Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Pick Asidz: Attack Pigs
Victor: You like divine swine?
Armitage: It's a joke you dolt.
Victor:Yeah but with you it's some kind of pretentious pacifist thing.
Armitage: You got me there.
Victor: What are you some kind of "British Banana"?
Armitage: I'm more like a poisonous flower says me.
Victor: Then how come you snap at my mishap?
Armitage: You are hanging around Cleu too much!
Victor: Or I'm guesstimating the govnor. You are the lady of bad manner on the hill.
Armitage: And you are the opposite of a chill pill.
Victor: I'm cyonide covered Viagra muchacha.
Armitage: I would like it better if it came in Mango flavor.
Victor: Doesn't that T-Wreker guy work at the "Ravenous Radish"? He is always talking about the sorties he did in the marines.
Armitage: Yeah he knew Flipsidz in the storm.
Monday, July 21, 2008
In the moment
I suffer in much dilapidation
To a man addressing the nation
I want to hear my name without cremation
The actors seem flagrantly uncaring
It's the normies that are more daring
Stick around for "Sodden Earth"?
It's the part that seems to have worth?
Well if you want me to survive
I'll need medication to derive
My little imagination is so big
Like a Black Dove with a fig
I can't shop at the "free store"
In a town with a price
Downtrodden person
Still playing nice...
Pick Asidz: Dog boy and Catwoman
Loca: Here we are "dogboy" and "Gatowoman"...
Trax: Why do you get to be a woman, yet I stay a boy? Am I the peter pan of mutts?
Hoozah in my Mind's Hookah
Hated them bitches and handled them sluts
Flying through the future on a silver cloud
How do I pronounce death's real name
So close to the shrouds?
Pick Asidz: The Love Toad
Clyde: Climax to my max amplification
Sicco: Statue to my fact sue...
Crux: Virtous torture to my own sorture
Trax: Enter the goading toad!
Pick Asidz: Forseuth the Truth
Pick Asidz: Slacker Whipcraker
I think I'm gonna have to snake
Down the drain of broken dreams
Over the host to where the light beams...
From coast to coast
I can't really boast
But a cause is a booster
Making me not such a loser...
Charisma: Pineapple penis
And have a piece of pie
Your still going to be a loser
Till the day you die...
Crux: Oh you freaking hippie cheerleaders give me a lifeache...
The God of California
Is in the dream
Make it a refresher
Like the soul's ice cream
The orange juice gangsters
And telepathic emails
Everything else is worthless in congruency
Slacking their pales
Time to be serious
Time to elope
Time to be a timepath
Not a footnote...
Pick Asidz: Hate Equates
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Pick Asidz: Introducing 3-D
Monday, July 14, 2008
Sell yourself without selling your soul
Setting a pace and meeting that goal
I'm a merchant of material wares
I haven't made a penny, yet I can compare
Every day a little bit
You can pick your nose and have a snit
What do you sell if not pieces of yourself?
It's a lot easier in good health
Value meets all of it's quotas
Down the river in my pagoda
I hate when I meet a pirate ship
I like to navigate myself into my own slip
Vagrant as I am I bring mercantile meaning
Into the future's seeing...
Lack of DaZe of Whimsical Part 7 Rah Rah Go Beam
Lack of Daze of Whimsical Part 6 The Majestic
In a foreign land made of sand, the hourglass tipped over as the new pharaoh stood on a chrome doned hood over a throne made of gold. His advisor told him through a whisper, about the prince afar and the desert's realm's Paladin that had come to his aid. The Pharaoh gave his people warning that in the first light of morning, a caravan would be set out onto the tundra plains. It would carry all it could muster with the wheels turning through the dust or whatever crossed it's path. It would carry a load of precious artifacts foretold to pay praise to the God of the Son. His name was Ra, transcending Allah , a diety construed in constant motion. Apprehending a villian, on the tail of a killing, a hundred men for a hundred pence. The advisor disguiser was really a slave to a king of a foreign affair's order. He sought to decieve and sent orders to the Nomad thieves to assault the caravan's vagabonds. If the wares made it to England's Island, the penninsula of pain, to the Paladin's bane, for he needed the stone of light...
Pick Asidz: Stigmatic
Death and dilemna meet disharmony and dismemberment to a mass quantity.
Andromeda is our leader and Victor is the gamer they call him violent because of the lamer...
See you at the foundry attached to the "love nerd".
Gamma or Delta
Man I felt yah...
Here in the "gypsy mafia"
Involved in the kraut...
Friday, July 11, 2008
The Duke of Biohazard Part 3: Pressure
The Duke of Biohazard Part 2
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Make me personal To: The future cast of "Pick Aside" and 198.3 mil
Pick Asidz: California Crazys
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Pick Asidz: Erotopodia
Pick Asidz: Livid Vivid To: Carrie Fisher
Catch Me if you can
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Pick Asidz: The pursuit of perserverance
Cog: I feel more like I was made with riboflavin and M.S.G. You know Trax that the spanish miss your flavor? You should spend more time with the "Grinderz" and increase your mexican vocabulary!
Trax: I try to devote a little of my time to each of the "Neu Gangs".
Cog: Yeah my crew hates the "Lightbringaz". We are "hellbringaz", but we make the rules to justify our disorder.
Trax: That makes cents!
Cog: Grrr...you make my gonads grizzly...and my machismo mayhem. Whatever...That provoking stuff works better on the blacks. Us spanish are used to being put down and we roll with it on the move.
Trax: Well that makes me a player in that game...take a look at my name.
Cog: I can't believe your mother actually named you that! Must have been due to the California setting. The scenery here is the "Static Anticlimactic"...
Pick Asidz: Flip Sides
Cleu: I think he likes pep in his pepper and no pep is dismal!
Blank: No wonder he likes that Charisma bitch...
Cleu: What about you Blank? Do you think that spice is nice?
Blank: I like how Army knows about guns and weaponry. To me it's a turn on.
Cleu: But isn't she a call girl chasing a climax?
Pick Asidz: Joshy Juice
Blank: Yeah yippie I not a ho.
Cleu: Jimmy cracked rock not corn.
Clyde: And Mary was contrary, but too damn oppinionated.
Crux: I think they confiscated my "Clearox"?
Skatz: Better to be a fan than a player hater? Not when the lights go out...
Trax: I'm self taught and these people are selfish taut.
Porsha: Plain and simple to pop that pimple.
Tangerina: Touche...but don't touch my tushy!
Trax: Don't let love get in the way? Then I would be completely gay!
Lack of Daze of Whimsical Part 5: Abrasive Refraining
Stay away from my parents they are not your crutch.
Material Possession
Or possession of spirit?
It's my personality that makes me...
I know you don't want to hear it.
Put in a quarter...
I'll give you a slow verse.
I don't want to expire of neglect...
I'll spend every penny in my purse.
Reflect upon what is coming.
If I stay patient...
Money buys happiness.
That adage is ancient.
Pick Asidz: It is not about the color of your epidermis
Pick Asidz: The Beautificross
Pick Asidz: Au Natural
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Pick Asidz: Mom's Qualms
Trax: Yeah Mom you hit me in my soft spot.
Veronica: You know our roots go back to the Spanish Wolf Tribes?
Trax: Yeah dad is the lightbringer and you are the "Moon Stalker".
Veronica: It's not like I hunt or hurt other people.
Trax: Moonlight is different than daylight. It's what you and dad taught me. He feels more in touch with the daylight and you like the moonlight.
Veronica: There is a reason for that Trax...
Trax: And I'm sure your going to make up some bullshit on top of facts!
Veronica: "Fact or fiction in my own depiction". Isn't that what your friend Cleu says?
Pick Asidz: Which is craftier? Love or Death?
Pick Asidz: Dogs in a Taxi
Trax: Well we don't call him "Hel Dogg" for nothing. I think I can come up with a spell to make him normal again. I'll do it later...Blank did that to him as a practical joke. I have yet to get back at him...He is one evil son of a bitch sometimes!
Lazlo: Well can I give you a ride?
Trax: You know someday I'm going to have a limo?
Lazlo: But until then you ride Middle Eastern Style. It's cool that you think they should end the war...
Trax: Yeah peace and the "Lightbringaz"...they go hand in hand. That is my own gang that originates from the original teachings of the real "LightBringers". The sect of the "Dreamknights" ...
Pick Asidz: Chato Lato Mi Vato
Spell 2: Pick Aside
Na ne shito accuwa
Pe se natu
Le le datu
Peke siba
Grasto leos
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Pick Asidz: Time and light go hand in hand
In order to understand time you have to spend time in the light.
The dark powers are the arcanum's foil.
The LightCross is about the ecometry of the fundamental power.
Lightspeed breaks through both the time and material barriers.
Ripping holes in the fabric of the chronosphere.
It's all about the way you look at things.
Our good outweighs the bad part of a supernatural lifestyle.
Spell One of "Pick Aside"
zata ero lomo crot
pezo terros lama cot
perto pablis zyon rato
Calamas vecto
Pestus Vesto
Diamas Trag
Pemos lata
semor naga
Invatama vectar
Spit Shine
Knife to abortion
Hated Radical
Face Like a Bull
Tatooed on the Hull
Taken class to dismiss
All that they kiss
Seek and decist
No army to enlist
Compared to my array
I live for the day
Celebrating my birthday bash
Operation Thunderlove
It fit like a glove
Surrendered to the shove
That trembled up above
Mello yello acapello...
To: 50 cent as Mr. Blank in "Pick Aside" along with my rap competition in freestyle called "Spit Shine"
The infinity puzzle
Scattered about
Where to fit in
In my dream's tantamount
Case by case
We create the picture
A scenario of conjunction
As I am a lonely fixture
My piece is amorphous
My pattern has a slide
As you put it in place my whole world fits inside
Infinite possibilities
Without conclusion
The puzzle is a place
To end my seclusion
To: Kiefer Sutherland (I made you a part in my "Pick Asidz" sketch your in the Dynamic Starz Consortium with Brad Pitt as the leader named Slikx with you as one of his top porn directors named "Catapult"-you are a telekinetic and Brad Pitt is a remote viewer along with his girlfriend Andromeda...they see into the future and prepare themselves for the eventual
The Isoscoles Run
Some say what goes around comes around
I say there is a congruence to all things
What you may have or have not found
Consistent to another
It takes two to tango
With life on the edge
It takes more to fandango
Bang Bang Baby
Off to the races
I see an isoscoles
In all of their faces...
To: My stepfather Dean Sloane
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Pick Asidz: Lateball
Skatz: Religion doesn't come from meth.
It comes from math. History revolves in it's own revolutions.
Clyde: Rags to riches and richs to snitches.
Righteous recover in it's discovery.
Trax: Get off "the Sims" arrow of the cyberdweeb and get with brewing this potion.
Cleu: Okay but I need mandrake to make it a timewulf concoction!
Trax: I wanna be a werewulf for a day like "TraxWulf".
Cleu: I need some more blood from Lazzo too...Remember the time that you thought you were a necromancer Trax? You broke into that cemetary and tried to raise the dead back in the day?
Trax: Yeah " Tombstone Forest" was the name of that place. Back when I was in my first gang in my teens we were called "the D.C. Obituaries". Our ruler was the Castmaster Mr. Cast. Blank is a lot better than than that guy was. Blank takes us on suprise joyrides with all his connects. Flipsidz has more clout though because he works for the goverment, and this new guy "Traz" seems to be taking an interest in me and my spellcraft.
Pick Asidz: Sexploits
Charma: What do you want us to do this time my ex and my kids are driving me crazy as they hate and are jealous of you Blank.
Blank: Well I was thinking you all could take a sex quiz starting with Sicco.
Sicco: Oh Blankmaster I think I'm too sexy for this little venture.
Blank: Can it Flatilla the no fun! I want you all to do a phone sex experiment so you can learn to seduce people. Sexual frustration can be eliminated if you follow the right steps.
Loca: You think that I have a sexy enough voice Blank?
Selene: You're too sexy for a strap on or a dihibrilator.
Trax: I wanna do some sound effects and pretend that I'm a "Predator". That should get some of the kinky ones riled up.
Clyde: I think I'll try my chinese accent on some unlucky fortune cookie.
Crux: I think I'll talk Black! "Yo jive monkey you wanna piece of this slurpee"?
Brikx: I think it would be good practice for my porn career.
Cleu: I'm just gonna be myself chulo.
Blank: Well the way you have to do it is through blind faith and a blindfold like always.
It is standard when I take you secret places. Then you can get into the mood, it's kinda like cold calling in sales with a limp donkey. We are all conductors or recievers to the spirit wold.
Pick Asidz: Hey Tweekerbell
But the green stuff is organic to a sodden earth planet made reality and inspired by my dreams...
Pick Asidz: Pure Adrenalizer
Loca: Then I'm a lemon werewolf
Trax: Stupid azole tricks are for kid's at the pet store!
Loca: Stupid razadine breathe easy. Cancer Stikx bad...don't you know that?
Trax: Rest Easy knowing the cures...
Pick Asidz: Nobody's Arrow to Que
I personally believe in the spirit of the hawk to be my spirit guide. I have one named "Talonz". He is really hard to take care of.
Charma: The thing for witches and warlocks these days is to have a spirit companion animal with them to gain positive chi with nature. Good karma is rock solid when you have something positive with or around you. The Gridlockx are well known for that kind of thing, but they aren't as witchcraft oriented as some of the Neu Gang Sects. Chris Cross of who is boss tagging the planet...
Pick Asidz: Coyote Jungle
Trax: But the hellbringaz hate the lightbringaz Blankmaster?
Blank: Just do it Trax and gain some clout with the nightbringaz too...
Flipsidz: So we just lock and load right Blank?
Armitage: We have here the best standard weaponry paintball shell cartridge installed in these custom glocks. You have to wear a vest and a helmut to participate though...I'm rooting for the moonbringaz and the sunseekerz, as they are tied in this division.
Brikx: The Lestropodians are also another team to beat. They are using light neon paint cartridges to Flipsidz team's white ones and Blank's team's black ones.
Selene: Are you sure that this won't hurt too bad if I get hit?
Cleu: You get used to it after a while...the object is to not get hit. This is freaking Malayasia for god's sake.
Clyde: Yeah this is gonna be chill!
Flipsidz: Guerilla warfare without the a killing frenzy attached.
Loca: Does the helmut come with a headphone to talk to other team members?
Armitage: Yup. I am the weapons master in this competition and you can count on the fact that I know what I'm doing...