Sunday, November 1, 2009

Pick Asidz: Social Skills for Derelects

Setting: Gridlockx Central Rec Room

Trax: What is proper etiquette?

Blank: It's all about "in the moment" for me...

Cleu: Ditto "Drat Man"!

Clyde: But what if you ignore "good schooling"?

Sicco: An "Edgimacation"?

Servo: "C++ Programming"?

Flipsidz: Picking sides between the lesser of two evils? Trax...? Don't run...!

Trax: Ouch...!

Blank: Oh yeah...listen to him..."bring out the gimp".

Flipsidz: I'm going to superimpose why I kind of like you sometimes...!

Clyde: You android antiquater...or something along those lines...right Blank?

Brainchild: I like hanging with you outcasts...really I do!

Avatare: Insect Repellant please!

Loca: Does not compute?

Sicco: Another booty to loot right sidz? Those kids are maliable?

Flipsidz: I teach them it's what is inside that counts...not the color of your skin...

Sicco: "And watch the money pile up..."

Brikx: And definately not the size of your gut...bleep!

Charma: Mr. Mom got infected by affiliation?

Charisma: Happens a lot to victimizers...right guys?


Luna: Don't defecate where you eat or don't sleep with the enemy?

Traz: Oops...cadet in training?

Styz: Academy award for looking pretty?

Point: What academy?

Chaos: Misanthropic maternals or motherless materialisms?

Styz: Go to "Nuture King" for a thought burger?

Traz: Hey boys play nice! The ladies are listening...

Point: I'm gay...not!

Chaos: Enter the frey as gay prey...nope!

Styz: O.k. tough guy...time for a headbutt?

Luna: Shut up and listen!

Traz: Listen to the lady...

Luna: I said shush Lieutenant!

Back to the Lockx...

Trax: So what is the meaning of life?

Sicco: Isn't Cleu supposed to be asking these questions?

Cog: They call him Cleu cause he hasn't got one!

Servo: We are being tapped...I wonder why Hellbringer? I'll scramble the signal...

Flipsidz: Don't bring hell to the tea party and you won't wind up a "mad hopeless"...I wanted a joint session...all sides of the coin!

Trax: Then why don't you invite my BioMom?

Flipsidz: Cause she has never seen this placeand that is the way I like it! Remember in this abode I call the shots? Home turf homeboy!

Blank: O.k. slugger fatten her up.

Charma: Sister Blister...

Charisma: Shut up...too many hot dogs or one king size?

Trax: If that is what you see in Black sheep...

Flipsidz: O.k. mediator assume the position! Did you get them another juxtaposition Servo? Tune them into a McDonalds or a doughnut shop.

Brainchild: What about a slaughterhouse?

Avatare: Welcome to Gridlockx Junction...service with denial!

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