Monday, August 24, 2009

Pick Asidz: Life Crux

Crux: Why are you so damn happy even though you are sick with that so called parisitic infection of yours?

Trax: Just cause you can't see it doesn't mean it's a figment of my dillusional imagination, huh? To answer your question, becuase I have big plans, my man!

Crux: I'm not your man...your stupid girlfriend gives me a woody!

Trax: That is her purpose Starshine!

Crux: You know Asian Men have much more honor than to pre-program their girlfriends?

Trax: That is kind of true...but she came already assembled. As I won that Virtual Impact Contest through that assimulated R.P.G. You know she has her own personality...she is a clone! She used to be a movie star before they Ressurectionized her!

Crux: So the MoonBringers are behind all that?

Trax: Where did you hear that?

Crux: Oh come on...your BioMom loves to fix you up from afar. Veronica is a MoonBringer Moon Witche right?

Trax: Yeah, yeah, yeah...Everybody loves someone more powerful than my little self. Everybody also asks me like I know something that they don't? With her everything is a secret...!

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