Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Pick Asidz: Three Dimensions

3-D: I met this guy named Alexander the other day. He is a salesman for an underground technology firm or sumthing. They call him "Slanderous Alexander" because he is so slimy I guess. I figured blond hair and blue eyes to mean he was one of us. Yet he talked all ghetto like he was hanging around the blackies too much. He was selling a product called "Personal Love Dolls" and explained to me that they were infinately better than a pocket pussy. I didn't quite catch on to it, I mean I could get a blow up doll out of the back of some old porn mag. Yet he exclaimed that these dolls were animatronic and incredibly life like. So I gulped and asked, "how much?" That is when he started crunching numbers and came to an even mil. I told him that I couldn't afford that and didn't even have close to that kind of money. Even if the thing would shout out "nigger" and "porch monkey" every two seconds. "Well then", he told me. "There are some earlier models that are used". I stopped and said " Do you think I'm ugly or something?" "Don't you think I can easily get a girlfriend?" He told me, "Not with a swastika for an alarm clock!" That's when I told him I'd get back to him and he gave me his card entitled "Gridlockx Inc."

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