Slikx: "Some people say that I am heartless...
Some people call me cold...
To others it's callous...
But to most it's just plain frigid."
I was an orphan growing up, as I switched parents three times, mostly because they couldn't get along and cheated on each other. So selfish and uncaring, as I learned the world to be at a young age! You grab onto family like a cold compress in a sauna when you've had it as bad as me. Family is your's to choose when you are a byproduct of your hapless environment. Genetics are one thing, but the setting is always a refresher to to a naivete innocent intrinsic. Like saying, "You are going to hell because you have been bad." Then finding out that the bottom is a grind that the survivalist should keep in mind. My dad was a collage of who I wanted to let in at the moment...
My mom was a stool pidgeon on a snare. When I turned 28 I created "The Adulterer Magazine". Looking up to the likes of Hugh Hefner and Larry Flint. Having good looking women around is a commodity of the "high life". You have a way to barter friendship to the likes of the common man. You would be suprised to find out that just because a person may be wealthy, they still might be lacking something in a dull moment of "intellectual intercourse". The women I promote are the ones that all men are looking for on an infatuatory basis. A consort to a dignitary of style. Most men I appease are of the low level of society. But "busting a nut" is a sedimentary measure to a hard rock collection. "The Adulterer" started in 95' and is now one of the foremost adult consortiums around the globe. I admit it's a controversial way to go, but controversial sparks a flint to ignite in society's "ode de lamont". I've seen and catered to all kinds...They started by calling me "Kid Kulprit" and now I'm "Mr. Slikx". I contest to a contractual conviction. I read a poem once that said, "The more you lift a muscle through curls, lifts and bends. The more prone you are to hustle through girls, gifts, and beds." I keep myself in shape so I can be an adulterous icon.
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