Monday, August 4, 2008

Pick Asidz: Sand Castle Blues

Gen. Murphy: All right we play "pin the tail on the dragon"! I want every one of you to make a collage of what they think is wrong with the world while on R and R. Using newspaper clips, magazines and other periodicals to do such.

Lt. Anderson: Isn't that a little like sidetracking the soldier's resiliance?

Gen. Murphy: Not while fighting in this war Lieutenant!

Captain Stewart: What lays dormant is kicking up sand like a little kid throwing a temper tantrum in a desert sandbox.

Sgt. Rainier: Is that like having no hands in a leggo utopia? I used to build fortresses and war machines out of them, just to crash them and see them crumble.

Gen. Murphy: Back wehn I was a kid we only had link blocks to use as our building erectors. It's not like I was going to set fire to the wood of democracy!

Colonel Truman: Horticulture is a delinquent hemisphere in the ranks, General! A concrete jungle as opposed to this here sandy castle...

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