Thursday, March 19, 2009

Pick Asidz: Pushy Tushy

Loca: Like vatos locos you will be in my chokeholds.
You are telling me not to be a certain way that I love you with?

Trax: Are you saying not to believe in my hope concentrations...? What about my binding and warding spells?

Loca: Wulf Warlock I love your goo
I'm gaga over you
Today I'm on fire
Tomorrow Touche
Putting on a wire
And all smushy
Your so hot that you make me melt
Like a big mac m & m
Kiss me sweet shine
Oh man I love
You tender like blue suede shoes and I'm a houndog
Scratch Scratch your a winner
To Jimminy Spic Kat

Trax: And Markey Mouse?

Loca: Cut up or shut up.

Trax: Deal me in with dentures.

Loca: Doomed in a dungeon of dientes?

Trax: Or groomed in an onion of bad gentes mi amiga.

Loca: You like to talk all that funny shit!

Trax: What is so funny is your computer love is like having my circuits on crack and coffee.

Loca: Crack and coffee? What about digital rhibinol.

Trax: Are you saying I slipped you a mneumonic mickey?

Loca: Nope just a kiss from Nexus Cerplexus!

Trax: And a song to subdue the beast.

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