Saturday, June 7, 2008

Pick Asidz: Factor Earth

Clyde: Evacuate the premises Sicco just hicka-farted...he just revoked his ignition into the stratosphere with reverse thrust.

Cleu: Not so osmber as a bomber, but setting sights on his own flatulent dilemenas he progressively decompresses equilibrium.

Trax: What kind of spray spectrum goes juicy when it's limber?

Blank: The promiscious potty boy?

Trax: Nope. The derranged despot flatu-ennebriated by hiccup handcuffs.

Clyde: What would happen if you farted in space with a methane booster attached to your ass?

Blank: You would be self perplexed and bias boosted at the same moment?

Trax: Probably but yet you would lack the self discipline of the mexican masters.

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