Fernando: I am the wolf and you are the wren, twas this way since time began. As you are the angel that will guide my light, told to me sweetly to besmirch the night. Betwixt reality and obscurity life is but a dream, when you become a part of mine it will all convene. Lyres of the ages are of torrid insurgency, where ill intention undoubtedly defeats all my insecurities. Culturings of the nervous, finding truth in the service?
Angelica: Oh master shrew, I don't know what to do, as I gander at you via vesper's apparition. Finding no quandry to tales of sedition. For it thous that be the seriph and I the goading toad, if thou doesn't make love to me soon. I will explode...but first just a kiss!
Fernando: Within the night I am subdued, a fortlet of dilapidation paid in day's hues. Don't look at this face, oh so mishappen, thy portal to rapture shall break down the door. Whence our soul's serenity is made an actuality forever more...
Angelica: Surly you jest as you are the sordid soldier, of eloquent mannerisms soddered and smoldered, blink once to tame me and twice to prevail. I've investigated the rest to no avail. Your eyes are the true windows to your soul, you call yourself mishappen, because your charm is thence bestial and mannerly trapped in the toll. But like I was a cinder of right demand, together we weave the cloth immortal by my command...per chance at hand, we are ensconced and unhindered. Cause you do much to make me laugh, as we drink from life's charafe, in so much as we can balence infrequent to a candid lifestyle through a chalice. Ending the culturing of malice. Child finding what survey seeks, hiding behind a blade of grass and not finding the man in me for weeks?
Fernando: Coming from a lark that is a bold statement, like a shark roaming the bloody tornado in an overflooded basement. Pantry pandemonium through quintessential guise, my own formality is a suspended suprise. From within a hair's width of my own eccentric vitality.
Angelica: I tinker with much hostility to undo the crone's slanderous ability, of some neglect rampant upon my own sensibility. These are the dues of those I grapple with daily. Does that assurance assuage the brail heave? Of what do you purport?
Fernando: Perplexed is a purpose to set us apart, the misdirections of insurrections are complex undiscernable connundrums belazed and as of that I'm always amazed. Bedazzle twixt tecture so a retarded retort is a penetrable fort made of drawing straws at court, ambrosia to two made of gold such as you and I.
Angelica: Labor within the labyrinth is an unlady like laborism, as I'm enfrequent to entail the catharsis of lamenting tears alocating my worst avoidances unto my trivial fears onset unto reality's wilting fruition. Would you parlay with suitors in a remorsed chorus?
Fernando: My dear voluptious miss...let me now grant you that kiss! (They kiss) My first head to you is all pleasures, to them I surmise much pain in the plain sense of the word. As a torrent of responsibility to them is absurd. But to me it is figurement as only a frail majority common to adorancy grab onto the meekus of habit beseaching their gross, steer themselves with nature's nurturing heredical rudder and attempt to nuzzle you with a faustian defeat...Of their blackened capitulatory defeatism is encapsolated an indifference in slack. On the lethargic attack forebearing enough to backfire in apprendational inopportunitys in unjustified accordances.
Angelica: Backwards awardences in ackward accordances are audience to a repository in the benign, and to that I resign to sign away my vastidious croft in blood!
Fernando: You wear the veil to shield off tooth and nail in sunter's own style! Parched mouth's hopelessness drought by locamotion in a sovereignty's one man ocean of desparaging despair. With you I breathe a breath of fresh air!
Angelica: Truth is found in the timid timing of essence, as I am pity respondant to any second guessance , piety in propriety is a mitigation of vehemeral digressence. The answer is always found in the mold of the untold, as time goes on it has crossed it's own threshold...
Fernando: But oh fair maiden, I sense an outpouring of distress, as I encant you with my own address. Toil and troubles make witches cauldron's brew, a tetrahedron to undue, as I have never sensed such scalding hatred from one such as you...
Angelica: (Sigh) Premise over pretense is a slander unto the heart of the hander and I denounce the fact that I pretend idiocy unto the likes of slithering infantile despair infantly inept in the afforementioned crosshair.
Fernando: (Pause) But I am a quick study and in my heart I take notes, dismissing moats like quagmires of distress, and therefore notes of more interest crevace confounding my mistress into a charlotten's temperal end quote. You may have heard of such as transparent as the unseemly footnote?
Angelica: The sun shines and so sharp is a mind that can distill it's own wheat, as we prattle on I was once a cat...but now I am a bitch in heat! Your lingo is languid and linguidity itself is but a logarythm of the algarithmic persuasion. I hope this divestion answers your question as it is a sound deliniation to dismiss.
Fernando: Proportionate to the love held at bay, to the night's o' the mire, you are truly the object of my desire. Setting my soul on fire, alight with a torso of tyranny unmitigated, as one sound is scorned and then ennebriated...This being the king of upstarts, kindling to a person beside himself unhesitant upon a chorused carrousment of crescendo belayed to those who pretend to know me. Living long and prospering while other personalitys goad me, but I with you and you with me, intermeshing substantualities. Therefore wrough ironing suspence...Press evident unto the unseemly, the pitter patter of rumors abound of delusion's unsound disorientating delerium's having yet to strike, as I am a peddler on the pike.
Angelica: Signal me you phantom! As I will lacadaisically strike a match to do your will. A flint as volatile as having your fill with a filly nightmare. I will lacadaisically do your will, as another man to me is but a poisonous pill! Endowed with your charisma I swallow, falttering fluttering in the mind of a once sleepy hollow I left behind.
Fernando: Take time to make time, little humming bird! That is what the wise say. to the ignorant it is absurd, but to the likes of thee it is a ponderance. As the wise carry quill in hand as another guise afforementioned to the infernal device of time's sand. As the styx river parlays in a devised denial, freys are accosted like the swoon of beguile. Libel wavers are the real vesper of sedition, letting your guard down in such fairy tales. I have a favor to ask you in the mind's eye setting sail? Is it of your own volition?
Angelica: Before I could answer I would like you to realize, the world is an abode and so I theorize, reduction in scale is like salt to the snail. As in it persists that the gate is a somber reduction itself. Serendipidously surrendering to rest in it's right to digress and then once again renewed by enticement's tingle. But you and I are of the cup that drew ace's order, both of the jovial and set to run for the border. As soon as the fatigues run dry, they might give up, but pictured is a hero running for the crup. As a crux is a bane panning left in it's wake, the dally of tempo leaving a temperance to forsake...Undue notoriety is dilluted by sobriety in the sense that it's grandeur is polluted. Euphoric bliss is instigated to insist that reality is but a dream. As with you it might seem...
Fernando: Don't soil me blue like it's in every aspect of everything I do, I am a warrior caring to be exact, don't underestimate the legitamacy in my diplomacy to interact. Cutting away procrastination , I am my own disciple coded with a tudored bible.
Ferdinand: (the Prince's father) (pacing in his Kingdom)-I yearn for you in more ways than you might or might not know , as you do me the curt courtesy to blow. I have the right amount of love's persuasion to bestow, upon the only soul once forsaken to me and now I am hopeful that the gates of heaven are taken with thee...
Fernando: I assume you might become, not unlike the beating of my body's drum, a vessel of pure infatuation. For that is truly what I have sought deduced out of my own reconciliation. Out of mitigated investigations I have to insist, to see the shape of alabaster made into gold, upon the presumptions of the sodden fold. As tranquility is found within seeing your true countenance, it grants me much security, to take you away would beset my best sense of purity.
Angelica: Let me tell you a little secret, before I sense that you tell me you are an egret, flying so high that you can't see, setting your sights on the other fish at sea. Owning up to such acclaimed notoriety, gay in somber's society. Yes I love you silly man! I am the sun that caresses you by right of demand. Infatuation is a dalience of sensuality, to know true love is to experience vitality.
Fernando: Until I come to know your person, I am still a child, strides are weak when miled reconciled. Day by day, hour by hour, knowing your expression but not your power. What kind of moment is true perfection, you might ask? I'm not the one to tell you as the answer is within your grasp.
Ferdinand: (pacing again in his kingdom)-I am not talking to one insignifigant, the gift of knowledge in us both is like the omnipotent! Inquiring inquisitionally about slaves put on a casket, heads a rolling's hellish taskit. Put yourself in your patrons' shoes casting easily away all those which crime subdues. Put on the table are watered down wines, as time portents the innocous fables are left behind.
Angelica: I trust in your protection as I am already with child. Bearing the fruits of someone else's labor trying to abort the babe. I am feeling much ambiguity about being this man's slave. Moxy in approxy sewn to speak, my habitual lamenity, cast of the meek. Pick or choose I know I can't, letting delusions pin pine on happenstance. Ill timed to the calendar of the swell bant.
Fernando: Off coarse is an apprendature's operetic chorus, refrained by disdain it is saddening, I lament the insistual voice of the maddening (talking about his father)...Panderers pilfer wares like satyrs blare awareness, droned in their condoning of melancholy insistence. They devigor the assailed tis, for tis all that is holy and mispronounced. I find them errant to the louse...Mice are like men when on the tip of my beak, seducing me freely I pray to limbo my soul to speak!
Counting on three avenues to my own ends, are precipitous rightings of such dividends. Precipitant rights to the bends, or dire interogatives where it all depends. Gradually graduatory where a warrior so fends. Fangs fence torrence to pamper duality, I am a man of such sensuality!
Angelica: Casual legitimacy flacks to tempers ensnared, by an alacritious tussle of vehemence unprepared. Trusting in the order of the sequence, I'm sure that the eternal chained melody can crawl in leaps hence. Shall it be cooked, overlooked or undo material shed protoform, or is it in such distinct district of manner which I shall adorn? Sublivity's divestion is a question that stands at my attention and setting sail through the gale rends me conscience through a thinly transparent veil. Men infrequent to spear me like the conqueror whale. Great to abate and so I shall embark upon ramparts divine, yet a smidgeon of the unpreparatory is left behind. Individualism's interiors glory shall not tory and falter through time. Rovers inclined are as individualistic to the adhistic mistic minimalism through sands that are coveted blind. Temperances vary such as these when set as prolific intervals, as through the prism the glide glaring at the resounding sound of pinnacles. So cynical as an hourglass hence devising a once forgotten fog, as finally I am now so forth powerless as the wren to the uncivilized dog.
Fernando: Yes, in answer to this jest, I insist you look unto this mirrored mirage from any angle, the mirage of mahogany has yet to untangle. Ascertained in wood and set above reality's quest, I take the idealism of the sublime transmogrified best. Cause trusted are virtues beseached beyond audacity, the dog know no to bite the hand that feeds him or her, fending of a temperance of solacity. Being alone is a kennel enough, a hand outstretched to the wrong person and it's hard to recall a bluff! Hesitant are dues, paid in someone else's shoes, because they worship their own continous formality. They are at odds with their own deliverance's frugality!
Angelica: Gazing abroad, a gazi of a spectre, tortures the mire of the innocous protector, internal hounding of the odds sequestered. For so forward are architects spinning round their feet levitated above the ground. Paying their dues to an unparticular hound. But the hunt is forever ensued, as ll things in proportion seem to come unglued...Anansi and Set, Anubis and the hard kept, pulling on the heated and errantly placard to be unseated. Blankardly tankard to a soothsayer's envisionings. Drunk on old spice it's hard to be nice to retrospective kinds formality. Showing each other ill follied truths chambered of their own divisionings of bestiality. The joke was that each played to stealth, a jester in their own turn, the superlative victim set to burn on a concoction of disconcerted return. A volley of folly forgeting dismissal, is a horrific missile disintended in ways like spending eternity in thorn's thistle.
Fernando: The Duchess of much is in what you have just said, the art of the misled...This is indifferent to the dignified daffodil of which I can never dread. Blooming in session, seasonal to those in doubt, misapprehensions of reason and set in my soil to sprout. Speak on you truthful youthful as angelic as you are, so much of my kind are bereft. You are an uncouthful fortunate as time transfigures the deft. Such matters of the heart, set us apart as others rekindle such misery's fire. Where our intent sets us out of the bire and the aloof set us apart.
Angelica: The compass of glory compressed in your allegory is a manticore of fascination. Alleged allegations in insinuations, as you are above the red sea of misrepresentations. Such was Set, as he was a demon of fire like I am a fire dragon, not such an unseemly serpentus.
Angelica: Blank page to the bloating of brain's euphamisms, metaphors and smiles squander, allusions shizm and so in just causes where the brain tends to wander. What happens to you is in the way of a touching give, you have been hurt too much, gutting out goodness like a shiv. Forelooming ahead and benign behind what interacts with interlopers inwardly severs the interogative of kind. Chastity in thoughts are not blind, although sometimes you cannot purchase them, of this they should know that they stand fit to rationalization. With a steady flow they delve to grow.
Fernando: Living life vicarious on the cliffhanger edge is much like a dagger adieu about nothing. Truthing in the mold which needs to be told, as much as everything is as forebearing as that. Whatever may entail, endearing to a white pale paltrid whale, a configurement of catharsis in being. Friends incise to take sound advice are not addressing the facts. Consternated by a duality that interacts. Needlessly wanton to taking sides, request them to think it over as the wicked bend over to survey a portly potbellied blowhole without guides. A fool is all drool, but a knight errant is valient to entail his own ends. Such as an obstinant person you become when such rends.
Angelica: You are an unibiquitous observer, to put on that life preserver. Instead of becoming a castaway on an isle much ill regarded as death. Casting away the irons wrought from the bygones to not becoming insectual. Innefectually insignifigant as that, I needn't protract the circumference of air. Happy doubts unto those of ill clout selfishly impair the ramblings of those playing devilish truth or dare. Unextraordinary to a tempered chaste, the drink is not to waste as it is too vast as to be set in stone or fire. When dealing with those entire...To berate them is to gain satisfaction, unto my own didactic reaction between both loin and limbs.
Fernando: Taken with a grain of salt, my nightmare has yet to halt and with a spoonful of sugar I must succomb to your onslaught. There is nothing store bought with which can garnish your clovency. For you are unique in for which I cannot tweek, designators abound unbanded. For in such alligator's tears, the crocodile continously veers, and then blatently the others live to steer themselves into a lake of portents parlay. Banterfull bliss is in such I insist that there never remains a credulatory factor taken to my omnious reactor. I go weak in the knees from all those set to please affiliated on the tease, as they descended from alley cat origin. What seperates you is all that is due, not such inofficial news to superficial blues' onset by the coming of fire. In that you are so bright, truth beseiged by my substantial delight, in the dousing of night to ashes. Hearing those morose rumours you already know that the essential is a gold hue, that goes from olive to orange. Gentlemen know that your rake is not a hoe and I have my own allowance of origin. My intentions are pure onset by your allure, set transfixed as fraud talk cometh not from one such as you!
Angelica: Bravo my fair hero! For actions speak louder than words, but if you take off that mask, ever so inclined to ask about a new taxing task. I'll tell you I prefer to dance with the sane over the macabre. So let's see what you can do, over the next passing few, If you are to complete the task. My heart is willing to promote thy grasp with good intentions. I will net you if you don't angle from any promoted point. Collapsed as the goint of a nuance of savory figures errantial. Their might be hefty, not to underestimate as they are quite sunstantial, if put together like shirt and pants. Clothes of tatters so I speak...If that matters to much of the morrow then the sum of the humdrum such is their fair sorrow. My vice disintends reactionary as your disfigurement ends. As in thy peace is peace that I want for my collection. Taking a survey of the ways of war, you haven't even begun. You are fine for a father though you might not know it and to such a priceless prince is left a prize bereft from the guise of one.
Fernando: I guess I have no slovenly return, alas is having the same as having run adrift on bridges to burn as I am the master of none. You have only one?
Angelica: Far be it for verbatum to flow so fierce from the mouth of one so verbose, I dance the dance of the betrothed. Do not linger in farceful appetites of recoil.
Ferdinand (in his kingdom of Spain) (Talking to his assasin)
Indeed I do want to purchase you for such, to you I entrust both the wind and the gust! Chalice's malice sought the golden crup's duo, blankard's did see fit to be through the through without much adieu about nothing. Tis fitting that without so much as a looking glass I can read through this address...
Fernando: My heaven abates as time addresses the cluckoned clock, the boat is at the dock and the serf has yet to understand how I am so entrusted! Be still my aching heart...
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