Sunday, July 6, 2008

Pick Asidz: Which is craftier? Love or Death?

Loca: I have this question in my head, rhetorical as it is, of which may be craftier between "Love and Death"? Love hits you by spending time with life and death hits you when you are unfortunate and downtrodden? It's tough rising to the top because you have to give away all aspects of yourself to an unruly public. Death doesn't care where or when your station is, it just hits you when you are not looking. I love people that have accomplished things, as achievements inspire love and fidelity. Helping others in a time of need also inspires love. That kind of love should be handed out to the right person though...As that kind of love quickens the pace to a loyal companion. Death just nods it's head and sticks to the shadows in those kind of situattions. It's like love and death avoid each other...

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