Saturday, January 24, 2009

Pick Asidz: Hell Holstered

Pesticide: Let it linger
Give them the finger
Shoot them in the head
They are better off dead.

Blank: How long can they cover up this hit?
You know I hate talking to you Cide...opposite end of the track and all.
But I'm worried about Trax.
He has had that parasitic infection for five years.
Where are all the hitmen when it comes to a street prince?

Pesticide: I'm supposed to hate the kid because I'm a white supremacist and he is chicano?
But yet here I am talking to you?

Blank: Yeah opposites refract like a mirror to the sun!
I wish I had a crystal ball like the gypsy mafia uses to see the future and see how much longer the kid has left, but I can count the days without a doctor.

Pesticide: "Trophy kid", that is all he was to his adopted parents, "bait and lure".
His biologicals aren't much better, afraid to help because it might hurt their image?

Blank: Supposed to be a secret like spit from a chameleon.
Wonder is that shit can turn colors?

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