Monday, October 6, 2008

Pick Asidz: Vegas...C'mon and take us

Trax: Loca did you plug that card counting program into your system's mainframe yesterday?

Loca: Yes, wolf boy...

Trax: Okay then cookie monster, we need to try it out in Vegas! Poker is like the chess of cards...Blackjack is like the pick up sticks to advantage beforehand. I was always naturally good at both and I bet you would have been an ace up my sleeve.

Loca: Well as long as you are nice to me along the me everything an android could dream up. To upgrade herself and such with...

Trax: Don't worry I got a new sponsorship from the Enduro Skiers organization and they loaned me some capital for as long as I endorse and go to sky skiing school. You should try it, but I think your systems might crash under all the strain of falling under high gravitation.

Loca: Well just get me to the spinning wheels of the roulette tables and the slots, cause this robot has to get a new pair of shoes.

Trax: Winner, Winner chicken dinner...Loser, Loser picky chooser as destiny is in the cards...Fate is making leotards.

Loca: What about making an android of Jesus?

Trax: We would need a d.n.a. sample to clone him with...What do you mean, like the son of a mechanical God?

Loca: And a cyborg Santa Claus...

Trax: And a computer tooth fairy? Let's just work on the take....

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