Thursday, January 7, 2010

Pick Asidz: Bury the Bone WulfKat

Trax: Okay find the easter bone I buried and win a prize Loca!

Loca: Can I use my sensors?

Trax: Nope. No sensors...

Loca: Okay, but I'm blasting a hole in the ground using my lazer finger!

Trax: Nope no using the Lazer finger either. I'm starting to think I pamper you too much with state of the art.

Loca: Smart art sexy...don't I compliment the heck out of you? You know Loca the "make it better baby"?

Trax: If penises were "Hot Wheels"...I'd let you use Saitan as your motor babe. But penises are more like an old idea made proud by good investing.

Loca: All about placement you mean?

Trax: Yup no placemat in blackmarket ventures except for the "Four Contrasts"

Loca: You mean the LightBringers, The MoonBringers, The HellBringers and the ArcanoCross?

Trax: Yup, but Blank thinks he is a player and wants to bring the VoodooPlex into the frey.

Loca: As long as their is the white/dark duality and Grandmother Voodoo included?

Trax: Yeah but you know that curses are more well rehearsed in that pentamic satamiter.

Loca: Well he is teaching me stuff...and the more he will teach me as to the more you hang out with Luna Cole.

Trax: Is that a fact?

Loca: Yup, a fact of consequence that even though I am a biomechanical I am a person too and you can't lock me in "Poopsie's Dungeon". That Playground guy is kinda cute maybe I will be his biomechanical right hand instead?

Trax: A porn producer Locamotion? You aren't falling for one of Slikx's minions at the Dynamic Starz are you?

Loca: Oh silly me and my tetronic tantrums. If you cheat you should just beat your meat...

Trax: If I cheat I will tell you. O.K. RoboKat?

Loca: O.K. KatWulf...

Trax: If you are going to insist upon calling me something animalistic...then call me "WolfCat"!

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