Thursday, June 12, 2008

Pick Asidz: Scared of the Aftermath

Selene: Caulk my leaky ceiling with a gause cause. My trample is on a ramble from scene to scene. It's all so mechanical...

Brikx: Torch my convistion pyro gyro!

Armitage: Staulk and caulk you mean...the mean streets are my clean streets. Down to division and close to decision with unrest declition and camoflage delision.

Trax: Pussy piety rules the world and pious quixotics rule the girl. The pacifier is the gleam piecemealed to the seam. Machine Guns and fairy tales to the Bush's and the Quails. The stratosphere in a collar which I bought for only one dollar.

Cleu: Oh baby, Oh baby you know what I like. At the strip club of provocation I didn't ask for a dike. Tamper, Tamper with damaged goods, toys from a closet that visits the hoods. The hobby of bobby the camoflaged clown. Surely thinking and sinking with what's up must come down.

Loca: Camoflaged clowns are not the military heros to subzeros...

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