Weapons: Laser Whip, Broad Lightsaber, pocket/mini forcefield device, entropy band=force resonator headband which enhances force powers, force nullifier device=disrupts force powers on Jedi and Sith, Chameleon gear=changes color aspects to camoflage troopers and wear holo masks, Bayonetsabers on blasters, light saber truncheons=missile launching saber bomb deployed from new fightercraft open with force commands
New Planets: Soth-the sith world and Omegalis the Insect planet
Vehicles: Sith Raider-skycycles, New Empire Mega Tie Fighter=larger version of the tie with more weapons and shields, Z wing=six winged fighter for Republic
New Troopers: Ballisticka Trooper-with blaster bazooka pods on backpack and rpgs also
Tempest Trooper-Warping Stormtrooper with teleporting device and new armor
Tempest Ballisticka-the ultimate warping trooper with missile and grenade launching packs
New Armours: Crystaline Armors fro Jedi-shield from blasters beams
Dark Crystaline armours for sith-same purpose
New Sith Lords: Darth Tarantulus, Darth Tormentus, and Darth Tyranus
Darth Tarantulus=SpiderSith with many limbs and parasitic pods/spores launched off body, that infect enemies with spider larva, controls light knives with force and uses grappling hook + lightclaws
Darth Tormentus=Carrys lightsaber/light scythe combo
Darth Tyranus= Carrys lightsaber/blaster combination
New Force Maneuvers- force bolts that project in a projectile stream like hand lightning and earth moving skills to create mini earthquakes + ground rips-use ground as a shield
Genetically enhance various aliens on different planets to be used as warrior slaves and bodyguards-new look to them ie: The sand people on Tatooine, modify their attributes, like strength, agility and dexterity, plus put control modules on them
New elemental powers for new Jedi warriors...
Battle Droids: Carry force disruptors/amplifiers
Y6p8-new droid with lightknives on it-spins when in confrontation to attack enemies
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