Flipsidz: Yeehah Coleslaw...I'm gonna bump you in this bumper car!
Charisma: Nanny Nanny Blue Balls...you can't catch me!
Flipsidz: You better be good or I'll make you fondle a porcupine penis!
Charisma: Pickled pepper player hater...I want to do the water rides next!
Flipsidz: So you can show off your teenie weenie bikini? B-child only you would bring a computer to an amusement park.
Brainchild: I'm hacking in "The Adulterer Magazine's" archives and making all the pictures look demonic!
Charisma: You seem to have a fascination with porn being satanic?
Brainchild: What do you expect? I'm the son of a white witch...
Charisma: But yet you disinclude all things mechanical from the realms of hell?
Brainchild: Mechanical things can be tailored to suit the whims of their makers. Getting nude and screwing is like the easiest thing in the world. Where is the talent to be associated with such?
Charisma: Well don't become a porn star B-man! Get a grip and try to have some fun. This is our down time. All work and no play makes for a dull computer genius, you know?
Flipsidz: What is your idea of a fun thing to do Brainchild?
Brainchild: I like the admiration and acknowledgements I get over my trade skills, plus money in the bank.
Charisma: All that from a 14 year old? You taught him well Flipsidzsan!
Flipsidz: Yeah recognition entails notoriety and the kid is becoming one of the best in the biz at what he does!
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