Part 12-Defiled and disheveled
The prince stood aloof, perspiring to know the truth, with medallion of uncouth dismay. Gandering upon a love letter from a land far away. He had never known true love before and that it came in a small package, so embued with sacriment that it taught it's own self sackage. The package once opened, began to sweat much sand, delivered in the vessel of truth from this foreign land. Drifting slowly like a dreamer of orientations half and half, his mother's milk went so sour as to empower the creamer of someone else. Spoiled rotten so it seemed, while hiding in the outhouse of broken dreams upon demand, like a closet of apt corrosion, his soul had gone inland. The game afoot was head to toe with the brazen teaching's aversion. As the letter told of how a caravan of light had come upon rogue's surgeon. Bad news if not for the four brothers of the Paladin, in and out of withersome demand's stead like the cards of desire, puttings putty of the magic hat tin...
Captain, with lance in hand, the Black Knight held sword at the ready. She knew the prince had gotten her letter, word from her mage had come of transmogrify's ironic getty. So it looked like they were both ensnared in the games of man...
The Evil King once again plotted like the finch's canary, plot thickening in his morbid head, all cross and scary. Twas of the day when he would talk to his head assasin, taxing as death's kindred were, he knew they had due satisfaction. To find a new obscure poison was the pretense of the naught, fing fong fang, the poisoner's gang were not easily to be bought. Paralysis of oriental orientation would cut off oxygen to the brain, snakes are charmed sacreligiously through their own disdain.
To be continued...
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