Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Pick Aside's: Street Sweeper

Blank: The thing I like about Trax is that he was first brought up as a rich kid, where I heard about him and hated him. Then after his Mom and Dad split up he became poor, eventually becoming a real street person, not as tough as me. But in comparison to most he was above average in the tough and smart contending of the street and it's beats...

Clyde: Blank is our leader, yet the LightBringers love Trax for some Blankmaster keeps him around as a shield. He says Trax's goodness makes him happy and more powerful spiritually. My own bad intentions reform to a different constitution.

Loca: I hate Blank with a passion sometimes, his condescending bullshit and all. Trax thinks he is political...but the public feels the contrary.

Trax: They say that I am a LightBringer by nature, but it's only natural to have a dark side too. The streets have their own set of rules and behavioral mannerisms. A good guy suffers to that unlamenting disorder. Natural selection defines the abnormal to the curiosity of the coventionalist. With a rythme supplanted by the venture, and a ryhme secluded in the benign...I talk to Streetz about that kind of stuff and he tells me to lay off the disorienting disharmony of the Capitulating Duets and get back to myself. Stature is my reactive...

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