Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Pick Asidz: Know your limits

Charma: Your brother says he gets headaches a lot from all that rampant telepathy?

Fanfare: Yeah, he needs an on/off switch! He and I have different fathers, so I didn't inherit the telepathy.

Charma: But you are way more classy then him?

Fanfare: That's because I'm not a street person silly! I'm a celebrity hound, as I love all things of flash and glitz. You have to have a certain mannerism and attitude to mix with high society.

Charma: They call that "savoir faire" in french I think? The peasents were serfs and could never understand the rich in olden days. That is the way I feel about your brother, he is cute, but way too grim and gritty. It's like he makes it hard for himself for rags to become riches?

Fanfare: Well the future is golden for my brother being "neuvo riche". It's like he is leaving me in the dust, even though he still eats dirt. Getting money from overseas is hard to say the least.

Charma: But if he can accomplish that...he can accomplish almost anything, right?

Fanfare: I guess...lately I've been tripping over the fact that he can't have children with an android for a girlfriend. I mean that mystery inventor kid everyone talks about could build him one or sumthing, but what about good old biology and genetics?

Charma: Well I have a man, so no more fawning over Trax! Senator Thomas is as regal as they come.

Fanfare: How are the "kiddie jingles" going?

Charma: Okay...want to hear one?

Fanfare: Sure why not?

Charma: goes.
Potty boy
Potty boy
I'll give you a treat
If you poop in the toilet
And wipe your tushy neat
Flush goes the poopy
Into the water
Now your done
I can deal with the ink blotter
Tell me little one?
What do you see?
Use your imagination
It can be anything you want it to be
This one a dragon
That one a horse
When you make that poopy
You should feel no remorse...
Poopy doesn't go to heaven
Maybe hell if it's a sewer
Poopy is our waste product
When we get rid of our manure...

Fanfare: Awesome!

Charma: That one is for a magazine ad for diapers.

Fanfare: Cosmopolopoopy?

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