Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Pick Asidz: Officer Chaos

Point: I've been monitoring that kid Trax's cellphone by tapping it.

Chaos: We should just shoot that wetback...I mean how many failed hits does it take before we nail him?

Point: I'm starting to regret it...

Chaos: Well the jewish junior mafia is all caught up in his newfound celebrity aspects.

Point: Which is exactly why we can't make it obvious...some of the hitmen want revenge on us.

Chaos: Like they'd kill a cop?

Point: Wake up's not like we give the jewish junior mafia badges and guns. How many jewish cops do you know? Of course they would kill us, cops get killed all the time. You can't trust a criminal faction to have integrity. They would turn on us in an instant if he died of suspiciously obvious.

Chaos: But he keeps writing about the stuff we did?

Point: Let the little bitch bitch. What can one person do against us anyway?

Chaos: I hear he made millions off the internet. He can sue us?

Point: So what, he can never prove it, at least not our part in it. Stupid freaking hospital. Just fix him already...then they might forget about it? Some stupid security guard there held him hostage. I was for that guy at the time, but this is getting crazy now. The whole town feels bad for his face...

Chaos: I hate..?

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