New Idea: Critique: The battles between the humans and the machines are so one sided and it never seems like the humans could possibly win with that much carnage, or could possibly overcome so much devistation...
My answer: The introduction of nanotechnologies-such as nanites which could either be put into a human's bloodstream to control computer tech (a la Bloodshot) or jam machinery. Also used to corrupt and manipulate the machines. They could also use nanite patches to infiltrate technologies impassable-(better than explosives?) Use to rewire circuitry and reprogram terminators and other machines...
New Weapons: Electrode Harpoon and darts-electronic jamming device shot from some sort of gun-with the capacity to disrupt machinery-could even make harpoon gatling gun
Acid Launcher and acid rounds for machine guns-can melt the terminators-made out of highly acidic stermonine
Shotgun Electrode rounds-full cased shotgun shells designed with electronic jamming in mind
50 Cals-use of 50 calibers to put more damage into terminators and other machines-bigger caliber means more damage ratios-like use of Desert Eagle 50 and 50 cal sniper rifles-etc.
Nanite Grenade-smoke grenade that emit the nanites in a mist lauched from mortars or other weaponry-to clear area of dangerous machinery...
Emp modules-shot from guns or made into device that emit emps to jam machinery...
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