Thursday, August 13, 2009

Pick Asidz: Verbatum

Blank: Slut hound.

Loca: Kief Blower!

Blank: Pudding power puffy.

Loca: Asshole Anonymous.

Blank: Mechanical Tyranical.

Loca: Wind up boy!

Blank: Girlzilla...

Loca: Blinkety Blank Blunk.

Blank: You know why the guy calls himself "Slikx"?

Loca: Why?

Blank: Guess?

Loca: Because he is a cum artist?

Blank: Nope...because he has felt the inside of so many vaginas!

Loca: What? Are you joshing?

Blank: Bad word? Nope floats and rains on his cascades!

Loca: You are jealous cause he is the opposite end of the porn spectrometer?

Blank: Just cause I'm underground does not mean he is the reigning "Porn King"!

Loca: You are more like the "Porn Jester"!

Blank: Cut up or shut up Wily Coyote!

Loca: Whatever "Porn Runner"...bleep bleep!

Blank: No sunshine on your flower "Daffy Pill".

Loca: And you are no "Fore Leave Ho Nerd"!

Blank: Oh I get a little nerdy wit gerdy sumtimes.

Loca: You are starting to talk like Trax!

Blank: Silly android Trax is for pids!

Loca: Stupid cupid for robots, eh?

Blank: Or a smelly Hera harem?

Loca: The Zeus is loose!

Blank: Like the new thirst quencher "Mask for her Aid"!

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