Sunday, September 21, 2008

Pick Asidz: Elementary my dear Wasteland

Selene: Caveman Skit-
I hate how men treat women most of the time and I hate how women crave a bigger penis like that is going to make them content. "You want big penis?" "Me got club..." "You go hump dinosaur..."

Armitage: I listen to you swell and banter...while I complain about disdain?

Selene: Touche touchey momma!

Armitage: I like treating men as more commonplace than the average housefly.
Such as...: I'm a queen bee wannabe...shoefly don't bother me. Oh come back and tie my laces? You should be looking elsewhere than the ground honey! Oops that little piece of crap over there belong to you? Oh never mind that is your brain on thugs...

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