Thursday, April 23, 2009

Pick Asidz: Fate Call

Cell phone conversation with Bio-Mom...the enevitable incredible!

Veronica: Prose that what you call it? Trax put me on a pedestal and pedal like the Tour de France!

Trax: I feel more like a peddler uncouth playing the fiddle on a griddle...

Veronica: The grid is alive with the sound of smoozic Traxy...when you figure me into the philharmonic!

Trax: So you do love me?

Veronica: Love is half the battle, but environments change the climactic climates.

Trax: And I'm a climactic primate right?

Veronica: You know I feel like a gameshow host on "Wheel of Fortune Cookies"?

Trax: What would my fortune say?

Veronica: Bad if you land on "Pass your turn"!

Trax: Forget about my 15 minutes Mom...Try 5 years of agony!

Veronica: You think living in the limelight is agonizing...?

Trax: You're missing my point...Agony like pagentry?

Veronica: Stop asking stupid questions with snappy answers like I'm "Mom Magazine".

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