Trax: Confetti or Spaghetti?
Sicco: Pizza or skeezer?
Trax: Must be the reigning remaining...?
Sicco: Or the hapless hooker that gave you hookworm through the cops present to you. Honatron. Right?
Trax: She screwed a cop to unscrew Mountain Dew and biocontaminated you know who...
Sicco: Andrea or Rebecca or sumthing. Bad for hitmen a real radio jockey like me hates the pirates like a fat man hates pilates. Cleu is a radio announcer and understands the same thing even though he loves them hos.
Trax: I wish I could give this hookwyrm to her, make the them suffer a little bit.
Sicco: As a present or an apphrodesiac?
Trax: So good at dishing out intentions without thinking of their consequences...that is why I am on a higher tier.
Sicco: Yeah hitmen when they can't afford to hang their hat!
Trax: Now they are everybody's best friend with a basic tell tale fart. Follow the loser onto the label ladder for the cops to burn rubber.
Sicco: Or more like burn rubber when they see you coming?
Trax: That is some laborious latex my man.
Sicco: I like love from an android, huh dude?
Trax: Yeah I can change the contrast, the picture and the volume. I can rewind and fast forward to the good part with my virgin hand. I'm always tweeking Locamotion.
Sicco: Yeah well Brikxy is pretty hot too? Some say that being friends with you is like a hand job?
Trax: How so?
Sicco: Contexture to confuse to see if you blow your fuse then use double digits.
Trax: I come with no peace white man...
Sicco: Then what trickery Tex?
Trax: That is a super cally frag ballistika.
Sicco: Or fries and a shake from a hooker with a rake?
Trax: Or porn to rape.
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