Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Pick Asidz: The Beautificross

Loca: Being beautiful is all about money. It's about mercy...You take an average looking person and give him or her a makeover and they stay the same. Cause you have to be born beautiful. Then it lasts for more than ten seconds...I like beautiful people, but most people aren't beautiful or gorgeous for that matter. With my eyes closed you sound more handsome dearie. Bad if you are...Then I can listen. But if you aren't then you are just waisting your time with me. You may say, "Gee Locamotion you are so shallow." But I won't turn up in a shallow grave buddy. People will remember my ass! You know I've won a beauty pageant in my life, you can't even get a "Cub Scout" badge. My philosophy is if you come in second, then don't even show up for your "average" trophy. Steal the good one and bonk life on the head. Fab is fabulous and fabulous is as fabulous does. Love is shallow until you spend time with premonition. Some say that is premature. But I hold court out of a decor that opens the door. Shadow to my own volure...

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