Thursday, February 13, 2014

pick asidz: timid as can be

Loca: so what is it...happy homeland day mike and jen connor live next door?
Maybe josh is scared shitless salem...

Monday, February 10, 2014


Trax: so what do you think I got you...
Or maybe another question...what did he...whoever that He may be...what do you think he will get you later in the same question!

Loving others...

Loving others is expresive...
Loving others is emotional...
Loving others should not hurt...

Love should not be a catastrophe or cause grief in one's self optitude.
Love can be trite or love can be longstanding.
The emotion of love is something that one should not have cause to doubt.
Standing over a longwinded period perhaps...
Selflessness is honor bound, but love can take place bipedally.
Honor resides in pride and to have a free and clear emotional state, is to have a love line that is operationally o.k. That in the end is a loving veration of feelings...
I guess that is the reason why I personally needed to get clean and be able to feel again...consiously and emotionally!

Love...strong...with no careless self doubt!
To: jessica richter

Sunday, February 9, 2014

pickasidz: an adjective for Rhetoric

Trax: You know DavinCi loved the workings of aristotle?
Loca: that supports a good hypothesis street meat...
Trax: seriously though a good detective should also have a side hobby as an entimologist!
Loca: a good detective shouldn't be robotic and believe rumors...
trax: well rumors are word of mouth and not always pretensious...
loca: like your epic poem about the pretensious prince?
Trax: no loc really reality demands conception and everyone not just a detective should always keep an open mind for a good subliminal superlative...