Thursday, May 14, 2009


I tucked her in and she insistica
That I sit around and smoke some Indica
Tell her about the days we sinned for yah...

Put your thinking cap on and spin the cup
Like a winter's night
Snowflake I feel good for yah...

Sunshine Kat and Moonbeam Dogg
Sitting next to a frog on a log
Critter creatures you know my name
You asked for intellect to play God's game
A bump in the night
A cramp in the leg
Come on baby I'm not a California dreg
They are supercalyfragballisticas...

Just some old tangent listicas
Got the same old blisticas
From walking down the road all pissed at yah...

They made me homeless
They made me cry
They put me here without a second try
They wanted me to become a stat
So I remember someone hit that guy with a baseball bat

They say I'm mental
But it's really them
No one to trim my thought or experience sublim?
Possess me taking turns
Someday you'll feel your own worms

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