Sunday, September 21, 2008

Pick Asidz: Broken Dreamz

Slikx: I came from a family who barely payed attention to me, the middle child out of three. They were always insisting I was a "pleasure seeker". I must have masturbated my way into indiscrimancy, not! I assumed that the only way to get respect was through having female companionship at all times. I started a little dating club when I was young and made every one round robin their partners. I used to tell them "don't get used to one person, as people change, scenarios change as well accordingly. I read a poem once where the guy said, "The truth of life is that there is no set arcade of self without a token of blame. Bring down the wall with a sledge...Sacrifice is an old adage." That makes me think of how hard I worked to achieve my porn producer I look at the world as a charnal house carnival.

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