Sunday, July 6, 2008

Pick Asidz: Mom's Qualms

Veronica: So your a lightbringer with a wolf fetish? What is the deal with that Trax?

Trax: Yeah Mom you hit me in my soft spot.

Veronica: You know our roots go back to the Spanish Wolf Tribes?

Trax: Yeah dad is the lightbringer and you are the "Moon Stalker".

Veronica: It's not like I hunt or hurt other people.

Trax: Moonlight is different than daylight. It's what you and dad taught me. He feels more in touch with the daylight and you like the moonlight.

Veronica: There is a reason for that Trax...

Trax: And I'm sure your going to make up some bullshit on top of facts!

Veronica: "Fact or fiction in my own depiction". Isn't that what your friend Cleu says?

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