Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Pick Asidz: Sucking on a lemon so they say...

Catapult: Do this next scene and I'll give you a cookie!

Brikx: I'd rather you give me a banana...

Catapult: Is that the "fruit of the loon"?

Selene: Better that than frozen spooj on a stick!

Catapult: If I give you a banana, will you do a scene with "King Dong"?

Brikx: I'd rather tickle "Godzilla" for radioactive penis posture's posterity!

Selene: What about a fight scene between the "Jolly Green Giant" and Super Penis?

Brikx: I hear the giant isn't so jolly when his pants are down.

Selene: Why does god put small penises on the really good looking and really big guys?

Catapult: Because nobody is perfect and this business is bereft of an ogre's orphanage, to put it bluntly.

Selene: How come you wear that silly beret and have that soul patch with a cigarette holder in hand?

Catapult: How come the sun shines on silly people? It's my noir of pornology. Get it scat cat?

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