Monday, June 2, 2008

Lack of Daze of Whimsical: Part 2

What is a warrior to do without the extension of his soul in a sword
But go powder his knows...

The oxen plows a vacant catharsis ingrained in times field.
Perrenial placated into a new state of being harvested like a crop of disparagement
And refined to a golden kernel
A supplanted vessel sailing the radius of devotion's quotient and pontificating
An Essential Algorythm
Hard times wither demanding deities with a part of sacrifice in the heavenly player's court game
Blackened jack with his one eye holds onto a dagger to persuade infringents predication beheld by the scoundrel...
Rogues and thieves united to help the priceless prince vindicate his legitimate title
Aristocracy's rules are not for irate pirates that tire of Humbaba
Idols and sacrements are superficial and superflous when in comparison to a guiled root of mandrake
Toil is trouble in a which's brew concocted by wares
Taken apart and disillusioned precipitates indoctrination abhorred by true vigilance
In that vigilant vigilantes linger patriarchly enhanced by a blood thirsty cauterization
Of guilt made and forged like a divine weapon

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