God: I hope the lightbringers turn into the Lightbringaz club and the VoidKnights use the starscope on Moon Vegas to isolate the hypzogleam from Necronis.
Uman: Does God favor them over the hellbringaz so much as to condemn the VoidKnightz too?
Ohman: Don't question God Uman! Stand affirmed to his glory, as we are only the small fry of the Universe. Sorry Omnicus your sovereingty...
God: Yes my name is Omnicus and I am the creator of earth world and milk galazy
Uman: Do you see Demons as the polar opposite of the chosen all the time, or do they serve a purpose?
Ohman: Quiet fool!
God: It's alright Ohman, Uman is more daiyaman than you...Come child I will teach you the ways about such mortals. It all started long ago with a feud between the kingdoms of Dracel and Carivian. Between the Soul Legend of the Earth Gragon...Paradross. The enfuriator of the mooncrust that was first soiled. The Ice Dragoon Serquith fueded with his brother Paradross. By his becoming the earth was an archetype for a Sodden Moon. The ice dragoon sought to vanquish such in the Earth Gragon's sleep. But the VoidKnight Seraphos stopped him and told him to avoid his wicked nature. Not to succomb to his sick inherent desire to destroy. The Ice Dragoon summoned the Ickragon who then challenged the earth Gragon to combat. The Ickragon chased him through the galazy to the next StarCross. Thus granting the earth goleme the ability to terraform and grain harvest Solus Lunius. With the grow anulettes the "New Moon Project" would be completed. Such terraformer is the new tech of Prof. Val Hedron and his partner Professor Ridley Sheridan. The two time warrior professors at battle with Dr. Vecotre...the agroviceroy of Sturidicrum.
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