Thursday, June 4, 2009

Pick Asidz: The Night and the Light

Trax: It seems as though I have two parts of me in conjunction to one another. A dark half and a light side. It's funny because I don't usually let myself succomb to the dark persona. Even though the combination is like a manifestual limbo. The Hispanics seem to dwell in the evil machinations of other people. Like they are used to it and there is nothing they can do? A stupid disheartening laugh of maliciousness is what you usually hear at the end of a foreboding conversation. Even from the women. Blond haired people, like my biological father, are more prone to a lighthearted conscientiousness. I don't know why, but it seems like the color contrast conceptualizes retrospectual to circumstances. On one side you have the working class and on the other you have the Elitists. Should I put a quarter into the machine to play the game or should I tilt the Tiltawhirl a little in either direction as I feel in the moment with? I guess the real game is to play all sides of the race coin? Rembering that a continuity rules the spectrum of an alternate persona which illuminates life. I just want to purchase myself a purpose...

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