Pick Asidz-Do sidz matter?
Trax: You ever notice the little gleaming specs in the sidewalks around here?
Crux: No only you hold your head down in shame to notice such things.
Trax: No? I mean yes and no. Yes it's shameful that I screwed so many people over in my life's quest for omnipotence and no they seem to be like little diamond specs. What the heck do they put diamond specs in concrete for anyway? Maybe they are just crystals...You know I tried to sell that crusifix with the little diamond in it and the pawn shop wouldn't take it?
Crux: You asshole that thing was to keep away the demons!
Trax: Anyway, I didn't sell it because they said the diamond in it was too small. Still a freaking diamond though. When I switched religions from Jewish to Christian I never thought Jesus would approve of a diamond in a cross or sumthing?
Crux: G sauce, like you talk to Jesus or something? What...? Is he gonna yell at you about it?
Trax: No it's just that Jesus had all his fine things stolen from him by assholes like the romans.
Crux: Don't call me a slanty eyed caesar salad puto!
Trax: Crux, you take everything so literally...remember when you used to be into figurative symbolism? I have a question?
Crux: Shoot fagboy...
Trax: Well I might be new to the whole Christian thang, but I think the cross represents "truth"?
Crux: Or tits and temper tantrums...Targets and trapezes...Tigers and trampolines...Tag and trample...
Trax: Okay I get your point. That the 't" sign could start an idiom for an idiot like you.
Crux: Or an antonym synonemous with sanctimonious sanctuary...
Trax: You would say something like that to hold me at bay...Whay are you always ranking on me? Are you insecure without isolated insurance?
Crux: Nope, just a fool in love with the dis of "Mr. Popular"!
Trax: Poplar grows on trees. Popularity swings in the breeze.
Crux: And you are related to Mr. and Mrs. Freeze Nicecube!
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