Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Pick Asidz: Destructobots and Androids

Trax: My girlfriend is an android and I love her. You see I was in love with this B movie actress named Rebecca Swanson, and she up and killed herself in a car crash. I was devistated...although she never returned my emails. Well anyway the Gridlockx guys felt bad for me and had her cloned and turned into an android. None of that human complexity of expression bullshit attached to dating women who cheat and master manipulate. The on/off switch is a recharge of early dismissal, and none of that recoil from the panic pains of life. They are such optomistic things, machines that is, at least newly crafted and created ones. Loca is a synthbot and absorbs personalitys from people she come in contact with. She is different from Brikx, as Brikx is a purely nymphbot, made to be a sexual contruct. Loca is a people person and really sociable. The "Duets" like to keep Loca away from riff raff so she stays pure of her synthetic heart. We are picky and choosy about who she hangs with. They wanted to clone my personality in a female and she mirrors some of my optomism, which in turn helps the misanthropes like Blank. An android is not aware of anything but all aspects of you. The weather could be hot, cold, damp or frozen and they would not care. When I get sick I don't have to worry about her catching it. If you have STD's or something, or have been ostrocized due to looks or other inadequacies, an android wouldn't care. She does seem to care about what I look like though, she is really vain herself. Just what I needed was for Brianchild to program me a narcisist bot. His intention was to intercept Hollywood's incessant pretentiousness by replacing a deceased actress with his own innovation. Smart kid that little whipper snapper...

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