Monday, May 19, 2008

Pick Asidz: Taxi My Cabin

Sicco: My whore hand wants to play, but my virgin hand wants to prey. If you stay awhile here in this place, you get a feel for both. But if you leave you think about your legs instead.

Loca: You and masturbation Sicco...and you have this theory that Jesus would have preffered to live among mutants? Are you on agony acid?

Sicco: Nope just the preffered pepper sweetie pie. The spice is nice when you do it twice. The dealer is my symbiote...Did crazy lazlo bring you here or did you drive yourself crazy?

Loca: Time will tell if you smell...I'm kinda getting bored of this viscous discuss. What kind of man do you like? Peter Pan or Pinnochio?

Loca: Peter peter pumpkin eat her and jacked my lantern flyboy. Why don't you just moon me while you are at it?

Sicco: Cause the moon is the night's delight and you try to pin a tale on me? What about I bombard you with my loser leotards and repartee shirts...would you dress like a hundred pound press or a vampiress?

Loca: You know I dress to impress chiclet. You are using me like bubblegum leggos to build your fortuitous fortress. Don't make me such a slacker stacker on stampede!

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