is writing about aliens stimulating the psychic grid and stuff.

Charma: Aliens smaliens! Maybe a "Predator" will propose to me some day and an alien will egg pop my worst enemy. You are not it Flip!

Flipsidz: Call me Jericho...

Pick Asidz: Volley for volley-To Kiefer Sutherland

Catapult: I direct everything like a real cosmonaut cosmopolitan. Vegas here, New York there...The style is beguile and we stay away from pedaphiles. Glamour and the host have kittens to boot. Pretensions flow to the aspect that I direct porn. Mr. Rambunctious thinks he can direct underground with his anonymity aspect. We are above ground and at the epicenter of the porn world's finest establishments. To the first hemispheres of nude culture. They call me "Catapult" because of what I can do for your career from porn mag to video. I am a director for the "Adulterer Magazine" run by Slikx of the Dynamic Starz Consortium. As a director I am given the artistic liberty to my own expression. I have rules, just like every other director. But I like to push the limit. Some call me a con artist, but it's all in the motion of a porn actresses' devotion.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Pick Asidz: The Vice Versus

Veronica: You wanna give me a break fast Trax?

Trax: Yeah Mom, but let me lay this on you without running you over...
Four Leaf Clover
Under a pot of rainbow mold
The world is a cloister
Closer to 11 than 12 on the dock
Tangle me up
While sinking my ship
Tying me to Pig's heaven
Cause I ennebriate myself on the viscosity of the city
With a battle between my erection and a cap guns ammo clips...

Dynamic Starz Consortium

Dynamic Starz Heirarchy
1)Slikx-Executive Producer/Creator of "The Adulterer Magazine"
4)Tangerina-Set Designer

Pick Asidz: Gridlockx R Us

Servo: We Gridlockx like to flaunt our computer prowess with I.V.R. (Impactual Virtual Reality), computer, and robotic technologies. We've created a few robots to help us here at Lockx Central. Brainchild's SlimEE is at the hub of our junction. He built the thing from scrap and loves it more than a putty cat. Grindstarz is the other E-Robot we have plugged into the web to help us navigate the system grid. The Kalculator is the other I-Calcitrant we have crunching numbers to help us steal money from hidden bank accounts from drug dealers and other scum. We recircumvent some of it to charities and donor organizations that distribute body parts and organs to the needy. Most of it we keep for ourselves to fund our secret organiztion of the "MindLockx". That is what we call our higher ups like Flipsidz. Without him everything would come crashing down. He started this pseudo tech gang from an old street gang he used to be in. Thinking that was infantile, childish and unproductive, he now does what he does best. I came from a trailer park to get involved with him, as he sought me out because he used an F.B.I. list of nondescript hackers for hire to track me. Cool as a cucumber, but fickle as a pickle we run the grid!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Machine Guns and Fairy Tales-To: Retired Rear Admiral William Hamill

"Promise me a purpose", he said under his breath to the master at arms. As recalcitrant hope shined in his eyes. "Pretend you matter" was the master at arms reply. He added "without a speech impediment". "Look lively and keep sharp, that is the answer to the riddle of life. The core has the answer".
The cadet was 18 years old and as soon as he graduated high school he enlisted in the service of the Navy. He was an adept student and sought to become a man on his excursions on the open sea.
Trevor Conroy was an orphan most of his life, his parents had died in a car crash when he was eight years old. He had gone to high school in New York City while living in an orphanage and vowed to make something of himself. He was totally obsessed with proving his worth.
There was something amusing about life out at sea when you had been an orphan beforehand, the abundance of ocean life and the swells. The more you drifted, the more you dreamed. Some dreams resided in the past, while some precepts where guided toward the future, but with the water and the wind at your heels you always seemed to feel the tug of war in the present. Absent as a vacant catharsis, the open minded set sail to their own emotions.
The master at arms, Sergeant Dwayne Stern was displaying the proper way to load and deload a weapon...
After drills the Sergeant said "Sit up and sit down, do some more pushups! No slackers in this outfit!"
Trevor thought back to High School, where he was the star quarterback for his home team of the Beavers. He knew the game inside and out, he could throw like a pro, but the mastery of the game lied in the connection. Pontificating about miserable losses are let downs where the team lost morale. His ideal notion was cadence to the Navy and respect from his peers. He was an apt minded pupil and thought of himself to be a "rigor hound". The loss of his parents made him somewhat of an overachiever to stay above ground and afloat.
"There is no solid ground in the thin air of space". The same rule applied to the ocean with limited space aboard a cruising warship.
The key to Trevor's life had been good navigation and an open minded spirit. He was an aspiring songwriter and musician, as his hobby in the down time they had on the ship. He was writing a new song called "Dog Sea Night" aboard the vessel in the twilight of the midsea night. He sank away into that special place in his mind that all sea dwellers seem to incarnate when their minds and bodies were fine tuned to the existing peace. The sea, unlike the land, had foggy nights where you could lose yourself in the wind. It's howl, it's calling, and it's tranquility for some. On such nights Trevor wrote his best tunes.

Necrowulf's: Krotus in the valley of the orchard in heaven's twilight

Daffodil: Krotus your latency of power is due to...

Sunflower: The wulf change...

Rose: The shape shifting...

Water Lily: And the fact that you are but a young GeoWulf...

Krotus: I am wulf and I am humen, so is the coinsurgency coincidal within myself.

Dandelion: So you seek the soulsmith?

Krotus: No I seek the "golden labyrinth"...

Zantania Chrysanthemum: The way is through the "GeoCross"...my minions will show you the way! Put on the "StarCross" young one!

Krotus: I will put on the "StarCross" helm and neutronic armourment, but first tell me where I can find the WarWulf named Materlia?

Beastius: Son beware the Dinozaurs and the Insectoclones on Notron. As well as the Daemons in Neu Hel. The Epsilonian Empire are good beings like us, and the humens are mixed.

Pick Asidz: About Styx-Cry me a streamer To: Ice Cube

Styx: I'm Flipsidz' partner in the F.B.I. and mentor. I've been doing the counter terrorism hostage negotiations bit for a while...They send in two big black guys and you know the job gets done. Flipsidz is so flippant so I get to play "Bad Cop". I got my nickname from an old police sergeant when I used to be on the force. He believed in the Asgardians and told me "boy make sure you put two hundred dollars on your eyelids when you go down the river Styx...The boatman Charon doesn't want any speedboats or showboats on his little lake." I've seen way too much death and gone through a bunch of partners, some dead, some crippled, so I try to tell Flip to be careful. I dream about how I'd go out. I'd much rather a blaze of glory than a pilferer's little smoke cloud. The showboat is Flipsidz most of the time. Trying to get his "Psychic Force" or whatever they call it into the mainstream status quo. I gotta get me a white witch clairyoant girlfriend, but I don't know where to shop. Where do you get one of those? At the mall or the arcade? Library or courthouse? Not like there is a witch boutique or sumthing. Anyway I think I'll date a lawyer. More my style to sue in a suit...

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Pick Asidz: Porn and good charma

Slikx: So you made the decision you want to be a porn star Charma? Why do I think you came to that decision rather hastily?

Charma: Well the other chicks I know are underground with it, but I thought with you and the Dynamic Starz Consortium, I could go mainstream.

Slikx: Don't you have two children? You want them to see you screwing other men?

Charma: Well I don't have a definative boyfriend right now, so I thought whose gonna care as long as I pay the bills.

Slikx: Why don't you stay in the fine actress field like Locamotion who we have come to many times with offers?

Charma: Because I want to pick who I can make the movie with and I think I'm charmed and destined distinguished by Trax. I know Locamotion is too...

Slikx: Would you be willing to do a two on one with that kid? I would pay you a million cause your into the kiddy jingles and cartoon stuff.

Charma: Would you like me to bless you too?

Slikx: I hear that you are some kind of white witch psychic or sumthing?

Charma: I am what I am, said charmeye the sailor girl...

Calls up Loca on her cell...

Charma: Loca Slikx at the D starz just asked us if we would do a two on one scene with Trax?

Loca: Are you crazy? You want me to share my sugar cube?

Charma: He is offering a three way split on a million dollars.

Slikx: (On speakerphone)-The women get paid more so make it less for the man.

Locamotion: Censure my whole venture...

Necrofold: The Dark Talisman

The dark talisman is a neuro enhancer used by the NecroFold to control creatures known as the "Wyvern Wulves". These twin werewulf cubs were born wulves on different sides of the earth and are also of the clan DragonWulf. They are shape shifters said to possess magical powers. If the talisman is taken off them they remain neutral beings. Noble in their own ways, but manipulated by shades of evil.

The NecroCube-Is a time warping device used by the Draconian Lycanthrops-They are the "PsiWulf". Their cubs are born within instilliatory chambers to embue their psychic receptors with ancient magic lore...
The talisman has metamorphic powers called the "Synch"- as it aligns energy from the Necrode and applies it in conjunction with the biorythme of a given creature.

Geolyte-Matter enhancing crimson crystal that powers up the geomantics with conductive energy from the geodoplexus. They reflect off the cerebral cortex where the electrons become positrons to conduct the "geosynch".

Lack of Daze of Whimsical: part 3-Full Jettison

Dearly departed and deported to another realm. The whelp scriar cried out to the bard. Depreciated value's strict enrapture enncapsulated invigorated within the young prince. Sultry women and succulent disfigurement incant to bisect his terms of endowement. A dowry laid upon the luge with a pale set atop a flagpole. The downtrodden prince elongated by preconceptions ordeals with alacrity. Toil and troubles on the doubles march like a hurried hare. Hovering above fits fate's departure like a glove on a sleeve of cloven ivy. Down a path alighted to the math of an equation of negation. Harrier jettison in space. With the confused look on the pretentious prince's face. Mutters to the furies demanding just cause. Just in case of Ragarnok-knock, knock, knocking on heaven's doorstep with a welcome mat that says, "Fate looms with broken brooms that are serendipidous depending on a ventured vacation in true paradise". Otherwise to spend eternity in Hel's filed off filter down the drain and trying not to strain your naughty selves' soul deposit on the flank of a backwards being...

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Pick Asidz: Factor Hell

Clyde: What would you do if I sent a terra sized terd to the devil as a Christmas present?

Cleu: Do you think the teenage mutant feces haters would abolish depravity in the brimy brimstone or the devil would be anti-primus fecality?

Sicco: God wouldn't be privy to the love handler of that porous package!

Trax: Do you think space is hell or planet's are really used as toilets on the road to the ultimate lavoratory here on earth?

Blank: If earth had that much god girth then why is it so green and blue?

Sicco: Because he ate the lucky lettuce and wipe himself with the sky.

Clyde: Or maybe he was all confused from looking at Black Holes and Blue Novas that he proposed to the purple planet eater in a carniverous delerium where he almost made us all into sea monkeys?

Cleu: Sea monkeys man! I think he almost turned my Mom into a Manitee, you know sea cows got flubber love.

Trax: Flubber love isn't graceful kid. It's all about those motivated moves from Manitee 69.

Sicco: Do you believe in fart demons Cleu?

Crux: Like hot air with horns man?

Sicco: I do cause they linger like the scent of your Manitee Momma!

Crux: Did the devil do that to them to make them like underwater versions of "Grimace"?

Trax: Can you milk a Manitee man?

Cleu: Probably but I think it would come out like seaweed juice though.

Sicco: I just thought up a manitee song..."You live underwater and you're fat as can be, I'm crazy like your mudder...I must be a manitee. Don't look for my banana...It's just my own internal balloon...Crazy like my ass putting on tight pantaloons."

Pick Asidz: Factor Earth

Clyde: Evacuate the premises Sicco just hicka-farted...he just revoked his ignition into the stratosphere with reverse thrust.

Cleu: Not so osmber as a bomber, but setting sights on his own flatulent dilemenas he progressively decompresses equilibrium.

Trax: What kind of spray spectrum goes juicy when it's limber?

Blank: The promiscious potty boy?

Trax: Nope. The derranged despot flatu-ennebriated by hiccup handcuffs.

Clyde: What would happen if you farted in space with a methane booster attached to your ass?

Blank: You would be self perplexed and bias boosted at the same moment?

Trax: Probably but yet you would lack the self discipline of the mexican masters.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Pick Asidz: Leap or listen

Trax: When I was a kid I remember that my dad, General Murphy, pulled a lot of weight in D.C. He had pull with President George Bush Sr. and knew a lot of congressmen. Armitage keeps begging me to get her a meeting with him about trying to get her armour out of an MI6 vault in England. She wants to make a diplomatic accord with the Geneva Convention about enhancing the geneva convention accords to include her inventor father's creation called a war mechanical. It was essentually a suit of armor of the finest quality with mechanoidal enhancers to perform a variety of functions. It had three mini gatlings on it, one gauss cannon, a richochet blaster, flamethrowers, a railgun shoulder mount, lazer blades on both arms, and a handheld rpg launcher. It was truly the finest armor to be made years ahead of it's time.

Pick Asidz: Adjust the Rush

Flipsidz: Blank you need to adjust the rush man! All subcultures are part of the Hyperion's subsequence to the capitalist regime. You have to adjust the noise...

Mr. Blank: Fuck that flyboy I'm just gonna use the psychic restroom. I use crows to scavange for information on the street with my voodoo conductors. They have the "eye's of the street".

Trax: A millimeter of glory and I harness the reigns taken time to purchase vanity vein. Then they all complain!

Loca: It's all like snow. To an angelle cat worse then a wart. Trax should be completing building the fort.

Armitage: The berry is green, make it obscene.

Selene: A brick is a bunker laying waste to the seige. Here comes the tanker's imperialistic liege.

Conniption: Adult phantasm to the voyeur and dead to the lawyer.

Stigma: Develop me a cranium. How could you let them brain him?

Timebomber: Boom baby boom...

Lupus: The wolf is the truest of the trust to the disconcerted must. The wolf should appear to thrive with the steer.

Porscha: Vroom baby vroom...

Pick Asidz: Ho's for us kids

Trax: I don't want to blow up
I'm not a 9/11 kid
I really fucking hate what those terrorists did!
More bombs
More qualms
More fights
More plights
Bless god and bless the dime!
I don't wanna blow up
Cause if I did I wouldn't get any ho's for this kid!

Hypnotize me Oblivious-song

First Beat: Budda budda boo...dah dah. Budda budda boo...dah dah
Hypnotize the theorize...
Hypnotize me electric...Electricity to slide across...Hypnotize me eccentric...genuine to show who is boss...Waking up too early...Never abating late...Hypnotized to Mr. Furly...saying golly great...Back to the basics with every goodnight kiss...Back to linguistics with exasperational bliss...Crazy as a ferris wheel on overdrive...Bumpy as a roller coaster that you feel inside.
(Chorus) Lay low
An Uphill struggle to ponder...A battle of intentives over yonder...My intent is to make you laugh...Thier's is to make you cry. Bad for Mike and Jen...when I'm feeling like I'm gonna die!
Hypnotize me an illusionist...A man of many means...Colors of all black...hypnotized to the teams. Hypnotized to damn this...Demanding my own attack...You know an interested country...has my creative side's back.
Hypnotize me illustrious...Mysterious to meet my goal...Hypnotize me combustive cause...My dreams are on patrol. Down to isoterics...and derranged as a whole...when are you going to be aware of this...Don't hypnotize me for posterity, as the light is blinking green to red...Hypnotize my solidarity...Rounding the corner almost dead...
(Lay low x 4)
I get so close to it...Without the proper care...I have to win this race...I don't want the scenic share...
Hypnotize myself cause of the anger inside...Like there is nothing I can do if I let it slide.
I don't know why you are doing this...Their evil makes me cry...Step up and fetch a tortured life...Like I wish I could away fly.
Hypnotize me oblivious to take away all my misery and strife...Watch T.V. all day long, that is my so called life.
These idiots make fun of me...In a world that doesn't stick...I'm tired of a footloose government...Abolishing my rights....As a human and a citizen...Not seeing heaven's lights...
Hypnotized to my cadence...goodness to become like...Hypnotized to jadence...It's what god really likes.
Good face to reflect...Hypnotized to a role model...Just one to elect. Like the cracks in the cement I mix it up a lot. Hypnotized to be frank...An idea sifting through a clot.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Countdown Cleopatra To: Angelina Jolie

Starts with a bombs away sound of my little beeper turning into a beat..Zee pooh...Ze put...Shaka lacka ding ding...with a bump, bump, bump into rythme. Rumping on iron taken to the slyer ....Live life like a castaway, I'm living for ther day livid over chasing dreams...Dreams over the briar to a potential purchasing buyer living in his heart's catacombs. Digging at the start of the tunnel into the hex opposite of you...Do I stay drought in the mind's water or vanquish away the fodder...I'm riding the back of a gigantic otter. Do I start straight in the sand's of my loves crimes. Cause this is the countdown cleopatra. The sinshine to dismiss...The countdown cleopatra. The woman witch queen with a hiss! Obsessed and corrupted how do I get clean? From these curses and these nurses...The dit dop ditty dash...The countdown cleopatra...gimme some of her ash. I dropped down to the countdown cleopatra, the quick cane bake of the forsake. I dropped down the Countdown Cleopatra the 1, 2, 3 of me. The Countdown Cleopatra the architect of the artifact of who I be. Ventured conquest put my life to the test invested in desire...I never seem to time out time dripping wet in love's fire. Perspiring with the cause consequential to the mire of the nile. All set to swim upon a whim to the Countdown Cleopatra. Insipid sentry to to the Labyrinth I create. Amazed at the censure as all time shall abate.
Kept in a locket and sent to you through a veil. In the countdown to Cleopatra we shall all set sail.
(Chorus)-Countdown Cleopatra, upheld in your eyes...The tick tocking tack tag of the buck to my verily suprise...The Countdown to Cleopatra is welded to your claws...scratching away the linguidity of all see saws. The Countdown is to Cleopatra a varity against time...The Countdown of all undoings peeling away the lyme. Pucrchase me a purpose...Purporting to my bliss...Pranged in the consequence of the miraging prince. Dastards of all the bastards shattering like a thorn, spreading thick to the nick of a new freedom to forelorn. The Countdown is to Cleopatra time and time again, a Countdown to Cleopatra about to say when...Filtered out the trying well versed in a ryhme. Isosceles triangles in the courting sublime.

Parting the pantheon and entering the gale, I sting like raw instinct incisional to hail. An incise device that counter culture warns not. The incisive divestion of a solution forgot. Track me down like a snake and tame me like a scarab. My vanity is prolific and I'm not a cherub. To the Countdown of Cleopatra beating my chest like a drum, down the Egyptia of persia sticking out my thumb to a fatherless breadcrumb. My soul is a rake, slight of being delerious my premonition not to forsake. Leavings of my folly entail catharsis to my state of mind, leavings of dillusionisms to be forgetfully left behind. Peace in a whisper and glory to the gods...the countdown is to appease Cleopatra against all odds. Take me as I am, here is my sarcophogus of fury, a mirage of lost hope against a barrage of self worth's blurry. But the Countdown does not erase the Eclipso refrain like a chorus of doubt. Denial to the Demi-gods in my head as they shout. Pondering to pontifity and epiphony to derailment. Linguidity to the new language of pouting's seeming claims...I Countdown to Cleopatra...A wold to uphold, the real story all about the untold.

(Chorus)-Brilliant is a star and dark is the void...Countdown to Cleopatra as my soul is forever toyed. I am the cat and salvation is through the dog, the mouse is forgetting how the light is seen through the fog. If harmony had a licensce to pontificate proud...I would be high above it sailing on my cloud.

Good Measure: Act 1, Scene 2

Fernando: As I am sometimes an upstart, but never so kindly kingsome as to become kindling as if and whence our two souls grow, as I have yet to undertow the damage done by a Shady Aftermath....

Ferdinand: (Talking to his Advisor Miguel) (at his spanish castle)
You vile creature...you are ever so radient as my son's homage is indignitantly ingradient to the umpteinth degree. (shuffling papers) You are ever so classy as , my son and I are sassy, or maybe that is just me. Used to the brassy chromed as a tarheel as we all spin fate's wheel like situating Cain and Abel's abatement. Spun around the eden of bad advice's teachings, as masterful as giving glee to a serendipidous plea, as much for my own chastity containing eloquent inclination. My own disasterous approbation deserves their on dilapidation as I will not let time fool's encompass bad insinuation across my four borders. Nestled in my bosom I always tell the tale truthsome as insisting upon my own snit.

Angelica: (back in her village) Oh you romeo...where for art thou! As he is a demigod of distance...as now I can see through the fogs of a smoggy doggy's imprisonment. Presumptious are the hooligans, so enticed to portal the foll again, beleaugered by the irons holding them at bay. Oh to enter the forray, nipping at a clutter of a maiden churning her butter and breeding to the string of flat flattering...held within the momentary shuddering of a confiscated mothering. Dripping from your sarcasm's udder chide indoctrinated to the equator of rebuke.

Fernando: (Waking up out in the Middle of a Cow Field)
Butter of that kind is made by the laborious grind and then made idle by such snide.

Sodden Earthz Dreamscapz

A dream is a dream is a dream...then you've undone the seam.
The ponderance of other worlds that live in the dream
The best way to crescendo an epiphony
Is through thought's delinquency
But better to sequester the intoxicating aristophacy
When I swelter in the dream
I wonder if I am talking to limbo
The wonder cream
Penance pays it's due if you are into untrue hues
The way of the dream is clear
In so fast as you can steer.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Give me a woody pheasent

Pine combs and acorns see dese nuts
They are fruitful in a united bliss, but smell like greenery with a touch of obscenery
Breaker, Breaker come in clear
What exactly do we have here?
I love the forest in the spring
But what exactly did that woodchuckle do with his ding ding?
Smokey da bear says put out that fire
But that birdy over there's heart is ablaze with desire
Pecker Pecker pick up stix
In da woods beans and pudding don't mix
Mr. Goodyear says I have yet to expire
Check my date it's own my label
The hot air from him should affix on poor mable
Mable, Mable what a queen
A horse and carriage to suit my sween and swagger
Albeit still a nag
Whose the bear to ruse the Gag?
Tell old Yogi not to play with the fish
It's not all forest creatures that sleep and pish
All is holy in da trees
You don't like my stay there then tuck your head between you knees

How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could play with it's woody?
By Joshua Paul Shepard The goldenwulf

Midnight Maniac ie: Motor Mouth Denounced

Manic Regression-The source of all depression. Yes you are a god damned lunatic. Keeping us all in plights peril sterile. Insomnia drives me crazy...like having an IV pumping triple expresso into my veins after the sun goes down. Or that someone Chipped away at my brain with an icy sycle removing my sleep center and putting me into habitual overload. Some say you get enough sleep when you die, not me, bitch you die for a try.
To: Those fucking bitches Mike and Jen

Sodden Earthz: In terra to the gated Heavenly Fated

Opposites Refract
Like a clash of the uptight
Pans out guilden into the fold
In Gaia's prowess prowling around
The Epics center piece
Is lying like a leerer on the crust
Real Clay is oranged to rebuild humanity's infrastructure
To mana's manger which manages absolution innertly
Yet envigors a new coiled dimension like a single strand of DNA
In this we see a higher state of being
With our 3d galloshes wading through
Precognation to harvest the rocky garden within
The heart is a rock until made corporeal within virile flesh
In a flash of the hearth on the Old God's forge of mindset
Which melded thought with reality
Tying a binding and building a girder in the New God's Erector set
With a belt lift to the stairway of heaven's clouds and into a new hemispherically challeged stratosphere, guided by the Dreamscapz venture on escape
On the nape of a pegasus guided by the reins of glory
And the Golden Sunshine that ended in the moon's version of a rainbow.
By Joshua Paul Shepard The GoldenWulf
To: Slikz and Brad Pitt

Pick Asidz: Birds are flocking in herds...

Trax: They talk don't they? I'm talking about the birds here and around the world. The dogs try, but the birds you can actually understand. I guess it's only natural due to the fact that they have articulated asophogixes, for they can sing and stuff. I kinda think "my little birdie" should be a new toy. I think highly of the birds. And the advanced cats, they are more psychic than the dogs. Birds seem to have their spirit incorporated in most things they do. Cats are standoffish but they succomb to charm. I love animals so much, by being alert to them and paying attention to their mannerisms. But I have to say of all the animals in the Animalae Kingdom I like wolves the most. I have a bond with them that I share walking down the streets. The meaner they get, the more like a wolf I get. It keeps me in tune to happy hopping. The lariat is not thrown over them like a net, when it comes to how they feel about a master. You have to be one heck of a person to train one. Spanish have felt like that for a long time. But they have a secret about the actual "wolf tribe". I won't tell you all about it, but they might be able to.

Dark Cloudz: You are right you sloppy boy, but don't make no mistake to use it in the right aspect of the day/night differential. You know the ting, the one about how the boy never cried wolf to protect him from someone. Don't mistake how dark a wolf sees tings. They see darkness is people and they try to protect you!

Dark Cloudz is a houngon white voddoo priestess and Mr. Blank is a bokor black magic voddoo priest and they are cousins. Dark Cloudz has a love hat relationship with him most of the time, as he is too much of a practical joker for her to handle. She says "You can't use the magic gifts like dat child, you have to polish youself ". She also says "Your Crow is de way to see through the world for you Blank". As Blank carries a Crow on his shoulder and uses the Crow/Raven spirit as a vision guide.

Thank you to Dean Koontz and his book originally entitled "the Pit" and then called "Nightfall"!

Josh quote of the month-June

Thinking out of the box of chocolates? Bad if you E.T. the good stuff...

Demonic Santa: Ho, Ho ,Ho Merry Hellmas. I'm putting symbiotes in your stalkings.

Bring out your birds...you cure me and I'll make you a big part in your pick of my movie ideas...patience comes with a small price attached!

I'm not a stinking health care magician here in S.B., but I may need Vermox like I told Kirsten.

Pick Asidz: Vanity Wulf

Crux: When I die I want to see african/american Ken dolls from heaven. That's how I roll...

Flipsidz: Okay, but don't say hey to me if your not a true believer in Black culture and Americana...cause I didn't ride on your little pony.

Trax: Say it loud, say it clear put it on my Blank pages venier, that's what you should have said bendejo. So Andromeda, you are into ouji and tarot cards, guess what I'm into?

Andromeda: An ashtray?

Trax: Nope just a game of "Uno".

Andromeda: Is that like your version of "spanish blackjack"?

Trax: Well it's not my version of "War".

Andromeda: How about monopoly?

Trax: Nope, too vague for my bones!

Andromeda: What about you Crux?

Crux: A homeless hobo alien in crisis? Gives me the jitters.

Andromeda: And you Flip?

Flipsidz: I'm grounded today Andromeda. I've been fighting with my girlfriend about taking Avatar in as well as Brainchild.

Andromeda: The cards deal you in Jericho.

Flipsidz: But what kind of poker player am I with two white kids?

Trax: I used to say "poker in the front, liqour in the rear", now I say "Ride em hard and put em away wet.... I love horses o.k.?

Flipsidz: You take some getting used to you freaking imbecile, but I can see why Mr. Blank keeps you around.

Andromeda: I'm supposed to tell you your fortune? Maybe you should get a black truthsayer to do it Trax?

Trax: Maybe your white at night sexy?

Andromeda: Maybe, but I claim and climb the stairway to heaven in my dreams and envisionings. Ie: Remote Viewing.

Pick Asidz: Honor Rolling-General Murphy's Soliloquey To: My bio-dad Mark Hamill

General Murphy: Do you think life and death scenarios are some kind of game? What happens to people's spirits after they die? Doesn't it depend on circumstances and eventuality? Why are people so obsessed to find a good role model? I personally get asked so many questions by the cadets and lower ranking people, I can never find the words to place on their values. They might have a wife and child, they might not, as they get older in the service that tends to become more interpersonal. Quality is a charm when it comes to conviction and determination. I've spent time in the brig and I'm not running for president. It's really hard in today's society to stay clean drinking from dirty wells. The "civies" are not combat ready...people associate too much with the mercenary over the true patriot. Comradery is shared when you are fighting for country. Honor and God stand at attention here in the battlefield. Put cadence on a precipice and jump for it. It may be better if you throw rocks...

Pick Asidz: Action Figuz

In Iraq...

General Murphy: Ground some more chuck and potatoes cadet. We need protein to build soldiers into fighting machines.

Private Godfrey: I like to condition myself to some mentality as well sir!

General Murphy: God bless soldier, but don't expect me not to make an error on that part.
I know how to train em, I know how to brain em, but I don't make their playtime an issue.

Private Godfrey: Playtime is always held at bay here in the field.

General Murphy: To be or not be that is the suggestion.

Private Godfrey: Exactly why are you misinterpreting Shakespiere?

General Murphy: Because they don't teach that to you in basic training.

Pick Asidz: Outsiderz

Cell phone conversation...

Slikx: Who is the centerfold today?

Playground: Does it matter so much as long as she is ripe?

Slikx: Yeah it matters to me you obnoxious moron, I actually care about these women.

Playground: Okay, okay it's Loretta Long.

Slikx: So did you highlight her eccentricities?

Playground: Yes I did...but her encouragement didn't come with a bonus.

Slikx: Give her a ground rule for starters.

Playground: What does that entail?

Slikx: It entails a crimson wagon if that is what only you can comprehend, sailor boy.

Playground: Do you like these women more than your associates?

Slikx: Sometimes and then they always have to remind me that I'm a man.

Playground: Yep, I feel the same way...but I'm more a go getter than some of these low lifes.

Slikx: You are more of a go getter, but you don't get naked and screwed in front of a camera.

Playground: I guess that is your liberal viewpoint, I am still a republican and a conservative.

Slikx: Yeah I'm a democrat and rich...liberal is not the way I describe it though. It's more like conventional.

Playground: Take time to make time for trial and error?

Slikx: Or spend time looking at your reflection in their eyes.

Playground: Wisdom is in the warrior...I guess!

Slikx: What would you know about that?

Playground: I know what they tell me.

Slikx: And who are you listening to? You can ask these women some questions, please.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Pick Asidz: La paz en Fraz To: Samuel Jackson

Traz: I learned a lesson when I came across the Gridlockx the first time...not to mess with their leader who reformed them. Flipsidz real name is Jericho Smith and he is a former hardcore navy seal who became a hostage negotiator when he came out of the service. Went to a little college in between and became a mega icon to the public. He uses his collection of psychics and supernatural people to perform good deeds and intervention for people. To help him solve crimes as well as express his feeling to people in need. They even came up with a name for themselves of the "Psychic Independants". Flipsidz says that these superhuman people are the key to his entrepreneurial business that he does on the side of working for the public. We call him an "F.B.I." Cop. The world needs more of those...I like working with him but he is a celebrity besides a cop and he draws a lot of attention. He prefers to live in solitude sometimes. Flipsidz entourage is made up of a lot of inforcers. He is one of the only ones in the F.B.I. with that legal right. He earned it from the New York governor, as he was given a key to the city. I like people like that and a lot of other cops on the force feel different about hobnobbing with the best of the best. I have my own commentary and influences...

Pick Asidz: Express Your Wealth-come on Angie!

Andromeda: You know I really am a material girl, except I suppress it. Coming from a wealthy background gone to hell. My grandmother was the heiress to a literal gold mine. But she had pyrite dreams instead of using the stuff. A winter in wonder and she found herself owing too many taxes for her own rise in inflation. That is why my parents were vagabond gypsies...kinda what most people would call "roadies". They had problems settling downstream next to a pile of toxicity...

Pick Asidz: Take a look To: Will Smith

Eye Candy: Bling blung blit that don't mean shit baby, that's what I tell all the whores. Whores d'vors got me doing all the chores? I'm the real Mr. Playdough to a kid in a sandbox. Leggos weren't my thing I was into the Constructicons...but wished they combined and turned good. Shhh please isn't a shit pleaser. To paraphrase inadequacy I'd say "not me" when they let me judge before combat. Am I your "quick fix"? Like a runny nose on cane? Or am I a programmer in the man's matrices of matter? That stupid Cleu guy that Flipsidz talks about once in a great while, about how he justs asks questions or something, intent upon other people to answer. Spanish fool...I'm a live long and toss her kind of guy. One that gets ring finger rigamortis. Look at the other guy, as he is Superman? So you think bitch! I'm which super hero exactly? Nor am I such a villian. Who am I? I guess I'm just what you make of me most of the time...John Q.

Fascimile or Short Tether?

My spirit is going to be so peeved when I can't write anymore. With ink to paper I percieve my soul's unwinding, of what was left forward and behind me. The concept of good and bad is simple. Hell has too much of a hold on us...When I'm bad I feel like popping a pimple. (The real andria is the rule book of heaven and hell)

Pick Asidz: Truth Complex

Charma: So Trax you used to be a patho schizo...and now you tell the truth all the time, or at least most of the time?

Trax: For I have a need for what the cross might represent.

Loca: Are you so high and mighty that you don't believe in the truth?

Charma: The truth hurts so much...with all those secrets!

Loca: Yeah I can feel you there with this wolf boy.

Charma: I like him too...ruthless dragon that you are Locamotion.

Loca: And I'll breath fire and smoke you out "Clairvoyant Twin".

Charma: My sister is the one with all the ability coming from her openmindedness. My mind is usually closed to the contingency. How bout you?

Loca: Are you thinking the medical industry made a boo-boo?

Charma: Yup a lup!

Loca: I want a clone so I can have a twin too!

Charma: It's better when she is your real sister.

Trax: All right you two quit bickering, what are we going to do today?

Loca: We are going to make a documentary about our lives through Streetz and Eye Candyz who might work for Slikx.

Trax: We can also use Charisma and Conniption for that too.

Charma: And some other nameless people who thrive on anonymency.

Blank arrives...

Blank: So did I make an entrance with my new Lambo?

Sodden Earthz: Crescendo Lament

Life popped out of existance with the wulf castz and the were katz standing on the ground affixed to a new terraformed planet, called Earthz, made from the moon. Sodden Earth Alpha was on a newly terraformed Jupiter, but Earthz served as the informational hub to our new universe. It contained the central grid access to all computer A.I. It was the connector to the "all access".
For all kinds, of the new and mixed races. Like a big antenna array in the sky it was one of the key's to "Old Earth"'s survival. Serving as a transistor to the stars...

Monday, June 2, 2008

Lack of Daze of Whimsical: Part 2

What is a warrior to do without the extension of his soul in a sword
But go powder his knows...

The oxen plows a vacant catharsis ingrained in times field.
Perrenial placated into a new state of being harvested like a crop of disparagement
And refined to a golden kernel
A supplanted vessel sailing the radius of devotion's quotient and pontificating
An Essential Algorythm
Hard times wither demanding deities with a part of sacrifice in the heavenly player's court game
Blackened jack with his one eye holds onto a dagger to persuade infringents predication beheld by the scoundrel...
Rogues and thieves united to help the priceless prince vindicate his legitimate title
Aristocracy's rules are not for irate pirates that tire of Humbaba
Idols and sacrements are superficial and superflous when in comparison to a guiled root of mandrake
Toil is trouble in a which's brew concocted by wares
Taken apart and disillusioned precipitates indoctrination abhorred by true vigilance
In that vigilant vigilantes linger patriarchly enhanced by a blood thirsty cauterization
Of guilt made and forged like a divine weapon

Bumper Cars To: Crazy Lazlo-Kal Penn

This car makes me crazy
Cause I'm used to bumper cars
Switching one lane
Double teaming and slating inane
Crafting displeasure on the road for other drivers
Road rage is about taking no survivors.

Don't add booze to the crafty
Chooser boozers are losers
At least while drinking and surviving
On the doubts of my tiling.

Pick Asidz: The CandyCane Blues on Gumdrop Lane

Pick Aside Theme Song: I'm writing Pick Aside. You think your gonna slide. You try to run and hide, but you know that you need this. Wake up in the rain. Life is pretty plain. Through my own disdain. A platter to feed this. Crooked as the sun. Or light from the gun. Finished then your done. You plant and deweed this. Steer into a fane. Partial to the gain. Lift me with a crane. Cauter my bleeding. Toying with the mouse. In a cheese built house. Seething with the douse. A playschool of purpose. The Duets are cool. Take me to school. The Lockx have the tools. Bending and weaving. Cater to the moves. Blow through the grooves. Search for the luves. Picking at my attention...

Blank: So Trax how is that new song "Dog Sea Love" going for your band "Wyvern Wulf"?

Trax: Well it's reminds me of a pussy eating contest sponsored by Oscar Meyer Weiner Snitzel...

Blank: No really dude?

Trax: Are you going to throw me in the dungeon?

Blank: No I wanna hear you sing! Didn't that band start of as "The Rectal Terradectyls"?

Trax: Yeah but I didn't want people to think I was gay!

Blank: Dubie doobie doo...

Trax: Yeah I used to spark in the park, but then they started filtering the ashtrays.

Blank: What the hell is wrong with your dog? I just had to ask...

Trax: I think he is possessed by the demonic ghost of Cereberus or sumthing! He used to be a golden retriever and now he is like glowing red with flaming eyes. He is a Hel Dogg to the extreme!

Blank: I know cause I put a spell on him...hardy ho there!

Well I know my name is Joshua. My parasitic infection really is true...doo doo. Won't you help me, help me, help me,...cause what if the medical industry does this to you?

Pick Aside: Original Screenplay

It was a cool morning in the winter of L.A. Trax hadn't woken up from his late night ventures with his crew the "Capitulating Duets", as they called themselves. His mother, Veronica, was downstairs in the kitchen making breakfast and she asked Blake, her boyfriend of the past year, to wake her son up.
Blake was aptly named, Blake the Flake, by Trax and his homeboys. He was a real estate scam artist who walke the path to a plethera of animated bullshit artistry.

Veronica: Blake go get Trax up please! It's half past nine and he has acting class at college today.

Blake: I don't know why you even bother Ronnie! The boy is some kind of hoodlum...

Blake runs up the stairs methodically stopping to stretch his calves and do leg lifts. After his little sebatical he gets halfway to Trax's room and yells...

Blake: Hey asshole, it's breakfast time runt. Get your slimy butt out of bed!

Trax hears but he is about a thousand miles away in his subconscious. He is in a dream about ramification. The quantity of such is unknown, but he dreams about being persuaded by a malicious smiling face that multiplies and snickers about while using a ventriloquist technique. A disembodied voice cries...

Blake: Get up dickhead, time for breakfast!

Trax's room was adjacent to the attic on the upstairs wing of the house. The attic decorum was vast and dark attributed by a variatude of brightly lit neon posters with a black light. The posters were of Tool, Korn, Linkin Park and Nine Inch Nails.

Blake stood at the door slovenly attired as usual in the morning and says...

Blake: Time to rise and shine you little vagrant!

Trax's nap ended as he heard Blake's voice the second time and a dose of reality slipped in as...

Trax: (Waking Up) Don't stand aloof and uncouth without the proof at my door big man. You know raking in the playdough is o.k., but eavesdropping leaves no leafs.

Blake: Get your ass downstairs kid!

Trax: What the...what the hell does my Mom see in this guy?

Trax jumps out of bed startled and gallantly slips on some clothes.

As he rounds the corner downstairs his Mother starts a sentence and see him in a tee shirt and underwear...

Veronica: Why can't you...what the hell! Who do you think you are? Tom Booze or something in that in that movie "Risky Picnics"?

Trax: Whatever Mom! (To the obsequious question that always implies the frequented derrogatory and complacent understanding of the now)

Veronica: Whatever to you to...

Trax: Hold that thought...

Veronica: Try to get situated so I can cheer you up with some cheery oat nuts and bacon.

Trax: (laughs) Hee..hee!

Veronica: What's so funny?

Trax: I just don't know how you're gonna cheer me up with some honey nut cereal that I've been eating since I was five?

Veronica: O.K. so maybe some frosted flakies are better?

Trax: Thrive since five, just can't stay alive without the golden beehive!

Veronica: So Cheery Oat Nuts it is...

Blake: You're such a loser Trax!

Trax: That is a bold statement coming from Blake the Flake!

Veronica: Now you boys behave!

Blake: (Ignoring him) C'mon kid, put on your sundry T-shirt and get with the prose grammar. What the heck are you thinking? Are you modeling for that new 18 mag? Cause you ain't so pretty! You know you procrastinate way too much?

Trax: That's because Mom never showed me the error of consequences to misunderstanding my actions.

Blake: Whatever I would have just kicked your ass!

Veronica: That is b.s. Trax! I didn't raise you in direct diplomacy or that other mumbo jumbo you were talking about the other day.

Trax: You know I'm a clown's frown going down Mom!

Veronica: Whatever Trax! Lay off the "Klined" bud!

Trax: That is kind bud, and I swear I haven't touched the stuff in a month.

Veronica: Well, well the wheels are turning in my mind bucko. Wakey, wakey time to get riled up honey! New dawn, new day and all that stuff! What kept you last night? Another party or something?

Trax: Nope just your usual masterbating bullshit! We hosed some losers down with our pee-guns and ran to super soaker haven. We told him it was water from the fountain of uncouth as we ran away!

Veronica: Trax...!

Blake: If you did that to me I would beat your ass and hold you down till the cops came. Although that is kind of freaky. Where did you get the pee from?

Trax: I milked Lazzo of course! The finest dog pee this side of the pretentious.

Veronica: What are you gonna bottle it or something? You and that damned dog. Naming him Lazarus and all that.

(Lazzo was an abbreviation for Lazarus because Trax's buddy Crux insisted he had arisen from the dead and was a patron of the damned. So he named the dog after the bad pit.)

Trax: Allright I'm outta here, I'm going to get my stuff and go to school.

As Trax meanders back to his atticside he notices his vintage Star Wars Death Star poster and his black Darth Vader mask in his armoire.

Trax: The force is definately not with me today! (He thinks)

Trax had a little adventure the following night more than just hosing people down with dog piss squirtguns. A gallavant with the boogeyman and the road ended up with the night of 1000 cigarettes.

Ecstatically charged to a casual duality to tell the tale of faulty cerebrums in the L.A. streets of the fiery furnace they call California. It all started on April 25th with Trax's friend finding a broken down and belittled book with torn off pages in an almost empty garbage can.

They called the book "The Hyperion", because it was about a story called the "Puristocane's Adrenaland".

The Hyperion was about the way things worked in a remote society of distraught totalitarionism. It had a lot to do with a distinctive monarchy who called themselves "The Downstairs Men". As the book encapsolated that they only capitulated to themselves or the allies of investment.

Trax was apathetic to the idea of such an ologopolistic cataclysm of misfortune. Being a gothic somewhat anarchistic person, he curtailed to the sense that the higher state was that of an all seeing eye.

He denied that he could fathom the inner meaning of the book, yet he foresaw dreaming about his own possible future of going from technofaustian to futuristocated in a plebarian sense and being politically minded. An accuristic accuitary particular in the sense that he would remake himself in image and mindset.

"Placing bets on freshly endowed climactics", he put it. As it implied in the book...

"Going from clenching girth to parlaying with the venierable, for variety sparks and abdocates calamnity with outfinishing shine. A waxing wane of vanity's caligraphy', which enlightened him as he considered this to be tender for all tardy notions of brile ligaments. Those being endearing to all matters mysterious, also tender to the master of mischief.

(The book itself starts by talking about becoming an environmental changeling to overcome fiscal obscurity. A chameleon who changes context to an order's justificatious pantheon.)

The book also delved into other ideas, saying "There is always a pretense in the hysteria made out of propaganda and scare tactics. That is why a resourceful person diplomatically exchanges vows of credulity in derelection in a misfitting society. A tool is bereft in vacancy of a tinkerer who fits into place pieces of a pathology.

These concepts stirred Trzx into a new found awakening. He saw himself becoming fanatically perserverant to a horticulture of personal and corporately minded growth. He sought to immerse himself into computer technology to get some points across.

He then created a website called "Pure Adrenaland" which entailed both minded ideas of anarchism with corporation. An irony that befit goth with prep.

The conversion took place as he was wearing new clothes and astonishing his mother with frequent stories and slogans for a preconcepted campaign.

This made Veronica proud and her misbehoven boyfriend quite belligerent that her son was actually free thinking instead of being deranged, like his derelectual repetoir of friends. Trax was actually doing things with himself other than taking up space.

"A concierto of commerce" as Trax put it, begins with a corporate cresendo of selling yourself as your most valuable asset.

Veronica kept asking him where he got such ideas, but he kept it to himself...

As Trax makes his way downstairs one day a conversation erupts...

Veronica: What about getting a job over at that bar "Vanity"?

Trax: I'd prefer to become a mixologist of anology Mom!

Veronica: I hear that Carl Flemming cruises down there frequently. You might be able to meet a celebrity!

Trax: Being a celebrity is all in the mind and taken in kind to find it benign.

Blake: You are not as poetically particular when you don't have a job. Real Estate is where it's at!

Trax: What kind of bullshit do you sell? Anything onsite? All you sell is deception.

Blake: I'm going to beat your ass if you dis me again kid!

Veronica: He means it in a good way!

Sodden Earthz: Necrowulf Stuff

The Earth is a place that is known to most as a giant sphere of life giving energy located in the midst of the most pleasent locale in the milky way. In the future, the year 3030 to be exact, it had gone through a few changes...

Gene splicing and mass effect had just cause for it's prolification, yet the modern sciences could not justify it's random encounters with the unknown. There had been a cluster of...

Diseases: Kilium Lupus, Archothetic cancer, Delibrium Scorosis, RNA Celerium and Microanthesis Parasitic Infections...

Cures: Genetic Mutagens, Zeus' Tribeca, Antigen H, Elemental Parthotide and Conductor Catalyst Zeon

Alien Clause: Cleanse homosapien disorder through antipathis order...

Powers: Lightning Electron Pseunamicus
Healing Abilities: RNA stimuli and Cell Mitochondris
Earthen Ability: Carbocyclidis
Division: Self Cloning/Replicating through Hemostasis Neuclarium
Darkness Power: Electreon Neumonasis
Blood Power: Hemoelation
Fire: Pyroeceleration with electrion bases-release of ammoniums and pyrokinetic ability

NanoTech Armours: Nanotransformer Suit
with Lazer Field Generator
EMP Coiled Amplifier
Electro Charge Helmut
Stasis Armour Neutrinio charged with static syntosis

Pick Asidz: Crux's Solioquey-Crusts Collaborated by Callous Caligraphy

Everybody leaves the crust expecting for me to make it whole again. Some magic magician I am as I am the middleman. Turn lead to gold for Trax, that is what he expects sometimes, but me I can't even turn ice cream into a milkshake. I may seem like I'm bitching, but I'm the problem solver for everyone else but myself. Girls, money, family and friends all illustrated illustrious, but graphically disintentioned in real life. They want it all, and look at what I got...the Crux crew all by myself. Love for my friends, love for my funny little world, and hate for what people make me into. A generic general purpose solicit all! Like I'm the miracle carrier? Air conditioning for a sauna just ain't gonna blow so cool.

La Paz en Ustedes y La Dia de los Dios Mios

La Paz en Ustedes
La paz en usetedes es muy bien. Con anotro problema en el centro del mundo. Se ventio a salir y yo deseo por unas muchachas con nagas grandas...El gripe en Ustedes es hagamos por nosotros caras en este mundo. Se Venti, Se venti, pero anotro dia esos anotra moda con mi boligrapho.

La Dia de los Dios Mios
Mira me! Oye me! Mi nombre es Josh. Yo soy un hombre muy fuerte en mi encuentro communicado. Tu eres mi sombra en este calle de suenos locos. Siestas largas son necessito para una vida buena...