Friday, September 5, 2008

Pick Asidz: Get a grip flip

Andromeda: The most common question people always ask Slikx is why the girls he puts on the porn box are never actually in the movie? Not like I care, not being a porn starter and all. Of course I get asked, but any kind of limelight is not my style. I like working behind the scenes...That is why I'm a set designer subsequent to my own pathology. It gives me an outlet to create. My friend's in the "Gypsy Mafia" are so dark and demanding. I like giving the women of porn a friendly atmosphere so they don't feel so constricted by prostituion. They always say that "they are movie stars also". Yes and no, but it helps to have a sunny demeanor. Chipper chopper as the whole porn industry is. Now with the introduction of using androids in our movies, people are asking for me to make the accoutrements more new age. I kind of resent them, being an old fashioned kind of gal. But who am I to put a damper on technology?

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