Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Pick Asidz: Blank Stank

Flipsidz: So what is up with Mr. Blank these days?
I'm still wishing he would take someone hostage so I could accost him!
That man takes Pornography a little too seriously.
As if he were Slikx?
Blond ambition from a black guy?
Underground porn competing with the ability to clone and autonomoly harvest?
Like he could do that in a snuff film?
You see we have history that we share.
The Harlem Knightz vs. The Los Angeles Locustz.
What are you Blank?
A HellBringer or a Voodooplex?
Is there a difference?
Now how can he summon dark magick with his spellbook collection?
Conjure demons and hypnospark himself through incantations?
Also by putting himself into dreamspace through adrenaline?
Something he and Trax share that made Trax a duet?
I get my rush from a lucrative business not a Voodoo High!
Sure I can do a spell here and there.
I do it to all my machines...
Break out the "Sage Monkeys" to arcanize electronics.

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