Saturday, November 28, 2009

Pick Asidz: Blank Page

Blank: You know that kid Trax makes me think. I don't really think a lot about anything but it's interesting. I think Slikx has the same problem, but he is related to that regulator. I feel more powerful as a team than as I do alone. Go Figure? I used to think I was a one man army...then I met Army. Trax is not exactly hard to deal with if you kiss his ass. I guess I'm the same way? I like positivity...yet I shrug it off too much. Naive is what they tell me. I hate that stupid french word! Like I'm a black croissant. Feed me to demons...not the god damned birds. Clyde has this thing where he wants to throw Trax in bleeding with a Great White Shark. I tell him he'd probably end up making friends with the fish somehow. I think about putting him all tied up on Train Tracks, but then I think too much about the fact that that would be like a villian from an old silent movie. Talk damn you! Anyway, I say "pay me a million bucks and I'll get rid of him". No one bites...freaking hobos in slo mos. I like to pounce when I see something worthy! Like a mutt husky/golden retriever like Trax always talks about. Blend of the wild with the domesticated beautiful. Good will stay my buddy if you keep coming up with them!

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