Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Pick Asidz: Mello Jello

Blank: Cinderella or Vampirella, what will it be?

Selene: How about I impale you with high heels and call it a day?

Blank: But you are my propigated princess! A pineapple to my cucumber...

Selene: That's exactly right in that scenario!

Brikx: (Entering) What is that smell?

Selene: It's probably cucumber melon...

Brikx: Blank have you been testing the wares again?

Blank: If you mean that in a mastabatory manner, then no.

Brikx: So tell me about that girl/girl thing with the Jello.

Selene: I was a referee to a jello brawl. What do you want to know?

Brikx: What flavor?

Selene: Of coarse Blank made it Vanilla. With all those white whipper snappers in the mix.

Blank: It's called a "Cracker Smacker", thank you very much!

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