Friday, September 11, 2009

Pick Asidz: Ace of Shades

Slikx: Andromeda don't you know that men are like "pussy puppets" by now?

Andromeda: Taming that cat is below "ground zero"?

Slikx: The twin towers collapsed baby, not like your's ever would!

Andromeda: Well all natural is not your style...? You flamboyant little flamingo!

Slikx: Yeah right, you didn't buy those at Victoria Secret. Uh...I go through your purse sometimes...!

Andromeda: I like the Ace of Spades to the Jack of Queens stud! Fishing for trout or trying to figure out what I'm about?

Slikx: What do you think? I'm on some kind of idiot parade? A roundabout rendevous with porn destiny?

Andromeda: More like a missile cruising mishappenstances...

Slikx: Those women need my attention just as much as you...if not more.

Andromeda: But you love me just the same?

Slikx: You know I'm working to support you can go off on a tangent on artistic bliss.

Andromdea: The real arts are those of emotion.

Slikx: And emotion is all in the moment?

Andromeda: These are bad times for getting personal with a hooker is what I'm saying!

Slikx: But if I don't want sex from them...and you don't want to furfill my needs...I'm supposed to put on one of my pornos and lube up?

Andromeda: Whatever floats your banana.

Slikx: My banana needs a rain slicker with everyone else!

Andromeda: Yeah, yeah, know me so well! What is my favorits color?

Slikx: Doesn't it change from day to day...just like you age!

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